Age validation of Camille Boudreau (1876-1987)

Camille James Boudreau, affectionately known as Shorty for much of his life, was born October 29 1876 in Kankakee, Kankakee County, Illinois, USA. He was one of at least four children born to Godfrey and Clarissa (nee Regnier) Boudreau.
After crop failures in 1912, Camille moved to Washington State, working as a logger and farmer. He only married once, according to newspaper articles, but evidence shows he may have married a second time – or at least been living as husband and wife for some time and he never had any children.
Camille lived independently until 104, when he moved into a care facility. He was reportedly well-liked by staff and was known for his witty one-liners.
Camille James Boudreau passed away on March 3 1987 in Bellingham, Whatcom County, aged 110 years, 125 days.
His age was accepted as validated by the GRG today, January 25 2025.