In 1894

Photo Gallery for Supercentenarians born in the year 1894, as of July 25, 2019.

Takano Akita, 110

On her 107th birthday:
Takano Akita, 107

Aged 107:
Takano Akita, 107

Aged 108:
Takano Akita, 108
Photos provided by Sanyo Shimbun.

July 25, 2019; Takano Akita was born in Japan on February 10, 1894 and died in Okayama, Japan on May 19, 2004 at the age of 110 years, 99 days.

Gertrude Baines, 115

Mrs. Gertrude Baines, 112 with Ms. Jacquie St. James

September 10, 2006; Mrs. Baines, born in Georgia on April 6, 1894, was validated today and therefore obtains the title of “California’s Oldest Living Person,” regardless of the Death of Mr. George Johnson last week, since she was always his senior. Jacquie, a Catholic Eucharistic Minister with the Western Convalescent Hospital in Los Angeles, has volunteered her time with Mrs. Baines for the last year and a half.

A special ceremony recognizing Gertrude was held on Wednesday, October 4, 2006 from Noon to 2:00 PM attended by LA County Supervisor Yvonne Burke. Look for photos at this location soon.

Mrs. Baines was interviewed by CNN Cable-TV News last month and her two-minute interview was aired on Tuesday, December 19th at 8:39 AM PST. According to CNN, “Paging Dr. Sanjay Gupta, M.D.” takes a look at “possible keys to the Fountain of Youth.” Click for the CNN segment entitled “Video: Searching for the Secrets to a Long Life.” (TRT = 2:13 min.) and watch the clip through a CNN video player after first watching an obligatory TV commercial for about 15 seconds (commercials are preprogrammed to change randomly with each viewing).

In addition to Mrs. Baines, Drs. Doros Platika, M.D., in Pittsburgh, PA and L. Stephen Coles, M.D., Ph.D., in Los Angeles were also interviewed.

“A Supercentenarian Looks Back Over 112 Years”


Val Willingham, Producer, CNN Medical News, Washington, D.C.

December 19, 2006; Mrs. Gertrude Baines, 112, is being studied to unlock the secrets of old age. To look at her, you’d never know that Gertrude Baines was a day older than 80. That may sound odd, but consider this: Mrs. Baines is actually 112! That’s right, 112 years old. She was born in 1894 when Grover Cleveland was President, the Ford Model-T didn’t exist, and the Wright Brothers wouldn’t make their famous flight for nine more years!

But to me, what makes Mrs. Baines so special is not her age, but how she has maintained her independence spanning three centuries, even when women and especially black women were considered second-class. Mrs. Baines was born in a small town south of Atlanta, GA, and lived a pretty simple life. But there was nothing simple about her. She says her first real memory was of a car ride to Canada. In those days very few people ever left their hometowns. She left her country. She later married and had a daughter, who died at an early age. She moved to Ohio where she worked as a “house mom” at Ohio State University. She eventually divorced and traveled to Los Angeles, where she retired and lives to this day.

A few months ago, Mrs. Baines was honored as the oldest citizen in California. President Bush sent her a letter, and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger came to visit with a plaque. She is a member of an exclusive group of people older than 110, the Supercentenarians. And researchers believe that by studying these super-senior citizens, they may find the secret to the “fountain of youth.” They’re so confident, a new research center is being set up to observe people like Mrs. Baines.

When I interviewed Mrs. Baines for our story on the Supercentenarian Research Foundation, I expected to meet a fragile, feeble woman. Instead she greeted me in her wheelchair, wearing a fancy leopard print hat and a big smile. She didn’t want to discuss airplanes, shuttle launches, civil rights, iPods, or politics. Instead, she preferred to talk about her family, her loves, her heartbreaks, her faith. It didn’t matter what historic events she had witnessed over the last 112 years. It was more important to her to talk about how she lived.

When I asked why she thought she had lived this long, her answer was… “God. Ask him… I took good care of myself, the way he wanted me to.” So simple, but so complex. How do you extract that kind of attitude and put it in a bottle? How do you take that zest for life and make a vaccine? That’s really up to the scientists who are studying Mrs. Baines and people like her. But here’s a thought. Maybe long life is more than just good genes, exercising, and eating well. Maybe healthy longevity depends on your faith, the way you treat people, the way you love, the way you handle bumps in the road and the way you face the day every morning.

What are your ideas for living a long, healthy life?

Getrude Baines died on September 11, 2009 at the age of 115 years, 158 days.

