In 1901
Photo Gallery for Supercentenarians born in the year 1901, as of August 1, 2018.
Odette Ambuhler, 111
May 27 2012; Madame Odette Ambuhler was born in France on September 17, 1901.
January 26, 2015; Odette Ambuhler passed away on December 31, 2012 at age 111 years, 105 days.
Olympe Amaury, 113
August 16, 2013; Olympe Amaury was validated by Gerontology Research Group on January 10, 2012. Olympe Vignel was born in Tracy sur Loire, Burgundy, France, on June 19, 1901. She married Gaspard Bernard Amaury in Tracy sur Loire on May 31, 1924. She lives in Amilly, Loiret Department, France. She is currently France’s oldest person.
Pictured (center) at her 111th birthday with her son, Claude (right of her; her left)
Pictured (right) at age of 112 after the death of the previous oldest French person, Mrs. Suzanne Burrier, with her son Claude (left).
June 24, 2017; Olympe Amaury died on May 12, 2015 at the age of 113 years, 327 days.
Eudoxie Baboul, 113
November 7, 2013: Eudoxie Baboul was born on October 1, 1901, in French Guiana, an overseas region and department of France located in South America. She currently lives in the commune of Matoury, a suburb of Cayenne, the capital city of French Guiana.
At age 110
At age 112
Eudoxie Baboul died on July 1, 2016 at the age of 114 years, 274 days.
Rosa Bandini-Alberghi, 112
April 13, 2012; Mrs. Rosa Bandini-Alberghi was born in Italy on September 11, 1901 Click on the photo for more details if you can read Italian.
January 26, 2015; Rosa Bandini-Alberghi passed away on June 12, 2014 at age 112 years, 274 days.
Edna Bowman, 112
October 20, 2011; Mrs. Edna Bowman was born in Maine on June 3, 1901. She currently resides in North Carolina. She is shown in the photo at age 107 with her Grand daughter, Ms. Kathleen Larochelle. Her Great Grand Daughter, Ms. Leah Merrifield, is not shown. Edna has not yet been validated.
February 27, 2013; Edna Bowman is now validated.
May 4, 2014; We belatedly learned that Edna Bowman had passed away on April 19, 2014, in North Carolina, at the age of 112 years 320 days.
Frank Woodruff Buckles, 110
February 28, 2011; Mr. Frank Buckles was born on February 1, 1901 and died yesterday at age 110 years, 26, days. Click on the first photo for his Wikipedia entry. Click on the second photo for an Obituary in the Los Angeles Times. Mr. Buckles was one of more than 4 million Americans who served during World War I; he drove ambulances in France and was later a civilian prisoner of war during Japan’s invasion of the Philippines in WW- II. Click for those who may wish to donate to The Frank Buckles Legacy.
Caecilia Buchinger, 110
On her 105th birthday:
July 7, 2012; Caecilia Buchinger, shown with the Mayor of Salburg, was born in Austria on September 27, 1901.
The first photo was sourced from
August 8, 2012; We are sad to report that Caecilia Buchinger passed away on August 6, 2012 at age 110 years, 314 days.
Suzanne Burrier, 112
May 1, 2012; Madame Suzanne Burrier was born in FRANCE on March 14, 1901.
July 14, 2013; We learned that Suzanne Burrier, doyenne of France since May 28, 2013 (pictured on May 29th, courtesy of La Montague), had died early this morning, in Allier Department, France. She lived to 112 years 122 days.
Marietta Capizzi, 112
October 28, 2012; Marietta Capizzi was born in ITALY on January 30, 1901 and presently resides on Long Island in New York.
November 12, 2013; We are sad to report that Mrs. Marietta Capizzi passed away on November 10, 2013 at age 112 years 284 days.
Rosina Carli, 110
August 24 , 2011; Ms. Rosina Carli was born in Italy on April 23, 1901 and now lives in France.
October 11, 2011; We are sad to report that Ms. Carli passed away on October 8, 2011 at age 110 years, 168 days.
Elda Cattoni-Redaelli, 110
December 26, 2011; Elda Cattoni-Redaelli was born in Austria (now Italy) on July 20, 1901 and passed away on August 9, 2011 at age 110 years, 20 days.
