In 1897

Photo Gallery for Supercentenarians born in the year 1897, as of December 19, 2019.

Noemi Bernard Anderson, 111

Noemi Anderson at 109

December 29, 2007; Noemi Bernard Anderson was born in Oregon on September 28, 1897, the Daughter of French immigrants. She now resides in Northern California. This photo of her was taken when she was 109.

March 29, 2008;
Mrs. Noemi Anderson, 110
Mrs. Noemi Bernard Anderson, born September 28, 1897, now age 110, was born in The Dalles, OR, near the Columbia River, attended UC Berkeley in 1920, taught school for many years, and now lives in the Sunrise Senior Living Home in Petaluma, CA.

Noemi Anderson at 111

April 23, 2009; We are sad to report that Noemi Anderson passed away on Monday, April 20th, at age 111 years, 204 days. Click on her photo for more details.

Benjamin Franklin Anglin, 110

Benjamin Anglin, 110
January 12, 2011; Mr. Benjamin Franklin Anglin was born in Kentucky on May 27, 1897 and died on July 15, 2007 at age 110 years, 49 days.

Mary Ansick, 110

Mary Ansick
Photo sourced from Latrobe Bulletin.

December 19, 2019; Mary Ansick was born in Pennsylvania, United States on March 6, 1897 and died in the same state on November 23, 2007 at the age of 110 years, 262 days.

Aarne Arvonen, 111

Aarne Arvonen
Aarne Arvonen

Aarne Arvonen (in the wheel chair) was born on in Finland on August 4, 1897 and passed away on January 1, 2009 at age 111 years, 150 days.

Aimé Avignon, 110

March 26, 2007; Mr. Robert Young of Atlanta, GA has forwarded these photos of
Mon. Aimé Avignon, 110 yo Mon. Avignon with his four daughters
Mon. Aimé Avignon, at 110 years and the current oldest man in France.
The second color photo is taken from a French newspaper from Alès, FRANCE showing Mon. Avignon surrounded by his four daughters.

August 23, 2007; Mon. Avignon passed away at 2:00 PM this afternoon at age 110 years, 202 days. See MidiLibre [in French] for details.

Chikao Beppu, 112

Chikao Bepppu, 112
September 17, 2009; Chikao Beppu was born in Japan on March 28, 1897.

We are sad to report that Chikao Beppu died in Japan on February 17, 2010 at age 112 years, 326 days.

Frieda Borchert, 111

Frieda Borchert
This photo was sourced from

July 19, 2016; Frieda Borchert was born in Pomerania, Prussia, German Empire (now Poland) on January 5, 1897 and died in Berlin, Germany on June 22, 2008 at the age of 111 years, 169 days.

Kristine Brown, 110

Mrs. Kristine Brown at 108
This photo is from her 108th birthday in 2005, when she was presented with eight kittens.

January 12, 2008; Mrs. Kristine Brown, born in Missouri on September 8, 1897, passed away on December 19, 2007, in Oklahoma, at age 110 years, 102 days.

Mary Brown, 110

Mary Brown, 110
May 12, 2011; Mary Brown was born in Scotland on September 5, 1897. She lived in England and passed away on April 24, 2008 at age 110 years, 232 days.

Annie Butler, 112

January 29, 2008;
Annie Butler, 110

Annie Elizabeth (Allen) Butler, born June 4, 1897, is believed to be the third oldest person in England. Click for more details in The Courier of Leamington Spa, Warwickshire; UK “Woman Celebrates 110th Birthday” (June 7, 2007).

October 2, 2009; We are sad to that Annie Butler passed away on September 28, 2009 at age 112 years, 116 days.

Marcelle-Jeanne Colas, 110

Marcelle-Jeanne Colas, 110
January 24, 2009; Madam Marcelle-Jeanne Colas was born in France on July 28, 1897 and passed away on March 11, 2008 at 110 years, 227 days.

Beatrice Cooper, 112

March 3, 2007; Robert Young of Atlanta, GA just sent us this photo of
Mrs. Beatrice Cooper at age 109
Mrs. Beatrice Cooper of Michigan, who just turned 110 in February.

We are sad to report that Beatrice Cooper died on May 4, 2009 at age 112.

Louis de Cazenave, 110

January 20, 2008; One of the Last Two Surviving French Veterans of World War I Has Died at the Age of 110
Mon. Louis de Cazenave
Mon. Louis de Cazenave died at the age of 110. He was born on October 16, 1897. Click for more details.

Lake Dickson, 112

Lake Dickson, 110 Lake Dickson, 110 Lake Dickson, 110
Mrs. Lake Dickson, 112, was born in North Carolina on January 19, 1897 and passed away on January 30, 2009 at age 112 years, 11 days.

Julia Fournier-Cuadros, 110

At her 110th birthday:
Julia Fournier-Cuadros, 110

July 1, 2013; Julia Fournier-Cuadros was born in Barcelona, Spain, on November 9, 1897. Her father, Julio Fournier Touchard, was born in Barcelona to French parents; he lived to 92 years old. Julia married Luis Balcells in Barcelona on June 5, 1931. She died on June 30, 2008 in Barcelona at the age of 110 years 234 days.