Marie-Ange Bernard, 110

Marie-Ange Bernard

March 2, 2017; Marie-Ange Bernard was born in Quebec, Canada on November 2, 1894 and died in the same province on January 29, 2005 at the age of 110 years, 88 days.

Marie-Louise Bernede, 111

November 9, 2004; Mr. Bart Versieck of Belgium has just sent us this photo of
Mrs. Marie-Louise Bernede, 110
Madam Marie-Louise Bernède, at age 110 of FRANCE.

We are sad to report that Marie-Louise Bernede died on December 11, 2005 at age 111.

Hazel Blecha, 111

Aged 106:
Hazel Blecha, 106
Photo courtesy of the Cedar Rapids Gazette.

December 24, 2015; Hazel Blecha was born in Kansas, United States on November 30, 1894 and died in Iowa, United States on October 29, 2006 at the age of 111 years, 333 days.

Freda Bleich, 110

Freda Bleich
Photo sourced from her grandson’s blog.

Freda Bleich was born in Ohio, United States on November 28, 1894 and died in the same state on December 21, 2004 at the age of 110 years, 23 days.

Margaret Bly, 110

Margaret Bly in the 1940s:
Margaret Bly in the 1940s

July 13, 2014; Margaret Bly was born on June 28, 1894, in County Donegal, Ireland (then United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland). She came to the United States at the age of six and lived in Revere, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, for most of her life. She passed away on August 4, 2004, at the age of 110 years 37 days, in Revere, Massachusetts.

Marie-Simone Capony, 113

Marie-Simone Capony

Marie-Simone Capony
These photos were sourced from

Marie-Simone Capony was born in Rhone-Alpes, France on March 14, 1894 and died in Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azuron, France on September 15, 2007 at the age of 113 years, 185 days. On August 12, 2006, she became the oldest living person in France, following the death of Camille Loiseau. She remains the oldest person ever from Rhone-Alpes.

Bertha Cheney, 110

Bertha Cheney Bertha Cheney
Bertha Cheney was born in New Hampshire, United States on December 21, 1894 and died on July 10, 2005 at age 110 years, 201 days.

Pasqualina Colli-Vaccarolo, 110

Aged 109:
Pasqualina Colli-Vaccarolo, 109
Photo courtesy of La Provincia Pavese.

May 12, 2017; Pasqualina Colli-Vaccarolo was born in Lombardy, Italy on May 17, 1894 and died in the same region on March 29, 2005 at the age of 110 years, 316 days.

Lorenza Dotta, 112

Lorenza Dotta
Lorenza Dotta was born in Piedmont, Torino, Italy on August 7, 1894 and died on January 11, 2007 at age 112 years, 157 days.

Carolyn Drew, 110

Carolyn Drew
Carolyn Drew was born in New York, United States on August 26, 1894 and died in Vermont, United States on March 16, 2005 at the age of 110 years, 202 days.

Rosa Alma Evans, 110

Rosa Alma Evans
Photos courtesy of The Philadelphia Enquirer.

October 26, 2017; Rosa Alma Evans was born in Virginia, United States on June 24, 1894 and died in Pennsylvania, United States on September 16, 2004 at the age of 110 years, 84 days.

Arbella Ewing, 114

March 22, 2008; Grace Presbyterian Ministries has sent us these two photos of

Mrs. Arbella Ewing Mrs. Arbella

Mrs. Arbella Ewing, born March 13, 1894. She was the third oldest person in the World as well as the oldest resident of Texas. She passed away on March 22nd at the age of 114. Her Obituary can be found in today’s The Los Angeles Times.

Fenimola Farinelli-Beghetti, 110

October 26, 2004; Mr. Giovanni Alunni, our correspondent in ITALY, has just sent us this photo of
Mrs. Fenimola Farinelli-Beghetti, 109
Mrs. Fenimola Farinelli-Beghetti, age 110, born in ITALY on October 1, 1894. This photo was taken when she was 109.

November 14, 2004; We just received this photo from Mr. Bart Versieck of
Mrs. Fenimola Farinelli-Beghetti, 109 Years
Mrs. Fenimola Beghetti with Italian national goal-keeper Gianluca Buffon.

August 22, 2005; We have now learned that Mrs. Farinelli-Beghetti died on April 30th at 110 years, 211 days.

