Jessie Lemon

  • Lifespan: Mar. 4, 1898 – Mar. 17, 2008
  • Age: 110 years, 13 days
  • Birthplace: Georgia, USA
  • Last residence: Albany, Daugherty County, Georgia, USA
  • Validation date: July 4, 2015
  • Validation source: Filipe Prista Lucas/Robert Young/Ilias Leivaditis/Oliver Trim/Waclaw Jan Kroczek

Jessie Lemon claimed to have been born in Georgia, USA, on Mar. 4, 1900; however, the research by the Gerontology Research Group has proven beyond reasonable doubt that she was born on March 4 th 1898, thus she was two years older than claimed in her later life. She spent her whole life in the Albany area of Georgia. Jessie Lemon lived on her own until at least 2006 (claimed age 106, real age 108). In March 2006, she celebrated her 106th birthday (actual 108th birthday) with many guests. She credited her longevity to the Lord, and because she helped others. Lemon said then: “I moved here in a mule and wagon. And you know I didn’t have much. But look at me now.” She was presented with Harley Davidson clothing by the motorcycle group. The SOWEGA Council on Aging threw her a party with cake and her favorite lunch, Krystal hamburgers.
Jessie Lemon passed away in Albany, Daugherty County, Georgia, USA, on Mar. 17, 2008, at the age of 110 years, 13 days. 
Her age was verified by GRG-Portugal Correspondent Filipe Prista Lucas, Robert Young, Ilias Leivaditis, Oliver Trim, and Waclaw Jan Kroczek, and validated by the Gerontology Research Group as of July 4, 2015.

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