Elvira Maurno Valladao (1911-2023) validation

The GRG announces the age validation of Elvira Maurno Valladao. Elvira was born December 31st 1911 (claimed December 23rd 1911) in Sao Paolo, Brazil, to Francisco and Rosa Maurno. On January 15th 1935, aged 23, she married Adalberto Vasconcellos Valladao in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo. They went on to have two children – a son and a daughter. On September 13th 1949, Adalberto passed away, leaving Elvira a widow. She did not remarry after. Elvira passed away in Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, on December 29th 2023, aged 111 years, 363 days (claimed 112 years, 6 days).

Elvira’s age was verified by myself and Tiago Jose Silva and accepted by the GRG as valid today, February 2nd 2024.