JAPAN: The Gerontology Research Group validates Katsugo Tago, the oldest living person in Tokyo Prefecture, the sixth-oldest living person in Japan, and the 14th world’s oldest living person

The Gerontology Research Group is delighted to announce the validation of Mrs. Katsugo Tago.

She was born in Japan (Nagano) on Mar. 28, 1910 and is presently living in Japan (Tokyo) at 113 years of age.

Katsugo Tago was born in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, on Mar. 28, 1910. At the time of her 113th birthday in 2023, she was the oldest resident of Tokyo Prefecture. 

The case of Mrs. Katsugo Tago was verified by Robert Young, anonymous, and MHLW, Japan, and validated by the Gerontology Research Group on Sept. 16, 2023. At the time of her validation, she was the sixth oldest living person in Japan (after Fusa Tatsumi, Tomiko Itooka, Okagi Hayashi, Tane Matsubara, and Masa Matsumoto), and the oldest living resident of Tokyo Prefecture.

The Gerontology Research Group extends their thanks to the Tago family for the cooperation on the validation process.