In 1898

Photo Gallery for Supercentenarians born in the year 1898, as of December 19, 2019.

Garland (Herb) Adair, 111

Garland Adair, 110
January 24, 2009 Mr. Garland Adair was born in Missouri on July 30, 1898 and has now reached 110.

Herb Adair, 111
July 30, 2009; The Crestview Home of Bethany, MO held a card shower for Mr. Herb Adair, who celebrated his 111th birthday today.

Garland Adair, 111
August 15, 2009; Mr. Adair is now 111.

February 9, 2015: Garland Adair died on December 11, 2009 at the age of 111 years, 134 days.

Susie Alston, 110

Aged 103:
Susie Alston, 103
Photo sourced from Wilson Daily Times.

October 15, 2017; Susie Alston was born in North Carolina, United States on July 6, 1898 and died in the same state on November 28, 2008 at the age of 110 years, 145 days.

Umeno Arai, 110

Umeno Arai, 110 Umeno Arai, 110 Umeno Arai, 110
Mrs. Umeno Arai was born in Japan on November 10, 1898 and died on September 21, 2009 in Nagano Prefecture at age 110 years and 315 days.

Shitsuko Araki, 111

In her centenarian years:
Shitsuko Araki, 100

Shitsuko Araki, 100
Photos sourced from Sanyo Shimbun.

July 25, 2019; Shitsuko Araki was born in Japan on March 24, 1898 and died in Okayama, Japan on June 3, 2009 at the age of 111 years, 71 days.

Chiyoko Asato, 110

Chiyoko Asato

April 11, 2018; Chiyoko Asato was born in Japan on September 20, 1898 and went into limbo in Okinawa, Japan on September 20, 2008 at the age of 110.

Mathilde Aussant, 113

Mathilde Aussant, 111
Mathilde Aussant was born in France on February 27, 1898.

July 25, 2009; Click on the photo above for more details in French.

July 24, 2011; We are sad to report that, according to La Nouvelle République, the oldest living person in FRANCE, Madam Mathilde Aussant, died on July 23, 2011, at age 113 years, 146 days. If you read French, click on her photo above for more details.

Ismene Baffard, 110

July10, 2009; Madam Ismene Baffard was born in Guadeloupe (FRANCE) on October 24, 1898 and died on March 4, 2009 at age 110 years, 131 days. Click on his photo for more details in French, even though it incorrectly states that she was 111 when she died.

Wally Baker, 111

Wally Baker

Wally Baker was born in Delaware, United States on January 9, 1898 and died in the same state on April 8, 2009 at the age of 111 years, 89 days.

Marie-Therese Bardet, 114

Marie-Therese Bardet, 110
Marie-Therese Bardet of Pont Chateau, in Brittany, France was born on June 2, 1898.

Marie-Therese Bardet, as a younger woman
As a younger woman.

Marie-Therese Bardet and Dr. Stephen Coles
Madam Marie-Therese Bardet, 112, and Dr. Stephen Coles

Mon. Luc Le Lay and Madam Marie-Therese Bardet, 112
Mon. Luc Le Lay, GRG International Correspondent from Paris, FRANCE, and Madam Marie-Therese Bardet, 112, currently France’s third oldest Supercentenarian

Marie-Therese Bardet Fanuly
Tuesday, March 29, 2011; ~4:00 PM; from the Left, Bardet Grandon, Harve; Natalie and Stephen Coles of UCLA; Son, Leon; and Mon. Luc Le Lay visit the Bardet family and the nursing home staff in Pont Chateau, Brittany; FRANCE.

Madam Bardet, 114
June 2, 2012; If you read Finish, click on the first photo for details of Madam Bardet’s Birthday Party at age 114, now that she is the oldest in Europe.

June 8, 2012; We are sad to report that Madam Bardet passed away today at age 114 years, 6 days. If you read French, click for details from Le Figaro.

Aline Beslay, 110

Madam Aline Beslay was born in France on June 17, 1898.
Our newest correspondent from France, Mon. Luc Le Lay sent us a French video. Click on the photo for a Mother’s Day family party video with narration in French.

May 6, 2009; We are sad to report that Madam Beslay passed away today at age 110 years, 323 days.

Johanna Boost-Dalloyaux, 110

Johanna Boost-Dalloyaux
Johanna Boost-Dalloyaux was born in North Holland, Netherlands on August 28, 1898 and died on June 1, 2009 at the age of 110 years, 277 days. She is the oldest person ever from North Holland.

Delfino Borroni, 110

October 6, 2008

Sr. Delfino Borroni, 110
Sr. Delfino Borroni was born on August. 23, 1898 and is now 110.

February 4, 2009; We are sad to report that Mr. Borroni passed away on October 26, 2008.

Eunice Bowman, 111

Eunice Bowman, 110
September 10, 2008; Mrs. Eunice Bowman of England, now 110, was born on August 23, 1898.

Eunice Bowman, 111

July 19, 2010; We are sad to report that Mrs. Bowman passed away on July 16, 2010 at age 111 years, 327 days. Click on her photo for more details from The Sun.

Ruth Oliver Bruce, 112

Ruth Oliver Bruce, 112

February 18, 2011; Ruth Bruce was born in South Carolina on October 8, 1898, but currently resides in North Carolina..

