In 1904

Photo Gallery for Supercentenarians born in the year 1904, as of July 14, 2020.

Ambrosia Acosta-Teran, 112

Aged 107:
Ambrosia Acosta-Teran, 107

Aged 111:
Ambrosia Acosta-Teran, 111

Photos courtesy of and

February 23, 2016; Ambrosia Acosta-Teran was born in Ciudad Valles, Mexico on February 21, 1904. She currently lives in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. The first verified supercentenarian to live their entire life in Mexico, Acosta-Teran believes work and happiness are the key to a long and quality life.

Ambrosia Acosta-Teran died on August 25, 2016 at the age of 112 years, 186 days.

Tsurue Amou, 113

On her 110th birthday:
Tsurue Amou, 110
This photo was hosted by instagram.

Tsurue Amou was born in Japan on March 1, 1904 and currently lives in Tokushima, Japan.

January 1, 2018; Tsurue Amou passed away on November 6, 2017 at the age of 113 years, 250 days.

Hisa Arai, 113

Hisa Arai
This photo was provided by Takeo Inishie.

Hisa Arai was born in Japan on September 10, 1904 and currently lives in Gifu, Japan.

May 31, 2018; Hisa Arai died on May 4, 2018 at the age of 113 years, 236 days.

Yoshiyo Bessho, 114

Both photos were taken on her 111th birthday:
Yoshiyo Bessho, 111

Yoshiyo Bessho, 111
Photos sourced from and

December 28, 2015; Yoshiyo Bessho was born in Japan on April 1, 1904. She currently lives in Okayama, Japan.

May 31, 2018; Yoshiyo Bessho died on April 8, 2018 at the age of 114 years, 7 days.

Olive Boar, 113

On her 111th birthday:
Olive Boar, 111
This photo was sourced from Facebook.

October 2, 2016; Olive Boar was born in Ipswich, England, United Kingdom on September 29, 1904 and currently lives in Ipswich, United Kingdom.

October 10, 2018; Olive Boar died on August 28, 2018 at the age of 113 years, 333 days.

Lessie Brown, 114

Undated photo:
Lessie Brown

Aged 111:
Lessie Brown, 111

Aged 113:
Lessie Brown, 113
Photos sourced from and

June 14, 2016; Lessie Brown was born in Georgia, United States on September 22, 1904 and currently lives in Ohio, United States.

On May 9, 2018, she became the oldest living person in the United States, following the death of Delphine Gibson.

February 16, 2019; Lessie Brown died on January 8, 2019 at the age of 114 years, 108 days.

Maria Santa Butera-Catalano, 111

On her 111th birthday:
Maria Santa Butera-Catalano, 111
Photo sourced from

Maria Santa Butera-Catalano was born in Chiusa Sclafani, Sicily, Italy on December 2, 1904 and died in the same place on January 14, 2016 at the age of 111 years, 43 days.

Bienvenida Vergara Jaen de Cano, 113

April 26, 2016; Bienvenida Vergara Jaen de Cano was born as the daughter of Silverio Vergara and Vergara Francisca Jaen in Las Tablas, Panama, on Apr. 6, 1904. She married Elias Cano in 1922. Bienvenida Vergara Jaen de Cano celebrated her 112th birthday earlier this month. She is the oldest-known resident of Panama and first validated supercentenarian in the history of Panama.

At age 102
Bienvenida Vergara Jaen de Cano, 102

At age 108
Bienvenida Vergara Jaen de Cano, 108

At age 111
Bienvenida Vergara Jaen de Cano, 111

At age 112
Bienvenida Vergara Jaen de Cano, 112

June 24, 2017; Bienvenida Vergara Jaen de Cano died on June 6, 2017 at the age of 113 years, 61 days.

Bessie Camm, 113

Aged 108:
Bessie Camm, 108

Aged 110:
Bessie Camm, 110

Aged 112:
Bessie Camm, 112
Photos provided by Dr. Andrew Holmes.

