Marie-Ange Bernard
- Full name: Marie-Ange Bernard
- Lifespan: 2.11.1894
- Age: 110 years, 88 days
- Birthplace: Quebec, Canada
- Last residence: Quebec, Canada
- Application date: N/A
- Validation date: 23.03.2005
- Validation source: Bertrand Desjardins/Steve Wagler
Marie-Ange Bernard was born in Quebec, Canada on 2 November 1894. She lived in the same province for her entire life.
Marie-Ange Bernard died in Quebec, Canada on 29 January 2005 at the age of 110 years, 88 days. At the time of her death, she was one of the oldest living people in Canada.
Marie-Ange Bernard age was verified by Bertrand Desjradins together with Steve Wagler and validated by the GRG on march 23rd 2005.
Marie-Agne during her 100s.