Agnes Fagoo, 112

Agnes Fagoo
Agnes Fagoo was born in Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France on December 19, 1894 and died in the same region on April 12, 2007 at the age of 112 years, 114 days. She remains the oldest person ever from Nord-Pas-de-Calais.

Maurice Floquet, 111

Maurice Floquet
Maurice Floquet
Maurice Floquet

February 20, 2016; Maurice Floquet was born in Poissons, Champagne-Ardenne, France on December 25, 1894 and died in Montauroux, Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur, France on November 10, 2006 at the age of 111 years, 320 days. On March 30, 2002, Floquet became the oldest living man in France, following the death 109-year-old Hilaire D’Harboulle. On March 2, 2005, he became the oldest living man in Europe, following the death of Hermann Dornemann. On May 28, 2006, he surpassed the final age of Emile Fourcade and became the oldest French man ever. He remains the oldest French man ever.

Floquet joined the French artilery in September 1914 and served on the Belgian front of World War I from December 1914. He was wounded four times. Firstly, at the Second Battle of the Marne. Secondly, at the Somme during hand-to-hand fighting with bayonets. Thirdly, at Neuve Chapelle, a lump of rock pierced Floquet’s throat and obstructed his breathing. By all accounts, an enemy soldier removed the rock and therefore saved Floquet’s life. A year later, back on the front line, Floquet was again wounded in the head and left arm when a grenade exploded. The hole in Floquet’s head was patched up by a nurse who found a piece of someone else’s cartilage. Floquet’s outer ear was blown off. After recuperating, Floquet was sent to a bomb factory. When he was decommissioned in 1919, Floquet still had a German bullet lodged in his arm.

After the war, Floquet married and became a tractor repairman. He remained in excellent physical condition into extreme old age, working his garden until his centenarian years. On his 110th birthday, president Jacques Chirac promoted Floquet to the rank of officer in the Legion d’honneur. At the age of 110, Floquet still rode an exercise bike for 20 minutes a day in the backyard of his apartment. However, at the very end of his life, Floquet was bedridden. In October 2006, Floquet sent letters to Henry Allingham and Robert Meier (then the oldest living men and oldest living veterans of Britain and Germany).

Kathryn Gemme, 112

Kathryn Gemme
This photo was sourced from her Find a Grave page.

Kathryn Gemme
This photo was sourced from

Kathryn Gemme was born in Massachusetts, United States on November 9, 1894 and died in the same state on December 29, 2006 at the age of 112 years, 50 days.

Maria Gentilini-Moruzzi, 111

Maria Gentilini-Moruzzi
Maria Gentilini-Moruzzi was born in Castel di Casio, Emilia-Romagna, Italy on May 12, 1894 and died in Sasso Marconi, Emilia-Romagna, Italy on Nov 4, 2005 at the age of 111 years, 176 days.

Wilhelmine Gnueg, 110

Wilhelmine Gnueg

Wilhelmine Gnueg
The first photo was sourced from her Find a Grave page.

Wilhelmine Gnueg was born in Hessen, Germany on March 12, 1894 and died in North Carolina, United States on April 17, 2004 at the age of 110 years, 36 days.

Mrs. Catherine Hagel, 114

November 28, 2008; Ms. Cecilia Gulczinski, 90, holds a piece of birthday cake with a candle for her Mother, Catherine Hagel, at Friday’s birthday party. Hagel, who blew out the candle, is now the second oldest person in the United States, and third oldest in the world. She was born on November 28, 1894.
Click on the photo for more details.

December 6, 2008; We are sad to report that Mrs. Hagel passed away today at the age of 114 years, 8 days.

Hilda Hakkinen, 111

Undated photo:
Hilda Hakkinen

Aged 111:
Hilda Hakkinen, 111
Hilda Hakkinen was born in Southern Ostrobothnia, Russian Empire (now Finland) on March 18, 1894 and died in the same region on December 31, 2005 at the age of 111 years, 288 days. At the time of her death, she was the oldest living person in Finland. She remains the oldest person ever from Southern Ostrobothnia and the second oldest Finnish person ever.

Moses Hardy, 112 (possibly 113)

December 8, 2004; Mr. Robert Young has just sent us this photo of
Mr. Moses Hardy, age 110
Mr. Moses Hardy, aged 110, was born January 6, 1894. He is a WW-I Veteran and may be the oldest living man in America. He currently lives in Aberdeen, MS.

December 7, 2006; We are sad to report that Mr. Hardy died today at age 112 years, 335 days.