Cora Gentry, 110

February 24, 2008; Mr. Robert Young of Atlanta, GA just sent us this photo of
Cora Gentry, 110
Mrs. Cora B. Gentry. From left, Tiffany Kesting, 35, and her Daughter Emma Grace Kesting, 2, talk with Cora B. Gentry at her birthday party at Big Sandy United Methodist Church in Tuscaloosa County on Sunday. Gentry turned 110 on Saturday. Kesting is Gentry’s Great-granddaughter and Emma Grace is Gentry’s Great-great-granddaughter.

“110-Year-Old Inspires Her Friends and Family: Big Sandy Resident Cora Gentry Celebrates Birthday”

Lucinda Coulter, Tuscaloosa News

Monday, April 16, 2007; Click for details from the Tuscaloosa News.

April 11, 2008; Mrs. Cora Boggs Gentry passed away today three days shy of her 111th birthday at age 110 years, 363 days.

Mary Gentry, 112

Friday, September 4, 2009; Charlie, the Grandson of Mary Gentry, said that his Grandmother “turns 112 today.” Corri, Sarah, Elizabeth, and Ella find it hard to believe they have a Great Grandmother who’s the 14th oldest living person in the US and the 29th oldest in the world! Click on her photo for more details.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009; We are sad to report that Mary Lindsey, a family member of Mary Gentry, posted on her blog, that she passed away earlier today at the age of 112 years, 32 days.

“Today is a sad day in the life of the Gentrys. Our dear Great Grandmother of 112 years old passed away early this morning of natural causes. Yes, if you are trying to calculate when she was born, it was back in 1897. September 4, 1897 to be exact. She lived a long, healthy life throughout three different centuries. My Great-grandmother, Mary Gentry, was a woman of faith. She consistently reminded those she spoke with that her best friend was Jesus. She taught Sunday school for over 40 years to kindergarten children and loved singing nursery rhymes. In these last few years, she has had less cognitive function, but to everyone’s surprise, she could recite nursery rhymes as if her memory was perfect… The photo above was taken several months before her 112th birthday when Chris and I were visiting the family in Aliceville, AL.” Click on the photo for more details.

Marie Grosclaude, 110

Courtesy of Laurent Toussaint (picture sent in 2006):
Marie Grosclaude, 110

August 23, 2013: Marie Grosclaude was born October 15, 1897, as Marie Gabrielle Emilie Grosclaude in Villette, Jura Department, France. She was the daughter of Francois Stephane Grosclaude and Jeanne Eugenie Marie Clair. She never married, and lived most of her life in Colombier, Cote-d’Or Department, France. She died on December 20, 2007, in Arnay-le-Duc, Cote-d’Or Department at the age of 110 years 66 days.

Daniel Guzman-Garcia, 111

March 22, 2008; We just received the first photo from Mr. Bart Versieck of Belgium and the last three photos from Mr. Robert Young of Atlanta, GA.
Sr. Daniel Guzman-Garcia, 110 Sr. Daniel Guzman-Garcia, 111 Sr. Daniel Guzman-Garcia, 111 Sr. Daniel Guzman-Garcia, 111
Sr. Daniel Guzman-Garcia, born February 6, 1897 in Colombia, is the first Supercentenarian to be validated from this country.

June 1, 2008; We are sad to report the Sr. Guzman-Garcia passed away of a hemorrhagic stroke on May 21, 2008 at age 111 years, 105 days.

Pearl Hampton, 111

Mrs. Pearl Hampton celebrates her 111th Birthday. From New Smyrna Beach, FL, she was born on October 14, 1897. Click on the photo for more details.

May 15, 2009; We are saddened to report that Mrs. Pearl Hampton died today at age 111 years, 213 days.

Helene Heidbreder, 110

Helene Heidbreder, 110
January 15, 2010; Helene Heidbreder was born in Germany on May 19, 1897 and died on October. 8, 2007 at age 110 years, 142 days.

Shige Hirooka, 114

Shige Hirooka
Photo sourced from a Japanese Supercentenarian Forum.

March 6, 2017; Shige Hirooka was born in Japan on January 16, 1897 and died in Osaka, Japan on March 29, 2011 at the age of 114 years, 72 days. At the time of her death, she was the oldest person ever from Osaka. Her Osaka longevity record was broken by Misao Okawa in 2012. She was the wife of a Buddhist priest.

Harvey Hite, 110

As a young man:
Harvey Hite

Aged 105:
Harvey Hite, 105

In his final years:
Harvey Hite
The second photo was sourced from The Herald Press newspaper.

July 31, 2017; Harvey Hite was born in Indiana on November 15, 1897 and died in the same state on February 16, 2008 at age 110 years, 93 days.

Dorothy Hodgson, 110

Dorothy Hodgson, 110
Dorothy Hodgson, 110

January 3, 2008; Dorothy Hodgson, born July 23, 1897 in England, passed away on December 7, 2007 at age 110 years, 137 days in British Columbia, CANADA.

Toshi Horiya, 113

Toshi Horiya, 109
September 22, 2009; Mrs. Toshi Horiya of Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan was born on November 8, 1897, but the photo was from September 2007 when she was only 109. She is now nearing age 112.

February 10, 2015: Toshi Horiya went into limbo on March 1, 2011 at the age of 113.

