Age validation of Emmaline Hancock (1882-1994)

Emmaline Wilson was born April 3 1882 in Statesboro, Bulloch County, Georgia, USA, to Lorenza and Kittie (nee Mills) Wilson. She was one of 12 siblings.
Around 1902, Emmaline married Leslie Hancock and they went on to have nine children together – four of which outlived her.
In 1955, Emmaline and Leslie moved to Florida, settling in Fort Lauderdale. They moved there to be closer to one of their daughters. Sadly, Leslie passed away in the 1960’s, leaving Emmaline a widow.
Emmaline was reportedly very independent into her centenarian years, living on her own until at least 110. She credited her long life to her faith in God, getting plenty of sleep, working hard, leading a clean life, watching lots of television and eating green vegetables and pork chops.
Emmaline passed away on October 20 1994, aged 112 years, 200 days. Her age was accepted as validated by the GRG today, January 24 2025.