Bessie Camm was born in Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, England, United Kingdom on June 20, 1904. She curremtly lives in Rotherham, South Yorkshire.

May 31, 2018; Bessie Camm died on May 11, 2018 at the age of 113 years, 325 days.

Francisca Celsa dos Santos, 115

Aged 89:
Francisca Celsa dos Santos, 89

Aged 99:
Francisca Celsa dos Santos, 99

Aged 110:
Francisca Celsa dos Santos, 110

Aged 111:
Francisca Celsa dos Santos, 111

Aged 115:
Francisca Celsa dos Santos, 115

Undated photo:
Francisca Celsa dos Santos
Photos provided by Tiago Jose Soares Silva, GRG-Correspondent for Brazil, by the courtesy of Mrs. Celsa dos Santos’s family.

July 9, 2020; Francisca Celsa dos Santos was born in Cascavel, Ceara, Brazil, on October 21, 1904 (claims October 22, 1904). Her parents were Raimundo Gertrudes dos Santos and Maria do Espirito Santo. She had six children in total. Her husband died in 1978. Francisca Celsa dos Santos currently lives in Messejana, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil. She was validated by the GRG on July 9, 2020, being the third-oldest living person at the time. In addition, she is the oldest validated person in Brazil.

Jean Christy, 111

As a young woman:
Jean Christy, as a young woman

Aged 105:
Jean Christy, 105

In later years:
Jean Christy
Photos sourced from ancestry, and

May 17, 2016; Jean Christy was born in North Carolina, United States on August 20, 1904.

May 30, 2016; Jean Christy died in North Carolina on May 28, 2016 at the age of 111 years, 282 days.

Hermione Cock, 111

Hermione Cock (23; right) with her husband James Cock
Hermione Cock, 23

Hermione Cock (far right) as a nurse in World War II.
Hermione Cock during WWII

At age 100
Hermione Cock, 100

At age 109
Hermione Cock, 109

At age 110
Hermione Cock, 110

At age 111
Hermione Cock, 111
All pictures except the picture at age 111 are sourced from Shropshire Star. The picture at age 111 is sourced from BBC Radio Shropshire on their Facebook post here.

January 5, 2016; Hermione Cock was born on March 1, 1904, in the county of Wiltshire, England, but moved to the county of Shropshire in the 1920s and lived in the town of Shrewsbury. She married her husband, James Cock, in 1927, in Shrewsbury. During World War II, Hermione became a voluntary nurse with the St John’s Ambulance. After the war, they moved to the town of Wellington, then upon husband James’s retirement, they moved back to Shrewsbury. She died in Shrewsbury on October 24, 2015, at the age of 111 years 237 days. At the time of her death, she was the second-oldest living person in the United Kingdom.

Lilian Cornell, 111

Undated photo:
Lilian Cornell

Aged 111:
Lilian Cornell, 111
Photos courtesy of and

June 25, 2016; Lilian Cornell was born in England, United Kingdom on August 21, 1904 and died in Saskatchewan, Canada on January 11, 2016 at the age of 111 years, 143 days.

Rubye Cox, 111

On the left, aged 22:
Rubye Cox, 22

In the middle, aged 110:
Rubye Cox, 110
Photos sourced from

December 28, 2015; Rubye Cox was born in Arizona, United States on January 31, 1904 and died in Rhode Island, United States on December 2, 2015 at the age of 111 years, 305 days.

Maria Crescini-Carrara, 111

Undated photo:
Maria Crescini-Carrara

Aged 111:
Maria Crescini-Carrara, 111
The undated photo was sourced from BresciaToday website. The photo at age 111 was taken from Giornale di Brescia website.

Maria Crescini-Carrara was born in Riva di Solto, Lombardy, Italy on January 20, 1904 and died in the same place on December 17, 2015 at the age of 111 years, 331 days.