March 22, 2015; There is some uncertainty over Moses Hardy’s year of birth. He was originally verified by Guinness as born in 1893, on the basis of the 1910 census, 1930 census and his driver’s license. However, the 1900 census and his WWI draft registration both support 1894 as the year of birth. Since the 1900 census is the earliest document available and records both the year and month of birth, Gerontology Research Group consider January 1894 as most likely to be correct.

James ‘Silas’ Harris, 110

James 'Silas' Harris
Photo sourced from The Tennessean.

October 25, 2017; James ‘Silas’ Harris was born in Tennessee, United States on February 11, 1894 and died in the same state on June 17, 2004 at the age of 110 years, 127 days. Harris worked as a distributor of newspapers and magazines and retired at the age of 103.

Henry Hartmann, 111

November 19, 2004; We recently took these photos of
Mr. Henry George Hartmann, age 110 Mrs. Eloise McDonald, Daughter, age 87

Mr. Henry George Hartmann, of La Jolla, California, born July 14, 1894 in Illinois, and now age 110 years old. His Daughter, Mrs. Eloise McDonald, is herself 87.

November 11, 2005; We have just learned from his Daughter, Eloise McDonald, that Mr. Hartman passed away yesterday at age 111, despite the fact that his vital signs were strong.

December 9, 2005; We have completed the gross anatomical autopsy of Mr. Hartman at the UCLA School of Medicine as well as a preliminary pass though the microscopic slides of different organs and have arrived at a tentative diagnosis for his Final Autopsy Report as Cardiac Idiopathic Primary Amyloidosis of the Pre-Albumin Type, which is the identical diagnosis for Mrs. Elma Grace Corning a year ago last July. We hope to publish these results in a pathology journal in the coming months.

Jorja Hernandez-Celorrio, 110

May 13, 2008; Mr. Robert Young of Atlanta, GA has sent us these photos of
Sra. Jorja Hernandez, 108 Sra. Jorja Hernandez, 110
Sra. Jorja Hernandez-Celorrio of Spain who was born on April 22, 1894 and died April 26, 2004 at the age 110 years, 4 days.

Jewell Herzog, 110

Jewell Herzog
This photo was sourced from her Find a Grave page.

Jewell Herzog was born in Texas, United States on January 15, 1894 and died in the same state on May 10, 2004 at the age of 110 years, 116 days.

Ella Hild, 110

Ella Hild
Ella Hild was born in Michigan, United States on March 25, 1894 and died in California, United States on November 12, 2004 at the age of 110 years, 232 days.

Julia Houde, 112

Julia Houde
Photo sourced from Le carnet du flaneur.

Julia Houde was born in Quebec, Canada on September 18, 1894 and died in the same province on November 18, 2006 at the age of 112 years, 61 days.

Edith Ingamells, 112

Edith Ingamells
Edith Ingamells was born in Maidenhead, England, United Kingdom on January 12, 1894 and died in Enfield, England, United Kingdom on March 1, 2006 at the age of 112 years, 48 days. At the time of her death, she was the oldest living person in the United Kingdom.

Kaya Ito, 111

Kaya Ito

April 7, 2018; Kaya Ito was born in Japan on August 30, 1894 and died in Saga, Japan on September 1, 2005 at the age of 111 years, 2 days.

Inez Parker Jeffus, 112

Inez Parker Jeffus

Inez Parker Jeffus was born in Texas on March 20, 1894 and passed away on October 16, 2006 at age 112 years, 210 days.

George Johnson, 112

August 20, 2004
We are currently in the process of authenticating
Mr. George Johnson, 110 Mr. George Johnson, 110
Mr. George Johnson, 112
Mr. George Johnson born May 1, 1894 in Philadelphia, PA and who moved to San Francisco, CA with his wife in 1935. Today, he lives independently in a house he built with his own hands in Richmond, CA. He never had any children of his own.
On June 18, 2006, Stephen Coles and Stanley Primmer visited Mr. Johnson on behalf of the Supercentenarian Research Foundation, finding him in good spirits, although his hearing is increasingly impaired in addition to his blindness. But he still living independently in his own house at this time and is able to get around with a walker instead of a wheel chair which is most uncommon for anyone reaching this age.

