Edna Kern

  • Lifespan: Oct. 14, 1900 – Jan. 20, 2016
  • Age: 115 years, 98 days
  • Birthplace: San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, USA
  • Last residence: Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, USA
  • Validation date: Sept. 13, 2023
  • Validation source: Oliver Trim/the Ammann family/Waclaw Jan Kroczek

The Gerontology Research Group is honored to annonce the validation of Mrs. Edna Kern (1900-2016).

Edna Kern was born to a family of Swiss ancestry in San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, USA on Oct. 14, 1900. She was twice married; however she had no children on her own. By 2007 she had moved to Nevada. She passed away in Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, on January 20, 2016, aged 115 years, 98 days.


The case of Edna Kern was verified by Oliver Trim, the Ammann family, and Waclaw Jan Kroczek, and validated by the Gerontology Research Group as of Sept. 13, 2023.


Edna Kern was:

  • the last surviving American person born in 1900.
  • the oldest person in the USA born in 1900.
  • the second-oldest living person in the USA behind Susannah Mushatt Jones (1899-2016).
  • the longevity recordholder for the state of Nevada.
  • one of only 25 people in the USA who eclipsed the lifespan of 115 years.
  • the 5th oldest validated living person as of Jan. 1, 2016, behind Susannah Mushatt Jones of the USA, Emma Morano of Italy, Violet Brown of Jamaica, and Nabi Tajima of Japan.

Edna Kern with her siblings in their family home around 1910.

Edna Kern as a young woman.

Edna Kern as centenarian.

Edna Kern on her 112th birthday.

Edna Kern as supercentenarian.

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