Claude Choules, 110, Oldest WW-I Veteran
May 5, 2011; Our GRG Australian Correspondent, Prof. John McCormack, Senior Lecturer in Health Sciences at La Trobe University in Melbourne AUSTRALIA informed us by way of Mr. Choules’ Son, that Mr. Claude Choules passed away today. Click on the photo for more details of his life (although there is a misspelling of his last name).
July 25, 2011; Mr. Choules was born in England on March 3, 1901; he passed away in Australia on May 5, 2011 at age 110 years, 63 days.
Beulah Christie, 111
April 26, 2011; Mrs. Beulah Christie was born on August 25, 1901 and presently lives at “The Emeritus at Melbourne” in Melbourne, FL. She was the brightest supercentenarian we have ever encountered, since she not only led a very busy social life but also completed my sentences during the Informed Consent Process, which is very unusual. – – Stephen Coles
Here’s another picture of Beulah Christie provided by the family:
January 20, 2013; Gerontology Research Group are saddened to report the death of Beulah Christie this morning after she acquired pneumonia and then a stroke. She lived to 111 years, 148 days.
Ruby Clawson, 111
July 21, 2012; Ruby Clawson was born as Ruby Robinson in Rogers, Arkansas, on July 15, 1901. She married Cecil Lyle Clawson on June 20, 1924. They lived in Missouri and Arizona, and then moved to Solana Beach, California, in the early 1970s and she lived there for about 30 years until 2004. Now she lives at Emeritus in Carmel Valley, CA.
Click on the photo below for her 109th birthday article by Emeritus Senior Living:
Click on her photo below (taken at her 110th birthday) for more details about her 111th birthday from the Del Mar Times.
Saturday, November 17, 2012; 3:45 PM PST; Dr. Coles interviewed Ms. Edie Harrison (Legal Guardian), and Ruby Clawson in San Diego, CA. The third photo was taken when Ruby was in her early 20’s back in Arkansas.
June 13, 2013; This case has now been validated as of today.
January 5, 2016; Ruby Clawson reportedly died on February 11, 2013. The GRG is still awaiting receipt of the death record before this is official.
Blanche Coward, 110
October 6, 2014; Blanche Coward was born on December 17, 1901 in England, United Kingdom. She emigrated from England to Australia with her family at the age of 12. Coward was to work for most of her life as a sales assistant. After marrying at the age of 40, she had no children and said the secret to her longevity was simply “good genetics. It’s just the way you’re born, it’s got to be.” Coward passed away on February 28, 2012 at the age 110 years, 73 days.
Giuseppina Danesin-Turri, 110
December 9, 2011; Giuseppina Danesin-Turri of Italy was born on June 24, 1901 and passed away on August 30, 2011 at age 110 years, 67 days. She is shown here at a birthday party with her extended family.
Maria De Jaeger, 110
July 20 , 2011; Maria De Jaeger was born in Belgium on January 15, 1901 and passed away on April 30, 2011 at age 110 years, 105 days.
Olive Deschamps, 111
July 17 , 2011; Olive Deschamps was born in France on February 22, 1901.
September 26, 2012; We are sad to report that Madam Olive Deschamps passed away on September 18, 2012 at age 111 years, 209 days.
Esther Ecklund, 112
Pictured (right) with her great-grandson, James “Jimmy” Ecklund (left)
Pictured (left) with Natalie Coles, phlebotomist, on right (Dr. Coles’s wife)
August 16, 2013: Esther Ecklund was born October 28, 1901, as Ester Linnea Ingeborg Fagerstroem, in Norra Sandsjoe, Joenkoeping County (Laen), Sweden. She emigrated to the United States on April 16, 1913 and settled in Chautauqua County, New York. She married Aleck Ecklund, a Swedish, on December 14, 1921 in Frewsburg, Chautauqua County, New York. She lives in Long Beach, California.
March 13, 2014: GRG was informed by the family that Esther Ecklund passed away yesterday in California. She lived to 112 years 135 days.
Maud Ellis, 111
July 31, 2012; Maud Ellis, was born in England on September 28, 1901.
January 26, 2015; Maud Ellis passed away on December 14, 2012 at age 111 years, 77 days.