May 1, 2005; Mr. Johnson has been authenticated and is now 111 years old. The photo below was sent to us by Lt. Col. Robert W. Johnson, USAF (Ret.) Adjutant, Department of California Veterans of World War I of the USA, who visited him for his birthday and reports that, according to his records, George is the only surviving World War I Veteran in the state of California.
Mr. Johnson
holding a framed photo of himself with his Mother

March 2, 2006; With the passing of Mrs. Marion Higgins, George now becomes the oldest Californian. Click his photo for a recent story in the Contra Costa Times.

August 30, 2006; We are sad to report that Mr. Johnson passed away this morning. The title of “Oldest Validated Person in California” is temporarily vacant.

Elsie Johnson Maney, 112

Elsie Johnson Maney
Photo sourced from Asheville Citizen-Times.

June 29, 2017; Elsie Johnson Maney was born in North Carolina, United States on March 28, 1894 and died in the same state on March 3, 2007 at the age of 112 years, 340 days.

Ibra Jones, 110

Ibra Jones
Photo sourced from her Find a Grave page.

Ibra Jones was born in Louisiana, United States on April 4, 1894 and died in Texas, United States on March 21, 2005 at the age of 110 years, 351 days.

Vera Kift, 110

Vera Kift
Vera Kift was born in London, England, United Kingdom on April 8, 1894 and died in Hatfield, England, United Kingdom on January 26, 2005 at the age of 110 years, 293 days.

Hanae Kondou, 110

Hanae Kondou
Photo courtesy of the Japanese Supercentenarian forum.

January 8, 2017; Hanae Kondou was born in Japan on April 21, 1894 and died in Shizuoka, Japan on December 2, 2004 at the age of 110 years, 225 days.

Hisa Kurihara, 111

Hisa Kurihara

Hisa Kurihara
Hisa Kurihara was born in Japan on February 5, 1894 and died in Miyazaki, Japan on August 23, 2005 at the age of 111 years, 199 days.

Mamie Legg, 111

June 14, 2005; This photo of …
Mrs. Mamie Legg, 111 Years Old
comes from The Rocky Mountain News of Denver, CO.

Another photo of Mamie Legg:
Mamie Legg
Mrs. Mamie Legg who was born on January 9, 1894 in Georgia and died in Colorado on June 13, 2005 at age 111.
On the morning of her 110th birthday, she was asked about the secret to living so long. She responded, “No drinking, no drugs, no alcohol, no smoking. Going to church.” And in between, she shared more than a century of stories. “All these things make up a life,” she said. “I guess I just did the best I could with the time I had. Life is what you make it, Honey.”

Lucia Madaria-Vesga, 111

A picture of Lucia Madaria-Vesga (possibly around age 109):
Lucia Madaria-Vesga

January 13, 2014; Lucia Madaria-Vesga was born December 13, 1894, in Miranda de Ebro, a city in the autonomous community of Castile and Leon (Spanish: Castilla y Leon), Spain. She passed away in Seville (Spanish: Sevilla), in the autonomous community of Andalusia on February 2, 2006, at age 111 years 51 days.

Viva McComb, 110

Viva McComb
Viva McComb was born in Texas on March 29, 1894 and died in the same state on March 3, 2005 at age 110 years, 339 days.

Carrie McDonald, 110

Carrie McDonald
Photo courtesy of the Shelby Star.

June 29, 2017; Carrie McDonald was born in South Carolina, United States on December 4, 1894 and died in North Carolina, United States on August 30, 2005 at the age of 110 years, 269 days.

Haru Mori, 111

Haru Mori
Haru Mori was born in Japan on May 28, 1894 and died in Kagawa, Japan on April 16, 2006 at the age of 111 years, 323 days.

Maria Mornet, 112

February 17, 2005; Our French correspondent, Mon. Laurent Toussaint, has just sent us two photos of
Marie Mornet, 20 Marie Mornet, 110
Madam Maria Robin Mornet when she was 20 and very recently when she turned 110. She was born April 4, 1894. If you speak French, check mariemornet.chez.tiscali.FR. [Elle est devenue à 110 ans en 2004 la doyenne du Poitou Charentes. Elle a résidé toute sa vie à Lessart, dans la commune de Buxerolles, près de Poitiers. C’est 92 ans qu’elle quitte son village natal et qu’elle vient s’installer à l’Isle Jourdain près de son petit-fils, Jean-Pierre.]

We are sad to report that Marie Mornet died on January 5, 2007 at age 112. If you read French, click for her official website and many more photos.

Frieda Muller, 110

November 12, 2004; Herr Thomas Breining, our correspondent from GERMANY, has just sent us these photos of
Mrs. Frieda Muller, 110 Years Mrs. Frieda Muller, 110 Years
Mrs. Frieda Müller who was born on October 18, 1894.