April 10, 2011; We are sad to report that Ruth Bruce passed away on April 8, 2011 at age 112 years, 182 days.

Virginia Call, 111

Mrs. Virginia Call was born in Mississippi on January 3, 1898 and passed away in Chicago, IL on February 10, 2009 at age 111 years, 38 days.

February 11, 2009 Chicago, IL ( AP) — A woman believed to be the oldest person living in Chicago is dead. Virginia Call, whose family claimed she was 115 but records indicated she was 111, died Tuesday at Provident Hospital. A cause of death was not given. However, John Paylor, a Grandson, said Call had been in the hospital for 11 days before she died.

While her age was in dispute, there is no doubt Call was the oldest registered voter in the city of Chicago. The Chicago Board of Elections chairman Langdon Neal went to Call’s South Side home in January 2008 to register her. She made an “X” on a Voter Registration Card.

The Gerontology Research Group, which keeps records on the oldest people in the world, found a Yazoo County, Mississippi Census Record from 1910 with Call’s maiden name, Virginia Green, which indicated that she was 12 years old.

Click on the photo for more details.

Alexina Calvert, 110

Alexina Calvert at age 110
September 28, 2008; Alexina Calvert of Scotland was born on August 13, 1898 and passed away on September 19, 2008 at age 110 years, 37 days. She was believed to be Scotland’s oldest woman. She died at Annan Hospital just a month after celebrating her milestone birthday.

Hulda Carlsson, 110

On her 110th birthday:
Hulda Carlsson, 110
Photo sourced from

Hulda Carlsson was born in Halland County, Sweden on February 2, 1898 and died in Vastra Gotaland County, Sweden on April 22, 2008 at the age of 110 years, 80 days.

Blanche Chevrier, 110

Blanche Chevrier
Photo sourced from

Blanche Chevrier was born in Maine, United States on February 20, 1898 and died in the same state on March 20, 2008 at the age of 110 years, 29 days.

Velma Curvey, 112

August 28 , 2011; Ms. Velma Curvey was born in in Illinois on September 15, 1898, and passed away on December 24, 2010 at age 112 years, 100 days . Click on her photo above for more details from the Breeze Courier newspaper.

Maria Luiza Nunes da Silva, 113

Maia Luiza Nunes da Silva, 110
Sra. Maria Luiza Nunes da Silva was born in Portugal on July 7, 1898.
According to Filipe Prista Lucas, our GRG correspondent from Portugal, she is said to be in good health (she even exercises every day), although she’s in a wheelchair most of the time. However, the photo was taken when she was only 93 years old.

September 26, 2011; We are sad to report that our international correspondent from Portugal, Mr. Filipe Prista Lucas, has informed us that Maria Luiza Nunes da Silva passed away yesterday in Portugal at age 113 years and 81 days.

B. Ethyl Darby, 110

Ethyl Darby with a photo of the Queen

October 8, 2011; Ms. B. Ethyl Darby was born in England on January 6, 1898 and died on February 25, 2008 at age 110 years, 50 days.

Antonio Fernandes de Castro, 111

February 4, 2009

Antonio Fernandes de Castro, 111
Sr. Antonio Fernandes de Castro was born in Portugal on January 6, 1898 and has now reached the age of 111.

Leila Daughtry Denmark, M.D., 114

February 18, 2008; Mr. Robert Young of Atlanta, GA took this photo of
Leila Denmark, M.D., 110
Dr. Leila Denmark on February 9, 2008. She was born in Georgia on February 1, 1898. Note that Dr. Denmark is said to be the co-developer of the Pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine in the 1930’s, and was well-known in Georgia for her books such as Every Child Should Have a Chance (1971) and Dr. Denmark’s Book of Everyday Wisdom (1998). In 2001, Dr. Denmark retired at the age of 103, being the nation’s oldest practicing physician. She was the second woman in Georgia to obtain a medical degree in 1928 from the Medical College of Georgia.

Leila Denmark, M.D., 110
March 26, 2008; Leila Denmark listens to her Grandniece, Jackie Bennett, during Denmark’s 108th birthday party.

Leila Denmark, M.D., 112 Bed
September 24, 2010; Dr. Coles presents an SRF Honorary Plaque to Dr. Denmark.

February 1, 2011; Grandson Steve Hutcherson and Dr. Leila Denmark on the occasion of her 113th birthday. Click on the photo for more details form The Atlanta Journal Constitution.

108 yo
February 1, 2012; This photo appeared on the occasion of Dr. Denmark’s 114th birthday. Click for more details from the Athens Banner-Herald.
Dr. Leila Denmark, 108, poses outside of her Daughter’s home on Carleton Avenue in Athens, GA (November 8, 2006). Dr. Denmark practiced Pediatrics for 70 years in Alpharetta, GA.

