
2024 Longevity Map in Romania Conference; Bucharest, Romania

On October 9, 2024, the Director of the Gerontology Research Group (GRG), Dr. Wacław Jan Kroczek was present in Bucharest, Romania, where at the Academia Română the conference was held to present the project of Longevity Map of Romania.

The top of the longest-lived localities includes: Pardoși commune, Buzău, Cireșu commune, Mehedinți, Murgești commune, Buzău, Seaca de Pădure commune, Dolj and Glăvile commune, Vâlce – areas remarkable for the presence of a large number of long-lived seniors.

Dr. Wacław Jan Kroczek, international longevity expert and Director of the Gerontology Research Group, an organization dedicated to the study of extreme longevity and the scientific validation of supercentenarians at the global level, was present at the event, who emphasized the importance of scientific validation of the age of supercentenarians – people over 110 – and highlighted the need for rigorous evidence to confirm these cases.

He also highlighted Romania’s potential in longevity research, giving the example of Ilie Ciocan from Vâlcea County, aged 111, validated as a supercentenarian by the Gerontology Research Group. Another example of a long-lived senior was Dumitru Comănescu, born in 1908, who was recognized as the oldest man in Europe in 2020.

2024 ARDD Conference; Copenhagen, Denmark

The prominent GRG figures led by Natalie Coles, wife of Dr. L. Stephen Coles participated in the latest ARDD Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.

It is one of the world’s leading scientific events focused on aging research, particularly in the fields of drug discovery, biogerontology, and longevity science. The conference covers a wide range of topics related to aging, including the molecular and cellular mechanisms of aging, biomarkers of aging, age-related diseases, and potential interventions to slow down or reverse aging processes. A major emphasis is on the discovery and development of drugs that can target the underlying mechanisms of aging, with the goal of extending healthy lifespan and improving the quality of life for older adults. This year, not only it attracted academic researchers and healthcare professional, but also pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and policymakers. Held annually in Copenhagen, the ARDD conference has become a prominent event in the field, contributing to the global discourse on aging and the development of novel therapies for age-related conditions. It is within the mission of the Gerontology Research Group (GRG) to take part in the networking and top-level scientific collaboration, fostering partnerships between academia, industry, and government to advance the field of aging research.

Written by Dr. Wacław Jan Kroczek,

GRG Acting Director for Supercentenarian Research and Database Division

2024 Longevity Summit Dublin; June 2024

The Longevity Summit Dublin was an enlightening and inspiring event, bringing together several hundred participants from around the world to delve into the fascinating field of longevity research. The conference was a rich tapestry of innovative ideas, groundbreaking research, and visionary discussions.

Dr. Wacław Jan Kroczek’s speech at the Longevity Summit Dublin

Natalie Coles’s speech at the Longevity Summit Dublin

Aubrey de Grey speech at the Longevity Summit Dublin

One of the standout presentations was by Dr. Emma Teeling, who shared her captivating research on bat longevity. Her work provided incredible insights into how these unique creatures manage to live long, healthy lives, defying many of the aging processes seen in other mammals. This research not only broadens our understanding of longevity but also opens up new avenues for exploring how these mechanisms might be applicable to human health and aging. Bats are the species capable of exquisite longevity given their body size and other parameters.

Another highlight was the promotion of “The Death of Death” by José Cordeiro. His bold and optimistic vision for the future challenges our conventional views on aging and death, proposing a future where aging can be effectively combated. Cordeiro’s presentation was both thought-provoking and inspirational, encouraging attendees to consider the profound implications of such advancements.

The presence of the Gerontology Research Group (GRG) added significant value to the summit. Our detailed presentation on age validation procedures emphasized the critical importance of accurate age verification for supercentenarians. This is a fundamental aspect of longevity research, as reliable age data is essential for any meaningful scientific analysis. The GRG’s role as a non-profit scientific institution, dedicated solely to advancing knowledge rather than monetary gain, underscores its reliability and the trustworthiness of its data. This dedication ensures that the scientific community can build upon a solid foundation of verified information.

Overall, the Longevity Summit Dublin was a remarkable gathering that showcased the latest in longevity research and fostered a spirit of collaboration and innovation. It was a testament to the strides being made in this exciting field and the collective commitment to extending healthy human lifespans.

We look forward to the continued progress and discoveries that will emerge from the connections and ideas sparked at this summit.

15th Supercentenarian Workshop; Paris, FRANCE, November 2023

November 16-17, 2023 marks the 15th Supercentenarian Workshop Conference. We are delighted to report that five members of the Gerontology Research Group are present: Robert Young (GRG Director, GRG Correspondent for the USA), Natalie Coles (widow of Dr. Coles), Dr. Wacław Jan Kroczek (GRG Admin, GRG Correspondent for Poland and Nordic Countries), Sylvain Grosgeorge (GRG Correspondent for France) and Jair van Dijk (GRG Correspondent for the Netherlands). We learn and share our revelations in order to improve the state of our knowledge on longevity, gerontology, and supercentenarians for you and for the future.

12th Supercentenarian Workshop; Tallinn, ESTONIA, June 2016

In the meeting, hosted by the University of Tallinn, took part GRG members: Robert D. Young, Director of the Supercentenarian Research and Database Division, Dr. Wacław Jan Kroczek, then Administrative Assistant and GRG-Poland Correspondent, Michel Poulain, GRG-Belgium Correspondent, Professor at the Tallinn University, Bertrand Desjardins, GRG-Canada Correspondent and Anthony Medford, who would later join the Team as the GRG-Barbados Correspondent. The discussions circled around the validation of Geert Adriaans Boomgaard, the first supercentenarian, as well as the causes of deaths for Danish centenarians, a study led by Professor Bernard Jeune, and demographic trajectories of aging European population. Later on, the team of researchers went on an unforgettable excursion into the Tallinn Old Town, one of the UNESCO heritage sites.