Contact us

If you know a person above age 110, living or historical, who you would like to introduce to us and tell their story, please contact us.

Alternatively, you can use the contact form below to send us a message directly. Simply fill in the required fields and click “Submit.” We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

We are a non-profit research institution with the history of 33 years activity dating back to 1990. It is our sincere passion to study and create knowledge on human longevity, healthy senility, and the oldest people, yet we face significant costs: website maintenance, research costs, travel expenditures as we cover huge distances to visit those most important to our study, supercentenarians. If you wish to support our research financially, please donate to our efforts, but only if you can afford it. We would greatly appreciate even a symbolic support.

Waclaw Jan Kroczek
GRG Administrator for Case Validation Reports and GRG Correspondent for Poland & Nordic Countries

phone: +48 600 109 523

Bank account:
IBAN: PL 23 1020 2368 0000 2402 0621 8814

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