April 3, 2012; We are sad to report that Dr. Denmark passed away on Sunday, April 1, 2012 at age 114 years, 60 days. Click on her photo for more details from the Athens Banner Herald. Her Obituary appeared in both The Los Angeles Times and The Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Maria Diaz, 113

Pictures of Maria Diaz on her 113th birthday:

Maria Diaz, 113
Maria Diaz, 113

July 7, 2014; Maria Diaz was born on February 22, 1898, in Sidi Bel Abbes, capital of the Sidi Bel Abbes wilaya, Algeria, then an overseas territory of France, located on the northern Africa continent. She died in Le Port, Reunion, a French island located in the Indian Ocean, on October 29, 2011, at the age of 113 years 249 days.

Maria-Eufemia Domenici-Cordano, 110

August 13, 2008; If you speak Italian, click on the photo above to see a short video clip on the occasion of Sra. Maria-Eufemia Domenici-Cordano‘s birthday party… [TRT = 1:15]
“Ha compiuto ieri 110 anni: si chiama Maria Eufemia Domenici e tutta la citt ligure le ha fatto gli auguri” by Servizio di Chiara Attolini.

February 9, 2015: Maria-Eufemia Domenici-Cordano died on March 16, 2009 at the age of 110 years, 216 days.

Hermina Dunz, 110

Hermina Dunz, 110
June 15, 2009; Mrs. Hermina Dunz born in Croatia (Austria-Hungary) on February. 24, 1898 passed away in Austria on June 14, 2008 at age 110 years, 111 days.

Ruth Emblow, 110

May 5, 2008;
Mrs. Ruth Emblow, 110
Mrs. Ruth Emblow of New York, born February 6, 1898 died on March 16, 2008 at 110 years and 39 days. Ruth’s twin sister, Rhea lived to be 100, providing more evidence that the phenotype of longevity is inherited. But, if they were identical twins reared together [?], one might rightly ask, “Why didn’t they die together on the same day?” The answer to this question lies in epigenetics, the random distribution of methyl groups decorating the DNA, which are not inherited at birth, but acquired during life. Thus, among twins, they start off with the same methyl groups in all their cells, but drift increasingly apart with age. This gives each twin unique gene expression patterns and thus a different rate of cellular aging.

Elsa Everly, 110

Elsa Everly celebrates her 109th birthday at the Scarlet Oaks Retirement Center in Clifton with her grand nephew, Monte Hall, 52, of Las Vegas. Photo by Carrie Cochran The Cincinnati Enquirer.

January 23 , 2009; Elsa Everly, born in Ohio on April 11, 1898 died on January 23rd of this year at age 110 years, 287 days. Click on the photo above for more details.

Denise Fetrot, 110

Denise Fétrot, 110
February 25, 2013; Denise Fetrot was born January 27, 1898 in Resigny (Aisnes Department). She married Gustave Fetrot on November 8, 1919. She passed away on July 15, 2008, in Liart (Ardennes Department), at the age of 110 years 170 days.

Pasqualina Franco, 110

Pasqualina Franco, 110
Mrs. Pasqualina Franco was born in Italy on December 2, 1898, but now lives in Ontario, CANADA.

August 16, 2009; We are sad to report that Mrs. Franco passed away today in the early morning hours at age 110 years, 257 days.

Click on the photo for more details.

Pinkie Galbreath, 111

July12, 2009; Mrs. Pinkie Galbreath was born in Iowa on March 19, 1898 and died on June 16, 2009 at age 111 years, 89 days. Click on her photo to read the story “Carlson: Pinkie’s on-the-Go Life Ends at Age 111” from the Des Moines Register.

Jane Gilsenan, 111

Jane Gilsenan (top center)
February 11, 2010; Jane Gilsenan was born in New York City on May 8, 1898. Today, she is New York City’s oldest resident and now lives at a convent on Staten Island. In the second photo, Jane is the eldest sibling (top center) of an Irish immigrant family. Click on the first photo for more details from the New York Post.

March 8, 2010; We are sad to report that Jane Gilsenan died today, exactly two months before her 112th birthday, at age 111 years, 304 days.

Andresa Guerrero-Ortiz, 111

Andresa Guerrero-Ortiz
December 20, 2008; Mrs. Andresa Guerrero-Ortiz was born on November 30, 1898 in Spain.

August 7, 2010; We are sad to report that Sra. Ortiz passed away on August 5, 2010 at age 111 years, 248 days.

Takashi Hattori, 110

Aged 103:
Takashi Hattori, 103
Photo sourced from the Japanese Oldest People Forum.

December 19, 2019; Takashi Hattori was born in Japan on March 12, 1898 and died in Saitama, Japan on January 12, 2009 at the age of 110 years, 306 days.

Marie-Medeleine Hellio, 110

Marie-Madeleine Hellio, 110 Marie-Madeleine Hellio, 110
March 1, 2009; Madam Marie-Madeleine Hellio was born in France on November 7, 1898 and passed away on January 5, 2009 at age 110 years, 59 days.

Mary Gorham Higley, 110

Mary Higley, 110
January 25, 2009; Mrs. Mary Gorham Higley was born in Rhode Island on August 10, 1898 and passed away in Pennsylvania on December 25, 2008 at age 110 years, 137 days. Click on the first photo for more details about her student days at Mt. Holyoke College (Class of 1921).

Hatsu Hirai, 111

Hatsu Hirai

April 11, 2018; Hatsu Hirai was born in Japan on August 15, 1898 and went into limbo in Kanagawa, Japan on September 1, 2009 at the age of 111.