Elisabet Ekenaes, 112

As a young woman:
Elisabet Ekenaes, as a young woman

Aged 108:
Elisabet Ekenaes, 108

Aged 110:
Elisabet Ekenaes, 110

Elisabet Ekenaes was born in Norway on December 26, 1904 and currently lives in Eastern Norway.

Elisabet Ekenaes died on January 4, 2017 at the the age of 112 years, 9 days.

Maria Granello-Grilletti, 111

In the middle, as a young woman:
Maria Granello-Grilletti

Aged 110:
Maria Granello-Grilletti
Photos sourced from

Maria Granello-Grilletti was born in Quinto di Treviso, Veneto, Italy on December 11, 1904 and died in the same place on August 11, 2016 at the age of 111 years, 244 days.

Tsuya Hayashi, 112

Aged 111:
Tsuya Hayashi
This photo was sourced from

May 15, 2016; Tsuya Hayashi was born in Japan on April 26, 1904 and currently lives in Toyama, Japan.

Tsuya Hayashi died on November 30, 2016 at the age of 112 years, 218 days.

Tei Hidaka, 111

As a young woman:
Tei Hidaka, as a young woman

In her final years:
Tei Hidaka, in her final years

Tei Hidaka, in her final years

Tei Hidaka, in her final years
Photos sourced from and

Tei Hidaka was born in Japan on February 27, 1904 and died in the same country on October 1, 2015 at the age of 111 years, 216 days.

Katsue Hiraishi, 113

Aged 106:
Katsue Hiraishi, 106

Aged 107:
Katsue Hiraishi, 107

On her 111th birthday:
Katsue Hiraishi, 111
Both photos sourced from

February 10, 2016; Katsue Hiraishi was born in Japan on June 9, 1904 and currently lives in Tokushima, Japan.

January 1, 2018; Katsue Hiraishi passed away on November 6, 2017 at the age of 113 years, 150 days.

Emma Hough, 112

Aged 21:
Emma Hough, 21

Undated photo:
Emma Hough

Aged 110:
Emma Hough, 110
Photos courtesy of and

September 26, 2016; Emma Hough was born in Iowa, United States on December 2, 1904 and died in Iowa on June 18, 2016 at the age of 111 years, 199 days.

Nugi Ikeda, 112

Nugi Ikeda

Nugi Ikeda
Photos courtesy of

December 18, 2015; Nugi Ikeda was born in Japan on April 1, 1904. She currently lives in Saga, Japan.

June 17, 2016; Nugi Ikeda died on June 8, 2016 at the age of 112 years, 68 days.

Tetsu Ishii, 112

Aged 109:
Tetsu Ishii, 109

June 10, 2016; Tetsu Ishii was born in Iwate, Japan on September 15, 1904 and currently lives in Aomori, Japan.

March 7, 2017; Tetsu Ishii passed away in Aomori, Japan on March 4, 2017 at age of 112 years 170 days. She is the oldest person ever from Aomori.

Tomoe Iwata, 114

Aged 109:
Tomoe Iwata, 109

Tomoe Iwata, 109

Aged 113:
Tomoe Iwata, 113
Photos courtesy of Stefan Maglov, and

Tomoe Iwata was born in Japan on March 25, 1904. She currently lives in Iwate, Japan.

May 31, 2018; Tomoe Iwata died on April 13, 2018 at the age of 114 years, 19 days.

Shingo Kitamura, 110

Photo courtesy of
Shingo Kitamura

Shingo Kitamura was born in Nagasaki, Japan on March 18, 1904. He went into limbo on September 15, 2014 at the age of 110.

April 11, 2018; Shingo Kitamura died on December 30, 2014 at the age of 110 years, 287 days.

Tazuyo Kobayashi, 111

Tazuyo Kobayashi
Tazuyo Kobayashi

Aged 111:
Tazuyo Kobayashi, 111

Photos courtesy of and Instagram.

April 15, 2018; Tazuyo Kobayashi was born in Japan on January 25, 1904 and died in Hyogo, Japan on December 7, 2015 at the age of 111 years, 316 days.