Francisco Fernandez, 111
December 4, 2011; Sr. Francisco Fernandez was born in Spain on July 24, 1901
December 10, 2011; If you read Spanish, click for two articles from the local newspaper – – Diario de Leon: (1) and (2).
September 11, 2012; We are sad to report that Sr. Francisco Fernandez passed away on September 7, 2012 at age 111 years, 45 days.
Rosa Frau-Cuga, 111
February 25, 2012; Rosa Frau-Cuga was born in Italy on August 12, 1901.
February 15, 2013: We are sad to report that Rosa Frau-Cuga died yesterday at the age of 111 years and 186 days.
Natsuko Fujiwara, 112
Aged 111:
January 2, 2017; Natsuko Fujiwara was born in Japan on September 29, 1901 and died in Hiroshima, Japan on January 23, 2014 at the age of 112 years, 116 days.
Koito Furukawa, 113
October 12, 2014; Koito Furukawa was born in Japan on May 8, 1901 and passed away in Tokushima, Japan on October 11, 2014 at the age of 113 years, 156 days.
Francisca Garcia-Torres, 112
April 20, 2012; Sra. Francisca Garcia-Torres was born in Spain on September 13, 1901. Click on her photo (above left) for more details if you read Spanish and for a video clip in YouTube.
[Warning: The audio volume is quite loud.].
February 26, 2014: Sra. Francisca Garcia-Torres passed away yesterday as the oldest living Spaniard at the age of 112 years 165 days.
Elizabeth Gauthier, 110
November 9, 2011; Ms. Elizabeth Gauthier was born in Massachusetts on June 5, 1901.
February 12, 2012; We are sad to report that Ms. Elizabeth Gauthier passed away on February 10, 2012 at agae 110 years, 250 days. Click on her photo above for more details.
Maria-Giovanna Giudice-Piatti, 110
November 27, 2012; Maria-Giovanna Giudice-Piatti was born in Italy on September 28, 1901 and passed away on April 25, 2012 at age 110 years, 210 days.
Jane Gray, 112
September 11, 2012; Jane Gray was born in Scotland on December 1, 1901 and now lives in AUSTRALIA. Click on her photo above for more details from the The Telegraph of Sydney along with a video clip.
January 26, 2015; Jane Gray passed away on June 7, 2014 at age 112 years, 188 days.
Florence Green, 110
July 19 , 2011; Florence Green was born in England on February 19, 1901.
February 7, 2012; We are sad to report that Ms. Florence Green passed away on February 4, 2012 at age 110 years, 350 days. Click on her photo above for more details.
Kathleen Grimwood, 110
March 23, 2012; Mrs. Kathleen Grimwood was born in England on August 19, 1901 and passed away on January 25, 2012 at age 110 years, 159 days. Click on the first photo for more details from the Sudbury Mercury.
Karolina Groeber, 110
September 7, 2011; Ms. Karlina Groeber was born in Germany on April 27, 1901. If you speak German, click on her photo for more details.
November 24, 2011; We are sad to report that Krolina Groeber passed away on November 21st at age 110 years, 208 days.
Suzanne Hallet, 111
June 21, 2012; Suzanne Hallet was born in France on September 17, 1901.
September 22, 2012; Suzanne Hallet celebrates her 111th Birthday. If you read French, click on her photo above for more details.
October 23, 2012; A journalist from La République du Centre informed us that Madame Suzanne Hallet passed away today at age 111 years, 36 days. Click for more details.
Shelby Harris, 111
September 30, 2011; Mr. Shelby Harris was born in Indiana on March 31, 1901 and currently resides in Illinois. Click on his photo above for more details.
March 2, 2012; Mr. Shelby Harris is getting ready for his birthday. Click on his photo for details for the Quad Cities Press in Illinois.
July 25, 2012; We are sad to report that Mr. Shelby Harris passed away today at age 111 years, 116 days. Click for more details from The St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Gertrud Henze, 112
September 28, 2012; Gertrud Henze was born in Germany on December 8, 1901.
April 23, 2014; We are sad to report the passing of Germany’s oldest living person, Gertrud Henze, yesterday, April 22, 2014, at the age of 112 years 135 days.