Willemina Everdina ‘Mies’ Hol, 110

Mies Hol
Photo sourced from

Willemina Everdina Hol was born in Gelderland, the Netherlands on February 3, 1898 and died in the same province on June 5, 2008 at the age of 110 years, 123 days.

Kou Inabayashi, 110

Kou Inabayashi, 110
Kou Inabayashi was born in Japan on December 20, 1898 and passed away on February 27, 2009 at age 110 years, 69 days.

Delpha Johnson, 110

Aged 15:
Delpha Johnson, 15

Aged 110:
Delpha Johnson, 110
These photos were sourced from her Find A Grave page.

Delpha Johnson was born in Missouri, United States on May 21, 1898 and died in the same state on July 22, 2008 at the age of 110 years, 62 days.

Mrs. James Reeta Jones, 112

Jones Plaque
October 31, 2008; This is a scanned image of the SRF Plaque honoring Mrs. James Reeta Jones on the occasion her birthday, October 17, 2008, when she turned 110 from Monterey, TN presented by the Supercentenarian Research Foundation.

Reeta Jones, 110
September 28, 2008; This photo of James Reeta Jones was apparently taken at her early birthday party by a photographer from the Herald-Citizen of Cookeville, TN.

December 2, 2010; We are sad to report that Ms. Jones passed away yesterday at the age of 112 years, 45 days.

Daisy Ruth Kelly, 111

December 17, 2008; Mrs. Daisy Ruth Kelly on the occasion of her 108th birthday party. She was born on September 20, 1898 in Illinois but died in Iowa on October 28, 2009 at age 111 years, 38 days. Jon Echternacht of River Falls, WI is with his Grandmother three years ago at the Timely Mission Nursing Home in Buffalo Center. Click on the photo above for more details from the Esterville Daily News.

Yoshi Kobayashi, 110

July 7, 2009; Yoshi Kobayashi, the oldest person in Japan’s Saitama prefecture, died at 6:01 AM on July 4, 2009 at age 110 years, 305 days. The oldest person in Saitama prefecture is now a 109-year-old woman named Shike Sato, born on March 16, 1900.

Yaoe Koda, 112

Yaeo Koda, 112
June 11, 2011; Yaoe Koda was born in Japan on July 1, 1898. We are sad to report that she passed away in Kochi Prefecture on June 9, 2011 at age 112 years, 343 days.

Salome Korn, 110

Mrs. Salome “Sal” Korn was born in Wisconsin on December 12, 1898 and passed away on April 16, 2009 at 110 years, 125 days. The photo was taken when she was age 105. Click on the photo for more details.

Emilie Lavoie, 110

Emilie Lavoie
May 10, 2015; Emilie Lavoie was born in New Brunswick, Canada on April 10, 1898 and passed away in the same province on April 2, 2009 at the age of 110 years, 357 days.

Lillian LeBlanc, 111

Lillian LeBlanc at age 100, with her brother Wilton Brown, 95.
Lillian LeBlanc, 100

Lillian LeBlanc at age 103.
Lillian LeBlanc, 103

Lillian LeBlanc at age 109, with her two grandchildren.
Lillian LeBlanc, 109

Lillian LeBlanc at age 110.
Lillian LeBlanc, 110

Lillian LeBlanc at age 111.
Lillian LeBlanc, 111

Lillian LeBlanc, undated photo
Lillian LeBlanc, undated

Photos sourced from Daily World (Opelousas, Louisiana)

January 19, 2019; Lillian LeBlanc Lillian LeBlanc was born as Lillian Brown in Port Barre, Louisiana, USA, on Dec. 26, 1898. Her parents were Frank Brown and Marie Key Brown. She had six brothers: Henry, Augusta, Ernest, Harry, Joe and Wilton Brown; and eight sisters: Louise Osbourne, Ernestine Williams, Ida Luckett, Laura Dejean, Alyza Sam, Augustine Melancon, Marie Doucet and Lucille Luckett. She finished four grades of school and taught herself to read by reading the newspaper her father received in the mail from New Orleans, the Clarion. he married Antoine “Junuis” LeBlanc in 1931. In 1948, the couple moved to Opelousas. Lillian Leblanc gave birth to two children: Doris Stewart and Lille Turner. Leblanc said the secret to living a long life is: “Hard work. I was raised on a farm where I picked cotton, cut corn and broke cane and all of that.” She said such hard work was common for farm children in their time. Her father also owned a syrup mill in Port Barre, where he made syrup for sale to surrounding parishes. She widowed in 1974. Lillian LeBlanc passed away in Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, USA on 20 February 2010 aged 111 years 56 days. Leblanc’s brother, Wilton Brown, lived to the age of 100.

Lula Wiggerly Lykins, 110

Lula Lykins, 110
March 21, 2010; Lula M. Lykins was born in Indiana on February 3, 1898 and died on November 16, 2008 at age 110 years, 287 days.

Rose McCloskey, 110

December 31, 2008; Mrs. Rose McCloskey was born in Pennsylvania on October 25, 1898. Click on the photo for more details.