Born on October 18, 1894 in Potsdam as Frieda Pauline Luise Ihnenfeld, she became a hat maker, and, at age 20, she married Wilhelm Müller. After World War II, the couple moved to Schweinfurt where her husband died in 1958. She returned to her hometown of Potsdam at age 99, where she now resides in the ‘Haus Abendstern’ nursing home. She became Gernany’s oldest living woman on February 3, 2005, when the previous title holder, Elisabetha Heck passed away at age 111. Only a few weeks later, on March 2nd, she also received the title of being the oldest living person in Germany when 111-year-old Hermann Dörnemann died in Dösseldorf. [An interesting side note: She has a cardiac pacemaker first implanted back in 1979.]

July 22, 2005; Frieda Ihnenfeld Müller, Germany’s oldest living person, died peacefully in her sleep near Berlin on Thursday night at age 110 years, 276 days. For the past nine years, Müller had lived in a nursing home in Potsdam, just outside of the German capital. Click for further details.

Lucy Murphy, 110

December 14, 2004; Mr. Robert Young of Atlanta, Georgia and Jeff Knight have just sent us this photo of
Mrs. Lucy Murphy, 110 Years
Mrs. Lucy Murphy born in Kentucky on May 27, 1894 and who died on October 31, 2004 at age 110 years, 157 days.

Shitsu Nakano, 113

Shitsu Nakano

Shitsu Nakano was born in Fukuoka, Japan on January 1, 1894 and died in the same prefecture on August 19, 2007 at the age of 113 years, 230 days. On August 13, 2007, she became the oldest living person in Japan, following the death of Yone Minagawa.

Myra Nicholson, 112

On her 109th birthday:
Myra Nicholson, 109

Aged 111:
Myra Nicholson, 111

Myra Nicholson was born in Victoria, Australia on December 14, 1894 and died in the same state on September 20, 2007 at the age of 112 years, 280 days. She was the oldest living person in Australia for more than three years.

Fui Onigahara, 110

Fui Onigahara

Aged 109:
Fui Onigahara, 109
Photos courtesy of the Japanese Supercentenarian Forum.

January 8, 2017; Fui Onigahara was born in Japan on December 13, 1894 and died in Kagoshima, Japan on June 30, 2005 at the age of 110 years, 199 days.

Carlo Orelli, 110

Carlo Orelli
Carlo Orelli was born in Umbria, Perugia, Italy on December 23, 1894 and died in Lazio, Roma, Italy on January 22, 2005 at age 110 years, 30 days.

Masa Osada, 111

Masa Osada
Photo courtesy of the Japanese Supercentenarian Forum.

January 8, 2017; Masa Osada was born in Japan on April 5, 1894 and went into limbo in Tokyo, Japan in September 2005 at the age of 111.

Elsie Palmer, 110

Elsie Palmer

January 6, 2017; Elsie Palmer was born in Minnesota, United States on January 27, 1894 and died on November 29, 2004 at the age of 110 years, 307 days.

Ingemund Peterson, 110

August 26, 2004; We received these photos of
Mr. Ingemund Peterson, 110 Mr. Ingemund Peterson, 110
Mr. Ingemund Peterson who was born in Norway and moved to North Dakota when he was very young. He was born on June 6, 1894 and passed away on August 21, 2004 at age 110 years, 76 days. See The Jamestown Sun for Holly Jessen’s more detailed Obituary.

Bessie Ritter, 110

Bessie Ritter
Bessie Ritter was born in North Carolina, United States on October 1, 1894 and died in Mississippi, United States on March 19, 2005 at the age of 110 years, 169 days.

Ethel Robison, 112

Ethel Robison

Ethel Robison
Photos sourced from an family tree.

May 4, 2018; Ethel Robison was born in Missouri, United States on June 2, 1894 and died in the same state on July 3, 2006 at the age of 112 years, 31 days.

Clara Lopes dos Santos, 112

Clara Lopes dos Santos
Clara Lopes dos Santos was born in Viseu, Portugal on March 26, 1894 and died in Lisbon, Portugal on October 25, 2006 at the age of 112 years, 213 days. She remains the oldest person ever born in Viseu district.

Leila Backman Shull, 113

Leila Shull, 113
Leila Shull, 113

December 22, 2007; We are sad to report that Mrs. Bertha Leila Backman Shull, born on October 16, 1894, passed away today at age 113 years, 67 days.