Kiyoko Ishiguro, 114
Aged 110:
Aged 114:
The photo at age 114 was sourced from
August 20, 2011; Ms. Kiyoko Ishiguro was born in Japan on March 4, 1901.
December 13, 2015; Kiyoko Ishiguro died in Kanagawa, Japan on December 5, 2015 at the age of 114 years, 276 days. At the time of her death, she was the second oldest living person in Japan.
Matsuyo Kageyama, 113
In October 2013, aged 112:
In 2014:
Photos courtesy of
Matsuyo Kageyama was born in Japan on October 10, 1901. She currently lives in Kyoto, Japan.
March 20, 2017; Matsuyo Kageyama went into limbo on January 1, 2016 at the age of 114.
Shinobu Kamimura, 110
August 2 , 2011; Shinobu Kaminmura was born in Japan on February 6, 1901 and passed away on July 7, 2011 at age 110 years, 151 days.
Tsuru Kamori, 110
At age 108 in December 2009
At age 109 in August 2010 on left; plague from November 2009 at right
At age 109 in September 2010
May 10, 2013; Tsuru Kamori was born on January 30, 1901 in Japan. She passed away on May 8, 2011, in Nerima Ward of Tokyo, Japan, at the age of 110 years 98 days.
Hanae Kimura, 112
September 29, 2012; Hanae Kimura was born in Japan on August 8, 1901. If you can read Japanese, click on her photo for more details.
January 26, 2015; Hanae Kimura passed away on June 16, 2014 at age 112 years, 312 days.
Yoshi Kitamura, 111
October 8, 2011; Ms. Yoshi Kitamura was born in Japan on June 1, 1901.
January 26, 2015; Yoshi Kitamura passed away on May 29, 2013 at age 111 years, 362 days.
Viola Knack, 111

October 27, 2015; Viola Knack was born in Wisconsin, United States on August 18, 1901 and passed away in the same state on January 17, 2013 at the age of 111 years, 152 days.
Germaine Lafond, 111
Aged 106:
Undated photo:
February 17 2017; Germaine Lafond was born in France on July 27, 1901 and died in the same country on August 20, 2012 at the age of 111 years, 24 days.
Giovanni Ligato, 111
June 23, 2011; Giovanni Ligato was born in Italy on February 18, 1901.
March 2, 2012; We are sad to report that Mr. Giovanni Ligato passed away today at age 111 years, 13 days.
Maria Marcote-Boullosa, 110
Undetermined dates of pictures of Maria Marcote-Boullosa:

Picture at age of 109 in October 2010:

Visit by the mayor of Fisterra in May 2011 (at age of 109):
November 17, 2012; Maria Marcote-Boullosa was born in Fisterra, in the autonomous community of Galicia, Spain on September 28, 1901. It was long believed that she was born on October 28, 1901, but after a review of birth certificates, it was determined that she was born one month earlier than known. This was discovered when she was aged 109. She celebrated her 110th birthday, and passed away in the same municipality of Fisterra, Spain, on October 4, 2011 at age 110 years, 6 days.
Line Marmajou, 110
October 26, 2012; Madame Line Marmajou was born in France on December 20, 1901, and passed away on April 25, 2012 at age 110 years, 127 days.
Trudie Martin, 110
July 25, 2012; Trudie Martin, was born in North Carolina on October 19, 1901. Click on her photo above for more details from the Winston-Salem Journal.
July 28, 2012; We are sad to report that Trudie Martin passed away yesterday, July 27th, at age 110 years, 282 days.
Eva McConnell, 111
October 16, 2011; Ms. Eva McConnell was born in Australia on May 5, 1901.
August 21, 2012; We are sad to report that Eva McConnell passed away on August 15th at age 111 years, 102 days. She was the oldest person in Australia at the time of her death. Click for more details.
James F. McCoubrey, 111
Thursday, December 29, 2011; 3:30 PM PST; Mr. James F. McCoubrey was born on September 13, 1901 in Saint John’s, Newfoundland. He subsequently moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia and then to Cambridge, MA with his older brother Charles before moving to Walnut Creek, California. He enjoys a glass of good Scotch. The last photo shows Mr. McCoubrey with his daughter, Mrs. Patricia Salveson.