We are sad to report that Mrs. McCloskey passed away in Pennsylvania on January 14, 2009 at age 110 years, 81 days.

Susan Middleton, 111

Susan Middleton pictured in 2008:

Susan Middleton

May 18, 2014; Susan Middleton was born in Adams Run, South Carolina, United States, on February 19, 1898. The family was not certain of her birth year but believed that her birth year was 1896, according to this link. Based on our research and existing documentation, we have established that she was born in 1898. She died on November 2, 2009, at the age of 111 years 256 days (instead of age 113) in South Carolina.

Yuki Migita, 110

Yuki Migita

April 9, 2018; Yuki Migita was born in Japan on March 4, 1898 and went into limbo in Kagoshima, Japan on October 1, 2008 at the age of 110.

Alta Moore, 110

Alta Moore
Photo sourced from

May 13, 2019; Alta Moore was born in Oregon, United States on January 29, 1898 and died in Washington, United States on February 14, 2008 at the age of 110 years, 16 days.

Sue Morino, 110

Sue Morino
Sue Morino

April 8, 2018; Sue Morino was born in Japan on March 18, 1898 and died in Hyogo, Japan on June 20, 2008 at the age of 110 years, 94 days. as of May 13, 2019.

Hiro Nakae, 112

Hiro Nakae
This photo was sourced from Chugoku Shimbun.

May 14, 2019; Hiro Nakae was born in Japan on October 20, 1898 and died in Hiroshima, Japan on August 19, 2011 at the age of 112 years, 303 days.

Kame Nakamura, 114

September 13, 2012; Kame Nakamura was born in Japan on March 8, 1898.

We are sad to report that Kame Nakamura passed away yesterday in Okinawa on September 12, 2012 at age 114 years, 188 days. If you can read Japanese, click on her photo above for more details.

Marcelle Narbonne, 113

Marcelle Narbonnje, 112 Marcelle Narbonnje, 112 Marcelle Narbonnje, 112
July 15, 2010; Marcelle Narbonne was born in Algeria on March 25, 1898 and presently lives in France.

January 3, 2012; We are sad to report that Madam Marcelle Narbonne passed away on January 1, 2012 at age 113 years, 282 days. If you read French, click for more details from Midi Libre.

Fumi Nonaka, 111

Fumi Nonaka

April 11, 2018; Fumi Nonaka was born in Japan on January 7, 1898 and went into limbo in Yamaguchi, Japan on January 7, 2009 at the age of 111.

Gertrude E. Noone, 110

Gertrude Noone, 110
Mrs. Gertrude Noone, 110, was born in Connecticut on December 30, 1898. She is the oldest living American veteran, having served in WW-II.

March 31, 2009;

Click on the photo for more details plus a video clip from the story by Carolyn Moreau of The Hartford Courant, “Oldest Army Veteran Honored at 110.”

April 1, 2009; Here is an early US Army photo (c. 1948) just in from Gertrude’s Great Niece, Ms. Deborah Woods…

In recognition of her US Army service and the fact that she is the oldest living Veteran; Women’s History Month; and the fact that 2009 is the Year of the Non-Commissioned Soldier, she was visited by the Secretary of the Army, The Honorable “Pete” Geren on March 31, 2009. Click on the photo for more details.

Ref.: Dennis McLellan, “Gertrude Noone [1897 – 2009]: Clerk Was the Oldest Known Living Veteran in the World,” The Los Angeles Times, p. A27 (July 12, 2009).

February 9, 2015: Gertrude Noone died on September 10, 2009 at the age of 110 years, 254 days. At the time of her death, she was the oldest military veteran in the world, having served in World War II as a clerk in Fort Myer, an army base in Virginia.

Misao Okawa, 117

February 28, 2013; Misao Okawa was born in Japan on March 5, 1898.

Here she is at the age of 114:
Misao Okawa, 114

The Guinness Book of World Records has now recognized her with a World Record Certificate as The World’s Oldest Woman:.

Misao Okawa, 114

Pictures of her 115th birthday in 2013:
Misao Okawa, 115 Misao Okawa, 115

March 6, 2014; Misao Okawa had become the World’s Oldest Person after the death of 116-year-old Jiroemon Kimura, also of Japan, on June 12, 2013. Yesterday, March 5, 2014, she celebrated her 116th birthday:
Misao Okawa, 116 Misao Okawa, 116
Misao Okawa, 116

Misao Okawa on September 11, 2014:
Misao Okawa, 116

Misao Okawa celebrated her 117th birthday on March 5, 2015. She is the first person to celebrate a 117th birthday since Sarah Knauss in 1997.
Misao Okawa, 117 Misao Okawa, 117
Misao Okawa, 117

April 1, 2015; We are sad to report that Misao Okawa passed away today at the incredible age of 117 years, 27 days. At the time of her death, she was the oldest living person in the world, the oldest verified Asian person ever, the 5th oldest verified person ever, the oldest person to live in the 21st century and the oldest person ever to live in three centuries. She was also the last living Asian link to the 1800s.

Hatsue Ono, 113

Hatsue Ono

Hatsue Ono was born in Iwate, Japan on October 31, 1898 and died in Hokkaido, Japan on October 17, 2012 at the age of 113 years, 352 days. She as the oldest person ever born in Iwate prefecture.