Edna Lawler, 112

Aged 106:
Edna Lawler, 106

Aged 110:
Edna Lawler, 110

Aged 111:
Edna Lawler, 111
The photo at age 106 was provided by a family member. The photo at 110 was taken from a feature on ABC television. The photo at 111 was taken from an article in Southland News newspaper.

Edna Lawler was born in Indiana, United States on January 13, 1904. She currently lives in Illinois.

Edna Lawler died on January 31, 2016 at the age of 112 years, 18 days.

Filomena Marongiu-Marongiu, 111

Aged 106:
Filomena Marongiu-Marongiu, 106

Aged 110:
Filomena Marongiu-Marongiu, 110

Aged 111:
Filomena Marongiu-Marongiu, 111

Filomena Marongiu-Marongiu was born in Villanova Monteleone, Sardinia, Italy on October 23, 1904 and died in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy on February 23, 2016 at the age of 111 years, 123 days.

Huguette Masson, 113

Aged 109:
Huguette Masson, 109

Huguette Masson was born in Pays de la Loire, France on June 27, 1904. She currently lives in Pays de la Loire.

April 6, 2018; Huguette Masson died on March 5, 2018 at the age of 113 years, 251 days.

Shin Matsushita, 115

Aged 110:
Shin Matsushita, 110

Shin Matsushita, 110

Aged 115:
Shin Matsushita, 115
Photos courtesy of

Shin Matsushita was born in Japan on March 30, 1904. She currently lives in Miyagi, Japan.

January 1, 2020; Shin Matsushita died on 27 August 2019 at the age of 115 years, 150 days.

Maria Mattivi-Mattivi, 111

Aged 104:
Maria Mattivi-Mattivi, 104

On her 111th birthday:
Maria Mattivi-Mattivi, 111
Photos courtesy of and

September 9, 2016; Maria Mattivi-Mattivi was born in Trentino-Alto Adige, Austria-Hungary (now Italy) on November 29, 1904 and died in Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy on May 29, 2016 at the age of 111 years, 182 days.

Choki Miyagi, 111

Aged 107:
Choki Miyagi, 107

Undated photo:
Choki Miyagi

Aged 111:
Choki Miyagi, 111
Photos courtesy of and

Choki Miyagi was born in Japan on November 15, 1904 and died in Okinawa, Japan on August 7, 2016 at the age of 111 years, 266 days.

Luzia Mohrs, 113

Photos courtesy of the SND (Sisters of Notre-Dame) website.
Luzia Mohrs

Aged 111:
Luzia Mohrs, 111

Aged 113:
Luzia Mohrs, 113

Luzia Mohrs, 113

Luzia Mohrs was born in Germany on March 23, 1904. She currenty lives in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

January 1, 2018; Luzia Mohrs passed away on October 16, 2017 at the age of 113 years, 207 days.

Avelina Mouzo Leis, 113

On her 112th birthday:
Avelina Mouzo Leis, 112

Avelina Mouzo Leis, 112
These photos were sourced from the Spanish newspaper La Voz de Galicia.

June 27, 2017; Avelina Mouzo Leis was born in Vilar, Cereixo, Vimianzo, Galicia, Spain on December 27, 1904 and currently lives in Campo do Outeiro, A Ponte do Porto, Camarinas, Spain.

January 1, 2018; Avelina Mouzo Leis passed away on December 28, 2017 at the age of 113 years, 1 day.

Virginia Secundina Moyano, 113

In 2013:
Virginia Secundina Moyano, 109

On her 111th birthday:
Virginia Secundina Moyano, 111
Photos sourced from and

January 2, 2016; Virginia Secundina Moyano was born in Cordoba, Argentina on May 17, 1904. She currently lives in San Jose, La Rioja, Argentina.

June 24, 2017; Virginia Secundina Moyano died on June 20, 2017 at the age of 113 years, 34 days.

N.A., 112


N.A. was born in Illinois, United States on November 3, 1904 and currently lives in Illinois.