Ethel Johnson, 111

November 29, 2007; This photo just in from Robert Young of Atlanta, GA of…

Mrs. Ethel Johnson, 100
Mrs. Ethel Johnson, born September 28, 1897. Mrs. Johnson lives near Toledo, OH; her Mother lived to age 101.

July 29, 2009; We are sad to report that Mrs. Johnson of Ohio passed away today at age 111 years, 304 days. Click for more details on the Kenton Times Ohio newspaper.

Kiyoshi Igarashi, 111

Kiyoshi Igarashi

January 3, 2008; Kiyoshi Igarashi, 110 years old, born August 2, 1897 in Japan.

February 24, 2009; We are sad to report that Mr. Kiyoshi Igarashi passed away yesterday at age 111 years, 205 days.

Tatsuno Ioda, 111

Tatsuno Ioda

May 10, 2015; Tatsuno Ioda was born in Japan on January 2, 1897 and passed away in Nara, Japan on March 4, 2008 at the age of 111 years, 62 days.

Florence Johnson, 110

December 30, 2013: Florence Johnson was born on July 18, 1897, in Aberdeen, Brown County, South Dakota, United States. Never married, she lived to 110 years 121 days before dying in her birth place of Aberdeen. Please click here for an article about her when she was 109 years old.

The picture below is from the same newspaper article above (Turtle Mountain Star, April 16, 2007):
Florence Johnson, 109

Lois Jones, 110

Lois Jones

May 6, 2016; Lois Jones was born in South Carolina, United States on February 7, 1897 and died in the same state on April 7, 2007 at the age of 110 years, 59 days.

Myrtle Jones, 111

Myrtle Jones, 111
Myrtle Jones at her 111th Birthday Party.
Dr. John McCormack, Senior Lecturer in Health Sciences at Latrobe University (Bundoora Victoria 3083; AUSTRALIA) apologizes for the poor quality of this photo.

Myrtle Jones at 108.followed by a photo taken in her 20’s. Click on the photo for more details.

January 15, 2009; Adelaide, SOUTH AUSTRALIA; We are sad to report that Mrs. Myrtle Jones, born April 18, 1897 passed away on January 12, 2009 at age 111 years, 269 days.

Ref.: Nadine Williams, “SA’s Oldest Person – Myrtle Jones – Dies at 111,” Adelaide Now (January 15, 2009).

Nellie Jones, 111

April 9, 2008;
Nellie Jones, 111
Heritage Health and Rehabilitation Center
Activity Director Robin Spicer gives Nellie Jones a kiss.

Mrs. Nellie Jones born January 30, 1897 died today (April 9, 2008) in Zeeland, MI at age 111 years, 70 days.


1. AP, “Zeeland Woman, One of the World’s Oldest People, Dies at 111,” (April 9, 2008).
2. “Zeeland Resident Nellie Jones, One of the Oldest People in the World, Dies” Grand Rapids Press (April 9, 2008).

Kaya Kataoka, 110

Aged 109:
Kaya Kataoka, 109

Aged 110:
Kaya Kataoka, 110
Photos sourced from

January 8, 2018; Kaya Kataoka was born in Japan on April 1, 1897 and died in Hyogo, Japan on February 27, 2008 at the age of 110 years, 332 days.

Claudia Ketcham, 110

Claudia Ketcham, 110
June 1, 2009; Mrs. Claudia Ketcham was born in Missouri on December 1, 1897 and died in Iowa on October 20, 2008 at age 110 years, 324 days. Click for more details. Also, click for an Obituary.

Jiroemon Kimura, 116, World’s Oldest Man

February 3, 2008; Mr. Stefan Gelow has sent us this picture of
Jiroemon Kimura
Mr. Jiroemon Kimura, born April 19, 1897, the second-oldest man in JAPAN.

June 22, 2009; Mr. Kimura is now the oldest man in Japan. Click on the photo below for more details.

April 19, 2010; Mr. Kimura is now at 113 the second oldest man in the world, since the death of Henry Allingham on July 18, 2009. Click on his photo above for more details from 47 News, providing you can read Japanese.

April 19, 2011; Jirouemon Kimura poses during his 114th birthday at his home in Kyotango, Western Japan. Click on his photo for more details from Associated Press. See more from Reuters and from The Guinness Book of World Records.

April 19, 2012; Mr. Kimura now at 115 years old is the oldest man in the world. Click on his photo above for more details from ABC News.

Jiroemon Kmura, 115, and Family
May 24, 2013; This photo shows 115-year-old Jiroemon Kimura (R) living with the 59-year-old Wife of his Grandson in Kyotango, Kyoto Prefecture on Dec. 9, 2012.

Jiroemon Kimura was born on April 19, 1897 and died on June 12, 2013 at the age of 116 years, 54 days. On June 19, 2009, he became the oldest living man in Japan, following the death of Tomoji Tanabe. On April 14, 2011, he became the oldest living man in the world, following the death of Walter Breuning. On October 26, 2011, he passed the final age of Yukichi Chuganji and became the oldest Japanese and Asian man ever. On December 2, 2011, he became the oldest living person in Japan following the death of Chiyono Hasegawa. On December 17, 2012, he became the oldest verified living person in the world, following the death of Dina Manfredini. On December 28, 2012, he surpassed the final age of Christian Mortensen and became the oldest verified man ever. On April 19, 2013, he became the first verified man to reach the age of 116. On May 23, 2013, he became the last known living man born in the 19th century, following the death of James Sisnett.