July 6, 2013; We received the sad news from the family that James Foster McCoubrey died Friday morning, July 5, 2013. At the time of his passing, he was recognized by Gerontology Research Group as the oldest validated living man in the world. He lived to 111 years 295 days old.
Kathleen McManners, 112
January 3, 2012; Ms. Kathleen McManners was born in England on July 6, 1901.
January 26, 2015; Kathleen McManners passed away on September 20, 2013 at age 112 years, 76 days.
Madeleine Mieze, 111
September 14, 2011; Madam Madeleine Mieze was born in France on April 28, 1901.
January 26, 2015; Madeleine Mieze passed away on April 14, 2013 at age 111 years, 351 days.
Mayetta E. Miller, 111
August 8, 2012; This photo of Mrs. Mayetta E. Miller was sent to us today by her Son Mr. James L. Epps. It was taken on April 14, 2012 at the Ponderosa Restaurant in Collinsville, IL. She was born in Arkansas on April 15, 1901, and now lives in Illinois.
We are sad to report that Mrs. Mayetta E. Miller has died on December 31, 2012.
Giuseppe Mirabella, 110
March 24, 2012; Mr. Giuseppe Mirabella was born in Italy on September 6, 1901.
April 4, 2012; We are sad to report that Mr. Giuseppe Mirabella passed away on March 30, 2012 at age 110 years, 206 days.
Chiyo Miyako, 117
On the far right, in her younger years:
A recent photo:
On July 8, 2015:
The first picture was sourced from Guinness World Records and the last two were sourced from Twitter.
August 6, 2015; Chiyo Miyako was born in Japan on May 2, 1901 and currently lives in Kanagawa, Japan.
August 1, 2018; Chiyo Miyako died on July 22, 2018, at the age of 117 years, 81 days. She became the oldest verified living person in the world on April 21, 2018, following the death of fellow Japanese woman Nabi Tajima.
Chiyo was born in Wakayama, Kansai, Japan, on 2 May 1901. Chiyo’s husband, Shoji, worked for Japanese National Railways, so she was able to travel. Her love was calligraphy, something she started learning during childhood, and had been creating calligraphic works until recently. Her other pastime was eating delicious food, with sushi and eels being her regular favourite.
According to her family, Chiyo was very chatty. Referring to her as “the goddess”, they described her as a patient and kind person who brought happiness to those who met her.
Kinu Mori, 111

October 27, 2015; Kinu Mori was born in Japan on September 1, 1901 and went into limbo in 2012 at the age of 111.
Emilienne Nacry, 111
August 8 , 2011; Madam Emilienne Nacry was born in France on March 10, 1901.
March 13, 2012; We are sad to report that Madam Emilinne Nacry passed away on March 10, 2012 at age 111 years, 0 days.
Yoshio Nakagawa, 110
October 24, 2012; Yoshio Nakagawa was born in Hiroshima, Japan, on December 19, 1901.
November 18, 2012; We are sad to report that Yoshio Nakagawa passed away on November 16, 2012 at age 110 years, 333 days.
Makaru Nakanishi, 111
Aged 100:
Aged 107:
January 2, 2017; Makaru Nakanishi was born in Japan on December 15, 1901 and died in Okinawa, Japan on February 28, 2013 at the age of 111 years, 75 days.
Alta Nelson, 110
The first photo was sourced from her Find a Grave page.
August 4, 2016; Alta Nelson was born in Utah, United States on July 24, 1901 and died in California, United States on March 12, 2012 at the age of 110 years, 232 days.
Ruth Newman, 113
In 1944:
Third from right, with family members:
Ruth Newman was born in California, United States on September 23, 1901. She currently lives in Pebble Beach, California.
Newman is the oldest living survivor of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. She can remember bricks falling and milk cans tipping over during the disaster. She married Edward Newman in 1925 and had two children. Her husband was the owner of an office equipment company in Sacramento for 49 years. Her husband died in 1983. She played golf until the age of 92. Newman attributes her long life to the hard work she learned on her father’s ranch, keeping active and drinking a glass of Scotch whisky every evening until the age of 103. She then switched to wine – a glass of Chardonnay or Merlot before dinner.
Ruth Newman died on July 29, 2015 at the age of 113 years, 309 days.