April 11, 2018; N.A. died on July 28, 2017 at the age of 112 years, 267 days.

Francisco Nunez-Olivera, 113

In his final years:
Francisco Nunez-Olivera

On his 113th birthday:
Francisco Nunez-Olivera, 113
Photos courtesy of Charles Ragsdale and

February 14, 2018; Francisco Nunez-Olivera was born in Bienvenida, Extremadura, Spain on December 13, 1904 and died in the same place on January 29, 2018 at the age of 113 years, 47 days. Nunez-Olivera became the oldest man in the world following the death of Israel Kristal on August 11, 2017. He is also the second-oldest Spanish man ever behind Joan Riudavets-Moll.

He was known fondly as “Marchena”, a nickname given to him when a boy mistook him for the famous Spanish singer, Pepe Marchena. When he was 19, he joined the army and went to Morocco. He had four children, nine grandchildren, and 14 great-grandchildren, all of whom were alive at the time of his 110th birthday.

The verification of this case proved problematic as a number of highly important documents are believed to have been lost or destroyed in wartime. We were eventually able to accept the case based on proxy validation methods, including finding military enlistment records that referenced the original birth records.

Kuni Onose, 113

Aged 102:
Kuni Onose, 102
Photo sourced from

Kuni Onose was born in Japan on December 31, 1904 and currently lives in Ibaraki, Japan.

February 15, 2018; Kuni Onose died on February 5, 2018 at the age of 113 years, 36 days.

Marie-Antoinette Radix, 112

On her 108th birthday:
Marie-Antoinette Radix, 108

On her 109th birthday:
Marie-Antoinette Radix, 109

On her 110th birthday:
Marie-Antoinette Radix, 110

Aged 111:
Marie-Antoinette Radix, 111

On her 112th birthday:
Marie-Antoinette Radix, 112
Photos sourced from Le Progres.

April 12, 2017; Marie-Antoinette Radix was born in Rhone-Alpes, France on December 7, 1904 and died on April 8, 2017 at the age of 112 years, 122 days.

Ana Sara Marquez de Ramirez, 112

Aged 104:
Ana Sara Marquez de Ramirez, 104

Aged 109:
Ana Sara Marquez de Ramirez, 109

On her 110th birthday:
Ana Sara Marquez de Ramirez, 110

On her 111th birthday:
Ana Sara Marquez de Ramirez, 111
Photos sourced from

May 4, 2016; Ana Sara Marquez de Ramirez was born in Colombia on July 25, 1904. On November 8, 2015, she passed the final age of Daniel Guzman-Garcia and became the oldest verified person ever from Colombia.

Ana Sara Marquez de Ramirez died on August 27, 2016 at the age of 112 years, 33 days.

Lucile Randon, 112

Aged 108:
Lucile Randon, 108

Aged 109:
Lucile Randon, 109

Aged 110:
Lucile Randon, 110

Two days before her 112th birthday:
Lucile Randon, 112

Lucile Randon, 112

October 27, 2016; Lucile Randon was born in Ales, Languedoc-Roussillon, France on February 11, 1904 and currently lives in Toulon, Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur, France.

Gabrielle Valentine des Robert, 114

In the middle with her younger brother (left) and her older sister (right):
Gabrielle Valentine des Robert

Aged 12:
Gabrielle Valentine des Robert, 12

Aged 39:
Gabrielle Valentine des Robert, 39

Aged 100:
Gabrielle Valentine des Robert, 100

Aged 114:
Gabrielle Valentine des Robert, 114
All photos provided by her family.

May 3, 2018; Gabrielle Valentine des Robert was born in Meuse, France on June 4, 1904. She currently lives in Nantes, Loire-Atlantique department, Pays de la Loire, France.

February 16, 2019; Gabrielle Valentine des Robert died on December 3, 2018 at the age of 114 years, 182 days.

Mumeno Sakurai, 112

Mumeno Sakurai

October 15, 2015; Mumeno Sakurai was born in Japan on February 7, 1904. She currently lives in Gunma, Japan.