Harry Patch, 111

June 17, 2008

Harry Patch, 109
Mr. Harry Patch of England turned 110 today. Harry, from Wells, in Somerset, born in 1898, is the last known surviving British veteran of the World War I trenches. This photo was taken on his 109th birthday.

July 25, 2009; We are sad to report that Mr. Patched died this morning around 9:00 AM GMT in Wells, Somerset, England at age 111 years, 38 days. Click on the second photo for details from the BBC News.

Clarice Pearson, 110

January 16, 2009; Mrs. Clarice Pearson was born in Portland, OR on December 17, 1898.

March 22, 2009; We are sad to report that Mrs. Pearson passed away today at age 110 years, 95 days.

Catharina ‘Trien’ Peters-Keultjes, 111

Mrs. Peters-Keultjes is wished a happy birthday by the mayor of Duiven at the time, Henk Zomerdijk, and his wife; Mrs. Peters-Keultjes would later be forced to move to Didam and Zevenaar:
Catharina Peters-Keultjes, unknown date

Mrs. Peters-Keultjes in her later years:
Catharina Peters-Keultjes, unknown date

Mrs. Peters-Keultjes celebrating her 110th birthday on March 14, 2008:
Catharina Peters-Keultjes, 110

Two of the above photos were sourced from the archives of De Weekkrant (“The Week Newspaper”, a collection of local newspapers assembled in one online archive):
The other photo came from the website of De Telegraaf, one of the national newspapers of the Netherlands:

March 22, 2015; Mrs. Catharina ‘Trien’ Peters-Keultjes was born as Catharina Keultjes in the village of Westervoort, The Netherlands, on 14 March 1898. The part of the village where she grew up was called “De Schans”, which was a hamlet close to the river IJssel. De Schans had once been the site of a fort, “Fort Geldersoord”, which had been built to protect Westervoort and The Netherlands from the Germans; before 1816, Westervoort and De Schans formed the border with Germany, as the surrounding area was Prussian possession. At the age of thirty, Mrs. Keultjes married Gerrit Peters, with whom she would have two children. Adult life was spent in Loo, a neighbouring village to Westervoort – and once having been the other side of the border (thus Prussian). At the end of 1944, during the Second World War, the family was forced to flee its home; upon return, it turned out to have been ruined. In 1984, at the age of 86, Mrs. Peters-Keultjes moved to a retirement home in Duiven, a village neighbouring both Westervoort and Loo, together with her husband who would die a year later. Up until the age of 109 Mrs. Peters-Keultjes continued to live in Duiven, when she was forced to move to Didam and subsequently the small town of Zevenaar – both situated in the region “De Liemers” as well, similar to Westervoort, Duiven, and Loo – as her retirement home was being renovated. On 20 March 2009, at the age of 111 years and 6 days, Mrs. Peters-Keultjes died from pneumonia in Zevenaar. She was buried next to her husband in Loo.

Anthone Phipps, 110

Anthone Phipps, 110
January 26, 2012; Anthone Phipps was born on December 7, 1898 in Tennessee and passed away in the Oakland area of California on June 14, 2009 at age 110 years, 189 days.

Sister Judith Pinard, 110

June 25, 2009; Sister Judith Pinard was born in Quebec, Canada on July 3, 1898 and died as the oldest person in Qubec on June 13, 2009 at age 110 years; 345 days. Click on the photo for an English translation from French with more details.

Antonia Plaat-Kolenbrander, 110

Antonia Plaat-Kolenbrander

Antonia Plaat-Kolenbrander was born in Utrecht, Netherlands on January 6, 1898 and died in South Holland, Netherlands on March 9, 2008 at the age of 110 years, 63 days.

Romanie Pollet, 110

January 20, 2009; Romanie Pollet was born in Belgium on December 21, 1898 and now is 110. Click on the photo above for more details (in French).

Ref.: “La doyenne des Belges fˆte ses 110 ans,” (January 20, 2008).

February 9, 2015: Romanie Pollet died on October 17, 2009 at the age of 110 years, 300 days.

Onie Ponder, 112

December 31, 2010; Onie Ponder was born in Florida on September 3 , 1898. She laughs with her Nephew, Richard Chazal, during her 112th birthday party at Emeritus of Ocala in September 2010.

December 31, 2010; We are sad to report that Ponder passed away on December 31, 2010. at age 112 years, 119 days. Click on her photo for her Obituary from

Lucia Rangone-Casalegno, 110

Aged 107:
Lucia Rangone-Casalegno, 107
Photo sourced from

April 14, 2017; Lucia Rangone-Casalegno was born in Carentino, Piemonte, Italy on January 15, 1898 and died in the same place on April 5, 2008 at the age of 110 years, 81 days.

Mamie Rearden, 114

Mamie Rearden, 111 Mamie Rearden at 109
April 12, 2010; Mamie Rearden was born in South Carolina on September 7, 1898.

January 19, 2011; Click on her photo above for a new story from the Edgefield Citizen News.

February 9, 2015: Mamie Rearden died on January 2, 2013 at the age of 114 years, 117 days.