As the oldest man ever recorded, Jiroemon Kimura’s case was verified by Hamish Todd, Ken Matsuoka and the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. His case was subsequently double checked by the Supercentenarian Research Foundation who found the case to be fully verifiable.

Kimura was born as Kinjiro Miyake in the fishing village of Kamiukawa. At the age of 14, he left school after coming second in his class. At the age of 17, he began working in the local post office. In the 1920s, Kimura worked for some time as a government communications officer in Korea under Japanese rule. Upon his return from Korea, Kimura married Yae Kimura, with whom he was to have seven children. As his wife’s family lacked a male heir, he changed his name to Jiroemon Kimura, becoming the ninth member of the family to bear that name. In 1927 Kimura survived the 7.6 magnitude Kita Tango earthquake that hit Kyoto and killed over 3,000 people.

Kimura retired in 1962 at the age of 65, after 45 years as a post office worker. He then helped his son farm until the age of 90. In the 1960s, Kimura built a two-story wooden house in Kyotango, Kyoto Prefecture. He was to live in this house for the rest of his life. His wife died in 1978 at the age of 74.

In his supercentenarian years, Kimura lived with and was cared for by Eiko Kimura, his grandson’s widow. He woke up early in the morning and read newspapers with a magnifying glass. He also enjoyed chatting to guests and watching live parliamentary debates on television. He enjoyed a good appetite into extreme old age and was particularly fond of red bean cake and rice. Eiko Kimura described him as “positive and optimistic”.

On his 115th birthday, when asked for the secret to his longevity, Kimura said “Maybe it’s all thanks to the sun above me. I am always looking up towards the sky, that is how I am.” By October 2012, when Kimura was aged 115 years, 6 months, he remained lucid and could communicate clearly but spent most of his time in bed. When Kimura broke the male longevity world record in December 2012, his nephew Tamotsu Miyake said in an interview “He has an amazingly strong will to live. He is strongly confident that he lives right and well.” At this time, he still enjoyed a regular breakfast consisting of porridge and miso soup with potatoes and vegetables. On his 116th and final birthday, Kimura received a video message from Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan. He was hospitalized for pneumonia on May 11, 2013.

Kimura died from natural causes at 2:08 AM on June 12, 2013, in a hospital in his hometown of Kyotango, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. He was survived by five of his seven children, 13 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and 15 great-great-grandchildren. His youngest brother, Tetsuo, reached the age of 100.

According to a family member, Kimura was actually born on March 19, 1897 but his birthday was recorded as April 19, 1897 by mistake in 1955 when records from neighboring towns were consolidated and re-done. This claim is not supported by any of the research outlined in the second paragraph above.

Kimura gave ten recommendations for a long life, namely: regular exercise, eating small portions of food, let adversity make you strong, read the news everyday, eliminate strong preferences, live without attachment, stay close to nature, have gratitude, laugh often and break life up into small parts.

Masatake Kinoshita, 110

In 2005, aged about 108:
Masatake Kinoshita, 108
Photos sourced from Sanyo Shimbun.

July 25, 2019; Masatake Kinoshita was born in Japan on August 20, 1897 and died in Okayama, Japan on July 17, 2008 at the age of 110 years, 332 days.

Viola Koch, 111

On her 111th birthday:
Viola Koch
Photo sourced from her Find a Grave page.

May 6, 2016; Viola Koch was born in California, United States on May 24, 1897 and died in the same state on November 11, 2008 at the age of 111 years, 171 days.

Delma Kollar, 114

Delma Kollar, 111
Mrs. Delma Kollar was born in Kansas on October 31, 1897 and now lives in Creswell, OR at age 111.

August 5, 2009;

Delma Kollar, 111
Delma Kollar and Dr. Coles

Delma Kollar with Family
Delma Kollar with Granddaughter
The third photo features Delma’s Daughter, Jean Cooper, and Granddaughter, Syd Bergeson, 59. The fourth photo is with her Granddaughter.

Stephen Coles with Delma Kollar
September 4, 2010; Stephen presents Delma Kollar with an SRF Honorary Plaque at age 112.

Dr. Hinco Gierman and Son receive Kollar Family blood samples from Stephen Coles
September 5, 2010; Dr. Hinco Gierman and his Son receive Kollar Family blood samples from Stephen Coles in Cupertino, CA. Dr. Gierman is a Post Doctoral Fellow in Dr. Stuart Kim’s Lab in the Department of Developmental Biology at Stanford University.

January 25, 2012; We are sad to report that Delma Kollar passed away on January 24, 2012 at age 114 years, 85 days. Click for more details from the Register-Guard.

Suwa Kondou, 110

February 15, 2008;
Suwa Kondou, 108 Suwa Kondou, 110
Mrs. Suwa Kondou was born November 15, 1897 in Japan and passed away on January 22, 2008 at age 110 years, 68 days. The first photo was taken at age 108; The second photo was taken at age 109 in September 2007.

Haya Kurogi, 111

February 3, 2008; Mr. Stefan Gelow sent us this photo of
Haya Kurogi, 111
Mrs. Haya Kurogi, born January 10, 1897, on the occasion of her 111th birthday. She passed away on February 2, 2008 less than one month later.