Mumeno Sakurai died on August 26, 2016 at the age of 112 years, 201 days.

Tomo Sato, 111

Tomo Sato
This photo was sourced from

June 3, 2016; Tomo Sato was born in Japan on September 6, 1904. She currently lives in Iwate, Japan.

June 24, 2017; Tomo Sato went into limbo in March 2016 at the age of 111.

Tameko Shijo, 112

Aged 102:
Tameko Shijo, 102

Aged 109:
Tameko Shijo, 109

Aged 111:
Tameko Shijo, 102

Tameko Shijo, 111
The first three photos were sourced from the Kimochi website. The final photo was provided by Jane Kim.

December 13, 2015; Tameko Shijo was born in Japan on January 1, 1904. She emigrated to the United States as a young woman and currently lives in San Francisco, California, United States.

June 24, 2017; Tameko Shijo went into limbo in June 2016 at the age of 112.

Kamada Shimabukuro, 112

Kamada Shimabukuro
This photo was sourced from Twitter.

Kamada Shimabukuro was born in Japan on December 20, 1904 and currently lives in Okinawa, Japan.

Mumeno Shirai, 112

In September 2015, aged 111:
Mumeno Shirai, 111
Photo courtesy of

Mumeno Shirai was born in Japan on May 19, 1904 and died in Kagawa, Japan on May 28, 2016 at the age of 112 years, 9 days.

Corine Snow, 112

Undated photo:
Corine Snow

On her 111th birthday:
Corine Snow, 111
Photos sourced from Front Porch News Texas and Facebook.

Corine Snow was born in Texas, United States on December 1, 1904. She currently lives in Texas.

Corine Snow died on December 5, 2016 at the age of 112 years, 4 days

Mitsue Taiji, 111

Mitsue Taiji
Photo courtesy of

Mitsue Taiji was born in Japan on March 10, 1904. She currenty lives in Hyogo, Japan.

Mitsue Taiji is believed to have passed away. While her death has not yet been officially confirmed, she most likely died on January 26, 2016 at the age of 111, 322 days.

Take Tanaka, 111

Take Tanaka

Take Tanaka
Photos courtesy of and

March 11, 2016; Take Tanaka was born in Japan on April 21, 1904. She currently lives in Osaka, Japan.

June 24, 2017: Take Tanaka went into limbo on 28 March 2016 at the age of 111.

Kiku Usami, 113

As a young woman:
Kiku Usami, as a younger woman

As an older woman:
Kiku Usami, as a older woman
Photos sourced from

June 24, 2017; Kiku Usami was born in Japan on September 1, 1904 and currently lives in Niigata, Japan.

April 6, 2018; Kiki Usami died on February 26, 2018 at the age of 113 years, 178 days.

Dorothy Wagner, 111

As a young woman:
Dorothy Wagner, as a young woman

Aged 23:
Dorothy Wagner, 23

In later years:
Dorothy Wagner
Photos courtesy of and

May 30, 2016; Dorothy Wagner was born in Illinois, United States on September 2, 1904. She currenty lives in Arkansas.

June 24, 2017; Dorothy Wagner went into limbo on 21 June 2016 at the age of 111.

Vera Van Wagner, 113

Aged 22:
Vera Van Wagner, 22

On her 110th Birthday:
Vera Van Wagner, 110

On her 111th Birthday:
Vera Van Wagner, 111
Photos courtesy of and

January 28, 2016; Vera Van Wagner was born in New York, United States on May 24, 1904. She currenty lives in New York.

October 15, 2017; Vera Van Wagner died on September 8, 2017 at the age of 113 years, 106 days.

Ilse Weiszfeld, 112

Aged 4, on her mothers lap:
Ilse Weiszfeld, 4

Aged 18:
Ilse Weiszfeld, 18

On her wedding day:
Ilse Weiszfeld, on her wedding day

Aged 109:
Ilse Weiszfeld, 109

On her 111th birthday:
Ilse Weiszfeld, 111
Photos courtesy of Monique Meier, a daughter of Ilse Weiszfeld.

