Francisca Moreno Diaz (1913-2024) validation
The GRG announces the age validation of Francisca Moreno Diaz. Francisca, known as Dona Panchita, was born December 3rd 1913 in Sitilpech, Izamal, Yucatan, Mexico, to parents Francisco Moreno and Elodea Diaz. Her birth was registered on December 5th 1913 and then she was baptized on January 14th 1914. On January 6th 1937, in Izamal, Francisca married Andres Sierra Patron (born around 1904 – 1907). They went on to have at least three children. Sadly, Francisca was widowed in April 1978, after which she did not remarry. She passed away on January 5th 2024, aged 110 years, 33 days, in Izamal.
Francisca’s age was verified by myself and accepted as valid by the GRG today, February 1st 2024.