Marie-Louise Renier, 110

Marie-Louise Renier, 110
March 4, 2009; French Supercentenarian Madam Marie-Louise Renier was born on November 21, 1898 and passed away on January 5, 2009 at age, 110 years, 45 days.

Fernande Revel, 110

Fernande REvel, 110
June 18, 2011; Fernande Revel was bon in France on September 2, 1898. She passed away on October 12, 2008 at age 110 years, 40 days.

Emilia Revello-Ferro, 110

Emilia Revello-Ferro, 110
Emilia Revello-Ferro of Italy was born June 1, 1898. She passed away April 24, 2009 at the age of 110 years, 327 days.

Nyleptha Roberts, 112

Nyleptha Roberts
Nyleptha Roberts was born in Tennessee on March 12, 1898 and died in the same state on May 5, 2010 at age 112 years, 54 days.

Cecelia Ruppert, 110

Cecelia Ruppert, 110
Mrs. Cecelia Ruppert was born in Illinois on August 17, 1898 and passed away on August 31, 2008.

Mrs. Betty Rutherford, 110

As a young woman:

In her final years:
Betty Rutherford

December 12, 2008; Mrs. Rutherford [May 4, 1898 – December 11, 2008] passed away yesterday at age 110 years, 221 days in Arkansas. Click on the first photo for details. She lived during 19 different US Presidential Administrations and was proud to cast a ballot earlier this year for Hillary Rodham Clinton. She died just over a month away from a new US President taking office.

Ref.: Andrea Bruner, Assistant Managing Editor, “Rutherford Dies at 110,” The Batesville Daily Guard (December 12, 2008).

Irma Schmidt, 112

August 10 , 2011; Ms. Irma Schmidt was born in Indiana on October 7, 1898 and passed away in Connecticut on July 25, 2011 at age 112 years 291 days. Click on her photo for more details.

Mary Schumacher, 111

October 29, 2009; We are sad to report the passing of Mrs. Mary Schumacher of North Dakota, born August 29, 1898, today at age 111 years, 61 days. Click on the photo above for more details from the Grand Forks Herald. She is the North Dakota state recordholder, breaking the previous record of 110 years 164 days set by Zela Burstad in 2004.

Louisa Shephard, 111

With her husband in the 1950s:
Louisa Shephard, 1950s

In her final years:
Louisa Shephard
These photos were sourced from the South Wales Argus website.

Louisa Shephard was born in Wales, United Kingdom on September 14, 1898 and died in Blaenavon, Wales, United Kingdom on January 19, 2010 at the age of 111 years, 127 days. She became the oldest person in Wales on May 9, 2007, following the death of Victoria May Owen. At the time of her death, she was the third oldest person in Britain. She attributed her longevity to “hot milk with a dash of whiskey each evening.”

Shika Shimada, 112

Shika Shimada, 112
July 21, 2010; Shimada was born in Japan on July 7, 1898 and passed away yesterday about 4:00 AM local time at age 112 years, 13 days.

Mary Sloan, 110

Mary Sloan, 108
August 7, 2008; Mrs. Mary Sloan of Ontario, CANADA, now 110, was born on June 11, 1898.

We are sad to report that Mrs. Mary Sloan passed away on August 12, 2008 at age 110 years, 62 days.

Minnie Smith, 110

June 28, 2009; Mrs. Minnie Smith was born in England on January 5, 1898. She passed away on March 3, 2008 at age 110 years, 58 days. Click on the photo for more details from The Sun.

Maria de la O Soria-Berbel, 111

Maria de la O Soria-Berbel

Maria de la O Soria-Berbel
These photos were sourced from

Maria de la O Soria-Berbel was born in Andalusia, Spain on April 9, 1898 and died in the same autonomy on December 23, 2009 at the age of 111 years, 258 days. She became the oldest verified person in Spain following the death of 113-year-old Manuela Fernandez-Fojaco on January 6, 2009.

Angela Sottili, 110

Angela Sottili
This photo was sourced from

Angela Sottili was born in Lombardy, Italy on February 21, 1898 and died in the same region on April 11, 2008 at the age of 110 years, 50 days.

Abeline Spiehs, 110

Abeline (Wrage) Spiehs of Grand Island is now the oldest Nebraskan. She turned 109 years old on September 4, 2007.

November 26, 2008;

Abeline Spiehs, 110

We are saddened to report that
Abeline A. “Abby” Spiehs passed away on Monday, November 24, 2008 at Tiffany Square, at age 110 years, 81 days.


1. “Abby Spiehs, 110,” Grand Island Independent, p. A-12 (November 26, 2008).
“Although Abby did not want much made of the fact that she became the oldest resident in Nebraska, and that at 110 she became a Supercentenarian, it was great to see her become young again when being interviewed by the media.

2. Carol Bicak, “Oldest Nebraskan To Celebrate 110th: Abeline Wrage Spiehs of Grand Island Says She Feels Pretty Good,” Omaha World-Herald, p. B-3 (September 3, 2008).

Theresia Staffler-Breitgenberger, 111

January 12, 2010; We are sad to report that Thereisa Staffler-Breitgenberger born in Austria Hungary on November 15, 1898 passed away yesterday, January 11th in Italy at age 111 years, 57 days. Click on her photos for more information, if you read German.