Hattie Lafayette, 112

Hattie Lafayette

May 10, 2015; Hattie Lafayette was born in Alabama, United States on March 30, 1897 and passed away in Michigan, United States on September 10, 2009 at the age of 112 years, 164 days.

Gertrude Lewis, 110

Gertrude Lewis

May 10, 2015; Gertrude Lewis was born in Massachusetts, United States on December 19, 1897 and passed away in the same state on January 30, 2008 at the age of 110 years, 42 days.

Ruth Lincoln, 111

Ruth Lincoln
Ruth Lincoln

May 10, 2015; Ruth Lincoln was born in Oklahoma Territory, United States on September 30, 1897 and passed away in Arkansas, United States on September 17, 2009 at the age of 111 years, 352 days.

Aurora Lomban-Ares, 110

Aged 109:
Aurora Lomban-Ares, 109
Photo sourced from

April 10, 2017; Aurora Lomban-Ares was born in Galicia, Spain on April 26, 1897 and died in the same autonomy on June 25, 2007 at the age of 110 years, 60 days.

Dina Manfredini, 115

Dina Manfredini, 115
April 6, 2012; Mrs. Dina Manfredini was born in Italy on April 4, 1897 and now lives in Iowa. Click on the fist photo for a video.

Dr. Thomas Coote commented… “She appears to be in quite good health, but, as one relative explained, she now answers in Italian instead of in English.’ This may be due to some cognitive decline, but we can’t say for sure.”

December 17, 2012; We are sad to report that Ms. Dina Manfredini passed away today at age 115 years, 257 days.

Chrissie Martenstein, 110

January 28, 2008;
Chrissie Martenstein, 110
Briget, Chrissie Martenstein, and Lynn Martenstein

Chrissie Martenstein born June 9, 1897 is 110 years old. She has lived in San Francisco her entire life. Briget (L) is her live-in care giver. Lynn (R) is her Niece, who lives in Florida. Chrissie is the oldest living survivor of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire.

April 18, 2008; Mrs. Chrissie Martenstein passed away today at age 110 years, 314 days.

Reuel Millar, 110

April 23, 2007; Lakewood, CO (Denver Post) —

Reuel Milar, 110
Reuel Millar celebrated his 110th birthday March 1, 2007.

A 110-year-old man, reputed to be the seventh-oldest man in the world, died recently at his son’s home in Lakewood. Mr. Millar was born March 1, 1897, the same year as Walter Winchell, who died in 1972; Amelia Earhart, who disappeared in 1937; and author William Faulkner, who died in 1962.

According to Mr. E.A. Kral of the Gerontology Research Group, Millar was “the third-oldest living U.S. man when he died April 15th.” “And he was only 17 months younger than the world’s oldest living man, 111-year-old Tomoji Tanabe of Japan,” according to Kral.

Millar was born in North Bend, NE, the oldest of five children born to Archie and Emma Clark Millar. Millar told the North Bend Eagle a few months ago, “God has a plan for me. I don’t know what that is, and I’m not leaving until I find out.”

On his birthday last month, he told The Denver Post he was out of new ideas for celebrating. “Well, I guess I’ll go out here and crawl under a log,” he joked. “I can’t go very far. If I fall down once, I can’t get up.”

His son, Richard Millar, with whom he lived in Lakewood, said Millar was “a big, strong guy” with the constitution of someone who had worked hard all his life. He drove a car until he was 108.

“He had a harder time getting in and out of the car,” said his Granddaughter Nancy Nett. “It was time (to stop driving); it was getting a little scary.”

Richard Millar, who was born in 1926, said: “He used to tell me stories about riding a horse three miles to school with his sister. He had to get there early to start a fire in the stove and warm up the one-room schoolhouse. “He was a farmer until he was 26. He farmed with horses pulling the plows.”

Shortly after World War I, he married Bernice Sollar Rodaway, and they moved to Anaconda, MT, where he worked at a copper smelter, eventually rising to Head Refiner. He also owned a small grocery store in Anaconda, as well as a soda fountain called Town Talk, which had a dance floor. “All the high-school kids used to hang out there, drinking cherry Cokes and dancing to the jukebox,” Richard Millar said.

After World War II, Millar moved to Colorado, where he worked for Lloyd King, one of the partners in the Save-A-Nickel grocery stores. King soon left the company and started the King Soopers grocery chain.

Millar left with him and worked as a store manager for King Soopers until 1965, when he retired. Richard Millar was his only son. “Reuel Millar’s wife, who had two sons from another marriage, died in 1975,” said Richard, who spent his life as a drummer in ballroom bands.


April 23, 2007; We are sad to report that Mr. Reuel Millar passed away on April 15, 2007 at age 110 years, 45 days.

Matsue Mitsuki, 110

Aged 109:
Matsue Mitsuki, 109
Photo sourced from Japanese Oldest People forum.

January 8, 2018; Matsue Mitsuki was born in Japan on February 10, 1897 and died in Kyoto, Japan on April 24, 2007 at the age of 110 years, 73 days.

Kayo Miyazaki, 110

Kayo Miyazaki

May 4, 2018; Kayo Miyazaki was born in Japan on September 17, 1897 and died in Shizuoka, Japan on February 8, 2008 at the age of 110 years, 144 days.