“SC’s Oldest-Living Person Passes Away at 113”

Logan Smith

Lexington, SC (WIS-TV-10) — South Carolina’s oldest-living person, and the fourth oldest person in the country [seventh oldest in the world], has passed away at age 113. Leila Backman Shull celebrated her 113th birthday in October, and has been quoted as saying “I think God has forgotten about me.” Family members told WIS News 10 that Shull passed away this past weekend. Her funeral will be next Wednesday at Saint David’s Lutheran Church in Lexington, SC.

December 26, 2007; Columbia, SC (AP) – – “Fourth Oldest Person In U.S., A South Carolina Resident, Dies At 113.” Leila Bertha Backman Shull, the oldest South Carolina resident and one of the oldest people in the world, has died. She was 113. Shull died Saturday at her home, Todd Caughman, manager of Caughman-Harmon Funeral Homes, said Wednesday. Shull, of Lexington County in central South Carolina, was known as an avid gardener who enjoyed raising flowers. She was also known for her cooking, especially her biscuits and chicken.

Shull was married to Lee Shull for 45 years and never remarried in the 47 years after he died. She had four Children, 15 Grandchildren, 34 Great-grandchildren and 40 Great-great-grandchildren. Her 81-year-old daughter took care of her. “We feel kind of like it’s a relief to her,” Lettie Mae Smith told The (Columbia) State for a report published in Wednesday’s newspapers.

Even as her hearing and vision failed, friends said Shull didn’t mind visitors and liked to clutch their hands while she talked. “The most beautiful thing was that even though she didn’t hear well and see well, she was able to talk to you and relate certain things,” said Crystal Danker, a friend of Shull’s Granddaughter, Ann Seigler. Danker remembered Shull’s response when she was once told she was 113.”‘Whew, that’s a long time”‘ Danker recalled Shull saying. “‘I think Jesus must’ve forgotten about me.”‘

Shull was the fourth oldest person in the United States and the seventh oldest in the world, said Dr. L. Stephen Coles, Co-founder of the California-based Gerontology Research Group. Coles said, “There was some question whether Shull was actually born in 1895, but his group recognizes her 1894 birth date.” Shull’s birth date and the day she was married were recorded in a family Bible, which alerted relatives to her age. “I didn’t know Mom was that old,” Smith told The State. “And I wouldn’t believe it until I saw it in the Bible.”

Shull was a member of St. David Lutheran Church for 75 years. Her funeral was scheduled for Wednesday.

Fay Smeltzer, 110

Fay Smeltzer
Photo courtesy of the Herald and Review newspaper.

October 12, 2016; Fay Smeltzer was born in Illinois, United States on February 4, 1894 and died in the same state on May 28, 2004 at the age of 110 years, 114 days.

Clementine Solignac, 113

France’s Oldest Citizen Dies at Age 113

Madam Clementine Solignac, 113
Map of France
Clementine Solignac
Clementine Solignac

May 25, 2008; Vorey Sur Arzon, FRANCE (AFP) – – “France’s oldest citizen, Clementine Solignac, who lived through two world wars and the turn of two centuries, has died at age 113,” her retirement home said on Monday. Solignac died early Sunday morning surrounded by her family, in a retirement home in Vorey-sur-Arzon in the central Haute Loire Region, the town where she was born on September 7, 1894. Her funeral will take place on Wednesday.

She was married in 1921 to Michel Solignac, who lost a leg in World War I. Together they had a single daughter, and ran a small farm until Michel’s death in 1961 when Clementine Solignac moved in near her daughter. “Until the age of 106, she led an independent life, cooking for herself each day on a wood-burning stove and milking her Grandson’s cows,” according to relatives. When asked about her age, she would reply “The good Lord has forgotten about me!”

France has a reputation for being home to some of the longest-living people on the planet. The oldest person on record was the Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment, who died in 1997 at the age of 122. The country’s oldest citizen is now 112-year-old Eugenie Blanchard, from Saint-Barthelemy in the French Caribbean, according to The INSERM Medical Research Institute.

Currently, the world’s oldest living person is a US woman from Indiana, Edna Parker, who celebrated her 115th birthday on April 20th.

Edith Taylor, 111

Edith Taylor
Photo sourced from The News Journal.

August 8, 2017; Edith Taylor was born in West Virginia, United States on May 1, 1894 and died in Maryland, United States on June 20, 2005 at the age of 111 years, 50 days.