Annie Turnbull, 111

Annie Turnbull, 109 Annie Turnbull, 109
Mrs. Annie Turnbull of Scotland was born on September 21, 1898.
The photos were taken from The Bield Bulletin (December 2007).

February 9, 2015: After leaving school at the age of 14, Annie Turnbull went into service as a table-maid in Edinburgh, a job she held for most of her life. She worked in private residences, where she met Rudyard Kipling and Gordon Jackson. She retired aged seventy-six. She lived without hot water until she was 92. Annie Turnbull died on September 3, 2010 at the age of 111 years, 347 days. At the time of her death, Turnbull was the oldest living person in the United Kingdom.

Koto Uemura, 111

Koto Uemura
May 10, 2015; Koto Uemura was born in Japan on March 1, 1898 and passed away in Miyazaki, Japan on January 21, 2010 at the age of 111 years, 326 days.

Stella Nardari Vecchiato, 113

Stella Vecchiato, 110 Stella Vecchiato, 110
February 19, 2009; Our Italian Correspondent from Rome, Giovanni Alunni, sent us these two photos of Sra. Stella Vecchaito at her 110th birthday party on December 23, 2008.

February 24, 2012; We are sad to report that Stella Nardari-Vecchiato passed away yesterday at age 113 years, 62 days.

Alice Doreen Washington, 110

Alice Doreen Washington, 110 Alice Doreen Washington, 110

Here are two photos of Mrs. Alice Doreen Washington born May 24, 1898 in Queensland and who now lives in New South Wales that were sent by our GRG-Australia correspondent Dr. John McCormack, who is also with the Max Planck Institute in Germany.

February 7, 2009; We are sad to report that Mrs. Washington passed away on February 4, 2009 at age 110 years, 256 days.

Gertrude Weaver, 116

July 4, 2014; Mrs. Gertrude Weaver was born as Gertrude Gaines in Lafayette County, Arkansas, near the Red River, between Lewisville and Garland, in southwestern Arkansas, close to the Texas and Louisiana borders. The United States decennial censuses of 1900 and 1910 showed her as living in Steel township (it was listed as “Steele” in the old census records but now it’s “Steel”), in Lafayette County. She married her husband, Gennie Weaver (1896-1969), in Ouachita County, Arkansas on July 18, 1915. In the 1920 and 1930 censuses, Mrs. Weaver was living with her husband, Gennie, in Smackover, Union County, Arkansas, a small town south of Camden, Ouachita County, Arkansas. She was recorded in the 1940 census, in Camden, Arkansas. In the 1940s Ms. Weaver moved to Huntington Park, California, where she lived with her son for several decades. In recent years, Mrs. Gertrude Weaver returned to Arkansas and resides today in Camden, Arkansas.

Gertrude Weaver in June 2009:

Gertrude Weaver in June 2009

Gertrude Weaver (at age 112, left; at age 113, right):

Gertrude Weaver, 112
Gertrude Weaver, 113

Gertrude Weaver (at age 114, left; at age 115, right):

Gertrude Weaver, 114
Gertrude Weaver, 115

Gertrude Weaver on July 3, 2014, with her 93-year-old son, Joe Weaver:

Gertrude Weaver & son, Joe Weaver

Gertrude Weaver (at age 116, left; her plaque from GRG at right):

Gertrude Weaver, 116
Gertrude Weaver's GRG plaque

If you haven’t done so, you can view the GRG’s announcement of Mrs. Gertrude Weaver as the Oldest Living American here.

April 1, 2015; With the death of Misao Okawa, Gertrude Weaver is now the oldest verified person in the world.

April 6, 2015; Gertrude Weaver passed away today at the age of 116 years, 276 days. She held the world’s oldest person title for just five days. At the time of her death, Weaver was the third oldest American ever recorded, the third oldest person to live in the 21st century and one of the top 10 oldest people ever.

Charlessa Wiggins, 110

March 1, 2008; Mr. Robert Young of Atlanta, GA has sent us this picture of
Charlessa Wiggins, 110
Mrs. Charlessa Wiggins, born in Minnesota on February 9, 1898 and now lives in Illinois.

March 29, 2008; Mrs. Charlessa Wiggins passed away today only one and a half months after turning 110, at age 110 years, 49 days.

Epsie Wilson, 110

Epsie Wilson
May 10, 2015; Epsie Wilson was born in North Carolina, United States on February 25, 1898 and passed away in Virginia, United States on February 7, 2009 at the age of 110 years, 348 days.

Hagar Young, 113

Hagar Young
March 26, 2010; Hagar Young’s family sent us this photo taken today. They claim she was born on October 11, 1896, but the 1900 US Census lists her as born in October 1898.

May 25, 2011; According to the wishes of the family, we have determined to go with the birth year of 1898 and have added Ms. Hagar Young to our Official Tables today.

November 27, 2011; We are sad to report that Ms. Hagar Young passed away on November 25th at age 113 years, 45 days. Click for more details including a Video Clip in Part 1. Although the news story shows a copy of Table E in the video, the discrepancy in her age between the video and our own Table E is based on the 1900 Census data, as explained above.