Helene Andrea Nilsen, 110
Picture of Helene Andrea Nilsen at her 100th birthday:
January 23, 2014; Helene Andrea Nilsen was born in Norway on April 7, 1901 and died in Drammen, Buskerud County, Norway, on October 31, 2011 as the oldest living Norwegian person. She lived to 110 years 207 days.
Kameno Nosaka, 111
January 27, 2013; Kameno Nosaka was born November 4, 1901. She lives in Setagawa Ward of Tokyo, Japan.
January 26, 2015; Kameno Nosaka went into limbo on December 15, 2012 at the age of 111.
Masayo Ogawara, 111
Masayo Ogawara at the age of 110:

April 6, 2015; Masayo Ogawara was born in Yamagata, Japan on August 2, 1901. She died in Niigata, Japan on April 2, 2013 at the age of 111 years, 243 days.
Masayo Okamoto, 111
September 10, 2013: Gerontology Research Group learned that Masayo Okamoto, the oldest person in Okayama Prefecture, Japan, passed away on September 7, 2013. She was on Table E as a validated living case. She was born on September 21, 1901, so she died exactly two weeks before her 112th birthday.
Pictured at age 111 in December 2012
Sou Osada, 112

April 8, 2018; Sou Osada was born in Japan on January 2, 1901 and died in Aichi, Japan on February 9, 2013 at the age of 112 years, 38 days.
Emma Otis, 114
At her 109th and 110th birthdays:
Submitted from the family at the age of 111:
June 25, 2013; Emma Otis was born Emma Gustava Erickson on October 22, 1901, in Black Diamond, King County, Washington, USA. She married Robin E. “Bob” Otis, Sr., on January 5, 1921. She lives in Poulsbo, Kitsap County, Washington.
August 16, 2013; Emma Otis‘s great-granddaughter, Courtney Adkins, submits the following pictures of Emma Otis’s 111th birthday on October 22, 2012:

Emma Otis died on October 25, 2015 at the age of 114 years, 3 days.
Jeannie Pattison, 110
October 1, 2011; Ms. Jeannie Pattison was born in Scotland on May 31, 1901. She passed away in England on September 9, 2011 at age 110 years, 101 days. Click for more details or on her photo above.
Irene Pearce, 111
May 8, 2011; Irene Pearce was born in England on January 5, 1901.
January 26, 2015; Irene Pearce passed away on September 6, 2012 at age 111 years, 245 days.
Adea Pellerin-Cormier, 112
Pictures from age of 105 when she was featured in a short video:

December 5, 2013: Adea Pellerin-Cormier (French: Adéa Pellerin-Cormier) was born on September 11, 1901, in Grand-Digue (French: Grande-Digue), Kent County, New Brunswick, Canada. She lives in St. Anthony (French: Saint-Antoine), Kent County, New Brunswick, Canada. She is currently believed to be the 3rd oldest living Canadian at this time.
January 26, 2015; Adea Pellerin-Cormier passed away on May 24, 2014 at age 112 years, 255 days.
Maria Concha Perez-Cidad, 112
October 11, 2012; Maria Perez was born in Spain on December 9, 1901.
January 26, 2015; Maria Concha Perez-Cidad passed away on September 30, 2014 at age 112 years, 295 days.
Salvatorica Pitzolu, 110
September 20, 2012; Miss Salvatorica Pitzolu was born in Italy on December 10, 1901. We are sad to report that she passed away on January 16, 2012 at age 110 years, 37 days. Miss Pitzolu never married. If you can read Italian, click on her photo for more details.
Ernesta Pizzocri-Rinaldi, 111
March 31, 2012; Mrs. Ernesta Pizzocri-Rinaldi was born in Italy on August 20, 1901.
We are sad to report that Mrs. Ernesta Pizzocri-Rinaldi passed away on February 6, 2013, at the age of 111 years, 170 days.
Mable Ragan, 112

October 27, 2015; Mable Ragan was born in New England, United States on February 1, 1901 and passed away in the same state on April 30, 2013 at the age of 112 years, 88 days.
Jeanne Rannou, 110
March 1, 2012; Madame Jeanne Rannou was born in France on September 14, 1901.
July 7, 2012; We are sad to report that Madame Rannou passed away on July 2, 2012 at age 110 years, 292 days.