Komiya Miyazaki, 113

Komiya Miyazaki
January 5, 2011; Komiya Miyazaki was born in Japan on August 20, 1897 and passed away on January 4, 2011 at age 113 years, 137 days.

Anna Monti-Arnaboldi, 110

Anna Monti-Arnaboldi
This photo was sourced from

Anna Monti-Arnaboldi was born in Lombardy, Italy on October 19, 1897 and died in the same region on April 6, 2008 at the age of 110 years, 170 days.

Irene Nadeau, 110

Irene Nadeau
Photo sourced from an Ancestry family tree.

August 7, 2018; Irene Nadeau was born in Quebec, Canada on April 25, 1897 and died in Massachusetts, United States on June 9, 2007 at the age of 110 years, 45 days.

Kiku Nishimura, 111

Aged 110:
Kiku Nishimura, 110
Photos sourced from

January 9, 2018; Kiku Nishimura was born in Japan on May 2, 1897 and died in Kagoshima, Japan on August 22, 2008 at the age of 111 years, 112 days.

Koto Okubo, 115

Koto Okubo

Centenarians in Japan Are Set To Number over 50,000 for the First Time

September 14, 2012; Tokyo (Kyodo) – The number of people in Japan aged 100 or older is expected to again set a new record this year, topping 50,000 for the first time, a health ministry survey ahead of Respect for the Aged Day showed Friday.

The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry survey, conducted annually since 1963, showed that centenarians are projected to total 51,376 as of Sept. 15, up 3,620 from a year earlier, marking the 42nd consecutive year of increase.

Women accounted for a record 87.3 percent of all centenarians this year. They numbered 44,842, up 3,248 from a year earlier. Male centenarians totaled 6,534, up 372. It was the 42nd straight year of rise for women and 32nd consecutive year of increase for men.

Japan’s oldest person is Jiroemon Kimura, a 115-year-old man from Kyotango, Kyoto Prefecture. He was born April 19, 1897. He is currently recognized as the world’s oldest male by The Guinness Book of Records.

The country’s oldest woman is Koto Okubo, a 114-year-old from Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture. She was born December 24, also in 1897.

For the survey, the Ministry on September 1st compiled the number of people expected to be 100 or older as of September 15th based on resident registry records across Japan. This year’s Respect for the Aged day falls on September 17th.

The number of people who are to turn 100 in the current fiscal year through March 31, 2013, is estimated at 25,823, up 871 from the previous year, according to the survey.

There were an average 40.20 centenarians per 100,000 people nationwide. By prefecture, Kochi had the highest ratio, at 78.50, recapturing the top spot after 40 years. It was followed by Shimane at 77.81, and Yamaguchi at 67.27.

In contrast, the prefectures with the lowest ratios of centenarians were Saitama at 23.09, Aichi at 25.49, and Chiba at 28.23.

The health ministry said, “Places such as Kochi are experiencing both the aging of population and depopulation, while Saitama and some other prefectures are seeing increases in overall populations.”

The number of centenarians in Japan totaled 153 in 1963 when the survey began. It took 35 years to top 10,000 in 1998. The count then grew rapidly, surpassing 20,000 in 2003, 30,000 in 2007 and 40,000 in 2009.

Click for more details from Mainichi, JAPAN.

January 13, 2013; We have to report that the World’s Oldest Woman, Koto Okubo, died of pneumonia on January 12, 2013, at the age of 115 years, 19 days.

Shozo Otani, 110

Aged 99:
Shozo Otani, 99
Photo sourced from

January 8, 2018; Shozo Otani was born in Japan on March 5, 1897 and died in Niigata, Japan on August 13, 2007 at the age of 110 years, 161 days.

Hatsuyo Otsuchi, 110

Aged 109:
Hatsuyo Otsuchi, 109
This photo was sourced from Chugoku Shimbu.

June 9, 2019; Hatsuyo Otsuchi was born in Japan on March 3, 1897 and died in Hiroshima, Japan on September 10, 2007 at the age of 110 years, 191 days.

Carolina Peretti-Scaramelli, 111

Carolina Peretti-Scaramelli , 111
June 19, 2009; Mrs. Carolina Peretti-Scaramelli was born in Italy on October 21, 1897 and passed away on June 15, 2009 at age 111 years, 237 days.

Florence Emma Robinson Poe, 112

Florence Poe, 111
January 24, 2009; Mrs. Florence Emma (Robinson) Poe was born in Missouri on August 24, 1897.

March 21, 2010; We are sad to report that Mrs. Poe passed away today at age 112 years, 209 days. Click on her Obituary for more details.

Dr. Maria Pogonowska, 111

Maria Pogonowska, Ph.D., 111 Maria Pogonowska, Ph.D., 111 Maria Pogonowska, Ph.D., 111
July 4, 2009; Dr. Maria Pogonowska, Ph.D. was born in Poland on October 30, 1897 but now lives in Israel. In the first photo, we have (from L to R) Daughter Janina, Maria, Great- Granddaughter Tal, Granddaughter Hanna, Great-Great-Grandson Ben; in the 3rd picture — Maria is with her Daughter Janina

July 15, 2009; We are sad to report that Dr. Pogonowska died today at age 111 years, 258 days.