Alice Thomas, 110

Alice Thomas
Alice Thomas was born in Tennessee, United States on August 24, 1894 and died in the same state on July 5, 2005 at the age of 110 years, 315 days.

Tsuneyo Toyonagta, 113

February 22, 2008; Mr. Robert Young has just sent us this photo of

Tusuneyo Toyonaga, 113
Mrs. Tsuneyo Toyonaga, Japan’s oldest person, is pictured in Nankoku, Kochi Prefecture (state), Southwestern Japan, in May 2007. Toyonaga has died of old age on Friday, February 22, 2008. (AP Photo/Kyodo News)

“Japan’s Oldest Person Dies at 113”

Tokyo, JAPAN (AP) – – Japan’s oldest person has died at a hospital in Southwestern Japan, her nursing home said Saturday. She was 113. “Tsuneyo Toyonaga, who became the country’s oldest person last August, died Friday, days after she was transferred to a nearby hospital because she lost her appetite,” said Masuko Yamamoto, deputy director of the Yume-no- Sato nursing home in the southern city of Nangoku.

Born on May 21, 1894, Toyonaga had been in the nursing home the last 12 years. “She was a darling among caretakers and fellow residents,” Yamamoto said. “She was dozing off most of the day recently, but when she was awake she used to enjoy singing children’s songs. Once she started singing she wouldn’t stop until we all got tired and had to stop her,” she said. “Toyonaga is survived by five children and ten Grandchildren,” Kyodo News agency said.

Kaku Yamanaka, born on Dec. 11, 1894, is now Japan’s oldest person, according to the Health and Welfare Ministry. She lives in a nursing home in Aichi, Central Japan. The number of Japanese living beyond 100 has almost quadrupled in the last ten years and is soon expected to surpass 28,000. Japan has one of the world’s longest average life spans – – a factor often attributed to a healthy diet rich in fish and rice. In 2006, Japanese women set a new record for life expectancy at 85.81 years, while men live an average of about 79.00 years.

“Edna Parker of Shelbyville, IN, is recognized as the world’s oldest person at age 114,” according to The Guinness Book of Records. She was born on April 20, 1893.

Florence Van Stockum, 110

March 9, 2005; We have just received this photo taken today by her Grandson, Charlie Van Stockum, of his Grandmother…
Mrs. Florence Van Stockum
Mrs. Florence Van Stockum, who was born on October 5, 1894 in England but now lives in Shelbyville, Kentucky. She was listed in our Table of Living Worldwide Supercentenarians in record time, since her Son was able to provide all the necessary validation documents to us by FAX after he read about our work in The Wall Street Journal.

May 4, 2005; We have just learned that Florence died on Monday, May 2, 2005 at age 110 years, 209 days.

Arno Wagner, 110

November 13, 2004; Herr Thomas Breining, the GRG Representative from Germany has sent us these three photos of
Mr. Arno Wagner, wife, and daughter Mr. Arno Wagner, 109 Years Mr. Arno Wagner, 109 Years

Mr. Arno Wagner, of Germany, born June 4, 1894, and now age 110. The first black-and-white photo was taken in 1925 and shows Mr. Wagner with his wife, Magdalena, and his then young daughter, Roswitha.

December 29, 2004; We have now been informed that Mr. Wagner passed away on December 22, 2004 at age 110 years, 201 days.

Martha Wiley, 112

February 25, 2008; Mr. Robert Young of Atlanta, GA has sent us this picture of
Martha Wiley, 110
Mrs. Martha Wiley taken when she was 110. She died at age 112, two years later. She was born on August 28, 1894 and passed away on October 16, 2006. A 2004 newspaper story noted that Martha’s Sister was 107 years old; however, we have not been able to locate a death date for her Sister.

Kaku Yamanaka, 113

April 8, 2008;
Kaku Yamanaka, 113
Kaku Yamanaka born on December 11, 1894, passed away on April 5, 2008 at the age of 113 years, 116 days. Click for details.


“Passings: Kaku Yamanaka: Japan’s Oldest Person Dies at 113,” The Los Angeles Times, p. B7 (April 8, 2008).

Charles Young, 110

Aged 110:
Charles Young, 110
Photo courtesy of St Cloud Times newspaper.

June 25, 2017; Charles Young was born in Minnesota, United States on December 28, 1894 and died in the same state on July 27, 2005 at the age of 110 years, 211 days.