August 2, 2016; Ilse Weiszfeld was born in Vienna, Austria-Hungary (now Austria) on October 16, 1904. She currently lives in France and is the oldest living Austrian born person.

As a young girl, she was a brilliant student and a very sporty young girl who belonged to the HA-KOAH, a sports club for young Jews where she entered swimming competitions (and at times was a trainer) and also went hiking and skiing. Her family believe her long and healthy life was inspired by sporty, healthy youth.

She met her husband in 1927. She was an active musician and played the piano but she knew, being Jewish, there was no future for her as a concert pianist. So she turned to language studies (French and English) and this turned out to be a great help when, with her husband , they decided to leave Austria because of the economic and antisemitic situation and moved to France to start a new life in 1933.

There they started a small factory for ladies’ underwear and were very successful for a few years. While her husband dealt with creating and selling new models, she oversaw the running of the workshop.

When the Anschluss broke out, they managed to get most of their family out of Austria in time and they all went into hiding in Lyon from 1940-41 until the end of WWII. They were helped by French friends who gave them their own IDs, at the risk of their own lives. Thus Ilse, who spoke French very well, was free to move around (unlike the rest of the family who hardly spoke the language) and worked hard to find food on the Black Market for the family. For example, her elderly parents hid away for a time in an psychiartric asylum and her small daughter hidden away in a small village in the Alps, a highly dangerous centre for the French Partisans.

After the war, Ilse went back to Paris, where they had to start from scratch, the factory having been totally vandalised and their apartment emptied and occupied by someone not entitled to it at all. Thus it took them some time to recover from the shock of the war and the lack of immediate prospects at the end of it. But Ilse was a fighter and showed her guts by having the second child she had so longed for. Times remained tough: nothing was available, neither machines nor material to produce underwear, but they managed with the help of some of their former clients. After some time, they finally got the underwear production going again and recoverd their flat.

In the following period they worked hard to make a good living, raise their family and their grandchildren in later years. Every Winter, remembering their sporty youth, they would rent a large flat in the mountains (French or Swiss Alps) and have the whole family spend a Winter holiday with them. Ilse skied until she was 75.

Upon retirement, they left Paris for a beautiful house in the suburbs where they welcomed family and friends in an ever-open house. Ilse remained very active, coming into the city twice a week to play bridge and attend sewing classes. She also baked regularly for her family.

At the age of 105, she moved back into the city, closer to her children and remained in her own flat for a few years, enjoying her daily walks in the Luxembourg Gardens, the hairdresser, the beauty parlor, the magazine kiosk, the shops and restaurants.

Aged 111, she is a resident in a brand-new home of which she was the first inhabitant, so that she is considered the “boss” of the place – and also the mascot, since she is, by far, the oldest resident! She still goes for a walk most days, reads a lot of magazines (without glasses!) and still speaks three langages fluently, but unfortunately her poor hearing prevents her from socializing as much as she would like to.

April 11, 2018; Ilse Weiszfeld died on April 22, 2017 at the age of 112 years, 188 days.

Tane Yonekura, 114

Tane Yonekura
This photo was sourced from

May 15, 2016; Tane Yonekura was born in Japan on May 2, 1904 and currently lives in Kagoshima, Japan.

May 31, 2018; Tane Yonekura died on May 19, 2018 at the age of 114 years, 17 days.

Masamitsu Yoshida, 112

Masamitsu Yoshida

April 8, 2018; Masamitsu Yoshida was born in Japan on May 30, 1904 and died in Tokyo, Japan on October 29, 2016 at the age of 112 years, 152 days.

Grace Young, 111

Grace Young
This photo was sourced from

Grace Young was born in Pennsylvania, United States on January 28, 1904 and died in the same state on August 4, 2015 at the age of 111 years, 188 days.