Lazare Ponticelli, 110

March 18, 2008; “Mon. Lazare Ponticelli, Foreign Legionnaire was the last French Survivor of WW-I”

Mon. Lazare Ponticelli Mon. Lazare Ponticelli

Both Louis de Cazenave and Lazare Ponticelli (France’s official last two poilus, a term of endearment for French World War-I infantryman) coincidentally died at age 110 years, 96 days. Lazare died on March 12, 2008. He was born on December 7, 1897. Click for more details.


1. “France Honored Soldiers Who Fought in World War I As It Buried Its Last Veteran of That Conflict, Who Died at 110,” The Wall Street Journal, p. A1 (March 18, 2008).

2. “France: World War I Vet Gets Hero’s Burial,” The Los Angeles Times, p. A9 (March 18, 2008).

3. AP, France: Last World War I Veteran Honored,” The New York Times, p. A8 (March 18, 2008).

Leonora Quartararo-Onorato, 110

Leonora Quartararo-Onorato
This photo was sourced from

Leonora Quartararo-Onorato was born in Sicily, Italy on September 27, 1897 and died in the same island on November 15, 2007 at the age of 110 years, 49 days.

Rosa Rein, 112

Rosa Rein, 111
Rosa Rein, 111, was born in Germany [now Poland] on March 24, 1897, but she now lives in Switzerland.

Mr. Stefan Jamin provides more details as follows…
“Rosa Rein was born in Dzietzkowitz (today Dzieckowice as part of Myslowice). Originally, the region Myslowice (state country of Kattwoitz/Katowice) was part of Bohemia. Between [1742 – 1922], it was a part of the Prussian Province of Silesia. After 1922, it became a part of Poland. Bohemia and Silesia were parts of the Holy Roman Empire and later of the German Confederation; since 1871, Silesia was part of the German Empire.”

February 10, 2015: Rosa Rein died on February 14, 2010 at the age of 112 years, 327 days.

Bessie Roffey, 111

Bessie Roffey, at her wedding in 1922
Bessie Roffey, in her final years

May 10, 2015; Bessie Roffey was born in England, United Kingdom on March 2, 1897 and passed away in Alberta, Canada on June 17, 2008 at the age of 111 years, 107 days.

Marie Rouch, 110

Marie Rouch, 110

January 5, 2008; We are sad to report that French woman, Marie Rouch, born on May 29, 1897, passed away on October 27, 2007 at 110 years, 151 days.

Alice Sanders, 110

Alice Sanders, 110

Alice Matos Sanders , Shown at a Birthday Party Held in Her Honor in 2005

Scott Jason, Merced Sun-Star

November 9, 2007; Ms. Alice Sanders born May 12, 1897 died Wednesday evening at a Merced, CA care home on November 7, 2007 at 110 years, 179 days. She was one of the world’s oldest Portuguese women. Click for details.

Mary “Nana” DiScipio Schiazza, 110

August 29, 2007; Lynn, MA…
Mary Schiazza, 110
Mrs. Mary “Nana” DiScipio Schiazza, a former seamstress age 110, died Wednesday, August 29, 2007, in a local nursing home after a brief illness. She was the Wife of the late Antonio Schiazza, and the Daughter of the late Ralph and Clementina (Barbera) DiScipio. Born and raised in Crecchio in the Providence of Chieti in ITALY, she moved to Lynn in 1917. She was educated in schools in ITALY and worked as a seamstress in the local clothing manufacturing industry. She was a communicant of St. Pius V Church in Lynn. Mrs. Schiazza bowled on the Lucky Strike League in Lynn until she was 100 years old. She loved cooking and gardening and was devoted to her family.

Ella Schuler, 113

September 5, 2009; Mrs. Ella Schuler, born on Sept. 5, 1897 in Nebraska, celebrated her 112th birthday today in Kansas. Click on her photo for more details from the local newspaper. More details are at KTKA News .

February 13, 2010; Tom Schuler has made a professionally-edited YouTube video clip of his Grandmother (TRT = 10:09 min.) in Topeka, Kansas. Click on the photo above for more details.

May 8, 2011; We are sad to report that the. Schuler family informed us that Ella passed away yesterday about 11 PM CDT at age 113 years, 244 days. She was ranked in the top ten oldest verified living persons.

Gertrude Shindel, 110

Mrs. Gertrude Shindel, 110

January 10, 2008; Mrs. Gertrude Shindel born on July 29, 1897, passed away on December 29, 2007, in Indiana, at age 110 years, 153 days.

Frances Street, 113

The only known photo of Frances Street:

Frances Street

September 18, 2014; Frances Street was born on March 28, 1897 in Greenville County, South Carolina. She was the youngest of seven children born to the Newton and Manzy Berry. After graduating from high school, she worked as a licensed practical nurse in Asheville, where she was to live for most of her life. In 1928, she married Charles Street in Buncombe County, North Carolina. They had no children.

Frances and her husband loved to exercise and enjoyed long walks in the country. Frances also enjoyed looking good and always wore pretty clothes lots of jewelry. She also enjoyed reading but in her own words ”I hate to cook and couldn’t cook water.”