Ellaline Redmond, 111
August 24 , 2011; Ms. Ellaline Redmond was born in England on March 20, 1901.
January 26, 2015; Ellaline Redmond passed away on February 27, 2013 at age 111 years, 344 days.
Elsie Rich, 110
August 5, 2011; Ms. Elsie Rich was born in Vienna, Austria on August 6, 1901. She now resides in Santa Rosa, CA. Click on the second photo for more details.
September 4, 2011; On a visit to Santa Rosa, CA during the Labor Day Weekend.
December 29, 2011; We are sad to report that Ms. Elsie Rich passed away today at age 110 years, according to Mr. Chris Smith of the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.
Janet Roberts, 110
February 20, 2012; Janet Roberts was born in Scotland on August 13, 1901. Click on her photo for more details from the Daily Mail.
April 9, 2012; We are sad to report that Mrs. Janet Roberts passed away on April 6, 2012 at age 110 years, 237 days. Click for more details.
Concetta La Rocca-Fera, 110
October 22, 2011; Sra. Concetta La Rocca-Fera was born in Italy on June 4, 1901.
May 15, 2012; We are sad to report that Concetta La Rocca-Fera passed away on April 29, 2012 at age 110 years, 330 days.
Tome Sagara, 110
January 28, 2012; Tome Sagara was born in Japan on August 10, 1901.
July 10, 2012; We are sad to report that Tome Sagara passed away on July 10, 2012 at age 110 years, 335 days.
Takeno Sakata, 110
At age 102
At age 104
At age 108
April 4, 2013; Takeno Sakata was born on December 28, 1901 in Nobeoka City, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan. She died on March 24, 2012 in the town of Hinokage, Miyazaki Prefecture, at the age of 110 years 87 days.
Salustiano Sanchez, 112

July 25, 2013; Guinness World Records announced today that Salustiano Sanchez, 112 years old, has been recognized as the world’s Oldest living man. Salustiano Sánchez Blázquez was born on June 8, 1901, at 2am in the morning in the town of El Tejado de Bejar in the province of Salamanca, Spain. His parents were SerafÃÂÂn Sánchez Izquierdo and Baldomera Blázquez Sánchez. He emigrated to Cuba when he was 17 years old. He then arrived in USA through Ellis Island on August 25, 1920. He married Pearl Chiasera on April 7, 1934 in Niagara Falls, New York. He currently resides in the Grand Island area of Niagara Falls.
September 13, 2013; We are sad to report that Mr. Sanchez passed away in Grand Island, NY today at age 112 years, 97 days. Click for more details from The Buffalo News.
Marion ‘Kitty’ Sawyer, 111

April 29, 2015; Marion ‘Kitty’ Sawyer was born on July 5, 1901 in London, England, United Kingdom and passed away on February 26, 2013 in Chase City, Virginia, United States at the age of 111 years, 236 days.
Born as Marion Churchward, she married Charles Sawyer in 1923 and had two children. In 1954, she emigrated to America with her husband to join her daughter, Monica Vaughan, who had married a U.S. serviceman from Southside Virginia. After both their husbands died in the 1970s, Sawyer lived with her daughter for the rest of her life. Sawyer was a retired registered nurse and a volunteer for the Chase City Rescue Squad. She suffered from deafness in her final years but was otherwise in good health until shortly before her death. In addition to her husband, Sawyer also outlived her son, William Charles Sawyer. She was survived by a daughter, four grandchildren, five great-grandchildren and three great-great grandchildren. One of her sisters lived to the age of 105.
Elisabeth Schneider, 111
February 11, 2012; Elisabeth Schneider was born in Germany on August 19, 1901.
January 26, 2015; Elisabeth Schneider passed away on February 9, 2013 at age 111 years, 174 days.
Vitalia Scodina, 110
June 1, 2011; Miss Vitalia Scodina was born in Sardinia, Italy on February 14, 1901. She never married; she now lives in Rome.
January 2, 2012; We are sad to report that Ms. Vitalia Scodina passed away on August 22, 2011 at age 110 years, 189 days.
Hana Shindo, 112
September 17, 2012; Hana Shindo was born in Japan on October 29, 1901. If you read Japanese, click on her photo above for more details.