In her final years, Frances Street lost both legs due to poor circulation, but maintained good health otherwise. Carers at her nursing home said ”There’s just something special about this lady. She is just full of joy and happiness.” Frances loved to tell humorous stories about her life and would often understate her age when asked. She enjoyed an evening cocktail of gin and tonic. Frances Street died on August 24, 2010 at the age of 113 years, 149 days. At the time of her death, she was the oldest person ever born in South Carolina, although this record was subsequently broken by Mamie Rearden.

Her Find A Grave entry can be found here:

Tsuji Takano, 112

Tsuji Takano
Tsuji Takano
June 26, 2009; Mrs. Tsuji Takano was born in Japan on June 7, 1897 and passed away on June 17, 2009 at age 112 years, 10 days. These photos were taken in 2008, on her 111th birthday.

Lillie Taylor, 110

Lilly B. Taylor

January 1, 2008; Mrs. Lilly B. Taylor was born on August 5, 1897 and died on October 29, 2007 at age 110 years, 85 days.

Julia Tharnish, 110

by Jane Palmer, Staff Writer

Julia Tharnish, 110

December 15, 2007; Creighton, NE (Omaha World Herald) – – Nebraska’s oldest citizen, Julia (Huigens) Tharnish, died Thursday at the Creighton Care Center. She was 110. Tharnish died just a few hours after learning that daughter Pauline McMaine had died. McMaine, 85, lived across the hall from Tharnish at the Care Center.

Tharnish had 14 children, helped her husband on the farm, and played the piano until she was 104. She was born on a farm near Creighton and was one of eight children. As a teen, she wrote for the local newspaper, worked in a variety store and played piano for silent films shown at the local theater.

She married Ernest Tharnish in 1915, and the couple farmed in the Creighton area until 1954. Then they moved to town and operated a direct marketing business, selling household supplies to farmers door-to-door.

“She was a great lady,” said Granddaughter Monica Eby of Omaha. “She had a sense of humor all the way to the end. She decided to put herself in the nursing home at age 100. She played piano for a good four years after that. She loved waltzes, polkas, and all the classics. She played the piano in the lobby once a week.”

Tharnish’s daughter Anna Schumacher of North Platte, NE, recalled at least one occasion when the family hauled the piano into the hayloft of a newly constructed barn, and her Mother played for a dance. “They made their own fun,” she said of her parents. Schumacher described her Mother as patient and slow to anger. “She was always good for helping at the church, bake sales and whatever they needed,” she said.

Tharnish’s husband died in 1983. Her survivors include Sons Raymond, Elmer, and John, all of Lincoln; Robert of Elgin, NE, and Ernest Jr. of Northglenn, CO; Daughters Gertrude Effle, Rita Wagner, and Pat Neumann, all of Creighton, Margaret Hansen of O’Neill, NE, Irene Thomas of Dallas, TX, and Ruth Jankiewicz of Chaska, MN; 75 Grandchildren, about 165 Great Grandchildren, and more than 60 Great- Great-Grandchildren.

Eleanor Thatcher, 110

Eleanor Thatcher
Photo provided by Dr. Andrew Holmes.

May 6, 2016; Eleanor Thatcher was born in Sevenoaks, United Kingdom on September 19, 1897 and died in Cranleigh, United Kingdom on February 13, 2008 at the age of 110 years, 147 days.

Tsuru Tokashiki, 111

Tsuru Tokashiki, 104
Tsuru Tokashiki of Okinawa was born in Okinawa on June 24, 1897 and passed away on November 16, 2008 at age 111 years, 145 days.. Pictured at age 104, she is shown with Dr. D. Craig Wilcox and Dr. Makoto Suzuki, both of whom are longevity researchers with the Okinawa Centenarian Study.

Mississippi Winn, 113

August 10, 2007; Mr. Robert Young has provided us with this photo of
Mrs. Mississippi Winn at age 110
Mrs. Mississippi Winn age 110 and born on March 31, 1897.

Mississippi Winn, 112
March 8, 2010; Mrs. Mississippi Winn of Shreveport, Louisiana was born on March 31, 1897 and is now the oldest living African American. Her Father was said to be a slave. The 1900 Census indicates that her Mother was born in 1862 and could have been a slave as well. Thus, Ms. Winn may be the last daughter of slaves in the U.S.

Mississippi Winn, 113

July 23, 2010; Mr. Robert Young presents an SRF Plaque to Ms. Mississippi Winn, 113, on July 19, 2010. He reports that she is still in good shape.

Mary Hollins and Mississippi Winn, 113
September 25, 2010; The SRF visited with Mississipi Winn and her Great Niece, Mary Hollins in Shrieveport, LA. Mississippi prefers the first name “Sweety.”

October 2010; Mrs. Mississippi Winn was born on March 31, 1897. She currently resides in Shreveport, LA.

January 15, 2011; We are sad to report that Ms. Winn passed away yesterday at ~4:00 PM CST. Click on the photo above [from Robert Young by way of Associated Press] for her Obituary from USA Today. Ms. Winn’s passing was mentioned on NPR Radio News as well. Click for her Obituary at CNN, “The Oldest African-American Dies at 113” by Phil Gast.

Mineno Yamamoto, 112

Mineno Yamamoto

April 10, 2018; Mineno Yamamoto was born in Japan on April 8, 1897 and went into limbo in Fukuoka, Japan on September 1, 2009 at the age of 112.