January 26, 2015; Hana Shindo passed away on June 20, 2014 at age 112 years, 234 days.
Mary Spinner, 110
Picture of Mary Spinner from her obituary:
April 8, 2014; Mary Spinner was born on February 20, 1901, in Big Island, a census-designated place in Bedford County, Virginia, United States. She passed away on October 21, 2011, in the town of Bedford, Virginia, at the age of 110 years and 243 days.
Kou Takayanagi, 110
Photos sourced from
January 9, 2018; Kou Takayanagi was born in Japan on July 24, 1901 and died in Saitama, Japan on April 8, 2012 at the age of 110 years, 259 days.
Mary Tankursley, 110
January 28, 2012; Mary Tankursley was born in Texas on February 21, 1901 and passed away on December 28, 2011 at age 110 years, 310 days.
Tou Tajiri, 112
August 23, 2012; Mrs. Tou Tajiri was born in Japan on October 23, 1901.
June 24, 2017; Tou Tajiri went into limbo in February 2014 at the age of 112.
Flora Thibodeau, 112
April 28, 2012; Mrs. Flora Thibodeau was born in New Brunswick, CANADA on March 20, 1901. The photo is with permission, courtesy of the Telegraph
January 26, 2015; Flora Thibodeau passed away on January 22, 2014 at age 112 years, 308 days.
Opal May Cook Thompson, 113
April 17, 2012; Mrs. Opal Thompson was born on January 13, 1901 in Ripley, Oklahoma while it was still a territory (before it was recognized as a state). She presently resides in Pittsburg, CA (not Pittsburgh, PA). Her Nephew, Mr. James Jordan, was born on July 3, 1937. In the family portrait, Opal is in the first row on the far left. Opal’s Great Niece, Glenda Coccimiglo provided the family photo above.
January 26, 2015; Opal Thompson passed away on October 20, 2014 at age 113 years, 280 days.
Yone Tsukiyama, 110
At age 108
At age 109 in September 2011
August 28, 2013: Yone Tsukiyama was born November 1, 1901, in Japan. She was the oldest person of Wakayama prefecture before her death on April 24, 2012, at the age of 110 years 175 days.
Ana Vela-Rubio, 116
At age 110:
In November 2014 at the age of 113:
On her 115th birthday:
Photo sourced from
August 18, 2012; Ana Vela-Rubio was born in Puente Genil, Cordoba, Spain on October 29, 1901. She currently lives in Barcelona, Spain.
On June 6, 2016, Ana Vela-Rubio passed the final age of Maria Antonia Castro and became the oldest Spanish person ever. On April 15, 2017, she became the oldest living person in Europe, following the death of Emma Morano.
Ana Vela-Rubio passed away on December 15, 2017 at the age of 116 years, 47 days. At the time of her death, she was the third oldest European person ever.
Dominga Loera Velasco, 114
On her wedding day in 1928, aged 27:
On the right in 1939, aged 38:
On her 111th birthday:
July 1, 2012; Dominga Velasco was born in Mexico on May 12, 1901, but presently lives in Oakland, CA.
Dominga Velasco died on October 11, 2015 at the age of 114 years, 152 days.
Ethel Wood, 110
June 1, 2011; Miss Ethel Wood was born on the Channel Islands on January 16, 1901. She currently lives in England.
August 31, 2011; We are sad to report that Ethel Wood passed away in England on August 19, 2011 at age 110 years, 215 days.
Yae Yabuki, 110
As a younger woman:
As an older woman:
July 6, 2013; Yae Yabuki was born on June 25, 1901, in Japan. She died on March 7, 2012, in Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture, Japan, at the age of 110 years 256 days.
Soto Yamamoto, 111

June 14, 2013; Soto Yamamoto was born on April 10, 1901, in Japan. She passed away in Ishikawa Prefecture on September 17, 2012, reaching the age of 111 years 160 days.
Toshie Yorimitsu, 114
April 25, 2012; Mrs. Toshie Yorimitsu was born in Japan on September 30, 1901. She currently resides in Okinawa.
March 11, 2016; Toshie Yorimitsu passed away on February 28, 2016, at the age of 114 years, 151 days.