In 1892

Photo Gallery for Supercentenarians born in the year 1892, as of June 10, 2019.

Pearl Bradford, 111

Pearl Bradford
This photo was sourced from her Find a Grave page.

Pearl Bradford was born in Maryland, United States on March 22, 1892 and died in Virginia, United States on November 20, 2003 at the age of 111 years, 243 days.

Agnes Brown, 111

Agnes Brown

May 28, 2015; Agnes Brown was born in South Carolina, United States on February 5, 1892 and passed away in the same state on February 11, 2003 at the age of 111 years, 6 days.

Lydia Carvalho, 112

Lydia Carvalho

May 28, 2015; Lydia Carvalho was born in Rhode Island, United States on January 21, 1892 and passed away in Connecticut, United States on February 15, 2004 at the age of 112 years, 25 days.

Elma Corning, 112

April 7, 2003; Stephen Coles of Los Angeles took these photographs this morning of
Mrs. Elma Corning, age 111 Mrs. Elma Corning and her
son, Russell
Mrs. Elma Grace (Tennis) Corning, age 111, who was born in Iowa on February 22, 1892 but has lived in Los Angeles since 1921. She now resides at the Kingsley Manor Nursing Home near Hollywood. She had one brother, 2-years younger, who died at age 70. Her Mother, Jessie, died at age 87, while her Father Addison, who was a farmer and a pilot during World War I, died at age 48 of severe arthritis. She was married, and her husband, who was in the Navy in San Diego in 1918 during World War I, worked in Los Angeles as a linotype operator. He died in 1956. They had just one son, Russell, who married for the first time to his wife Mandel when he was 53 and she was 52, so they have no children of their own.
After graduation from college in 1912, Elma taught Home Economics in a local high school. Once she moved to Los Angeles, she worked as a house keeper and for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Assistance. She is relaxed, easy going, and doesn’t worry much. “I’m too busy to do exercises,” she said. She never smoked or drank much, but she really enjoys bacon and coffee, and pie or cake for desert. She played the organ for the Presbyterian Church in Ohio when she was 16. She served as an Officer in the Congregational Church since 1935 and was President of their Woman’s Association. Her secret to a long life is “to work hard and have a great desire to accomplish something.”
Her son, Russell of San Rafael, California (North of San Francisco), who is now 78, provided us
Miss Elma Tennis at age 17
with this Oskaloosa High School Year-Book Cast Photo of Elma in her school play Mrs. Temple’s Telegram performed in the year 1910 when she was 17 years old. She is on the far left.

We are sad to report that Mrs. Elma Corning passed away on July 12, 2004 at age 112 years, 141 days.

Gretchen Cross, 110

The woman in the middle:
Gretchen Cross
Photo sourced from

May 5, 2018; Gretchen Cross was born in Colorado, United States on September 23, 1892 and died in Vermont, United States on May 26, 2003 at the age of 110 years, 245 days.

Lucy d’Abreu, 113

Lucy d'Abreu
Lucy d'Abreu

Lucy Victoria d’Souza was born on May 24, 1892 into a Mangalorean Catholic family in Dharwar, British Raj (now India). She married Abundius d’Abreu, a surgeon, and moved to Ireland a couple of years before the commencement of WWI. She spent 74 years in Ireland before moving to Scotland in 1985 to be near one of her six children. Her husband was a cousin-in-law of the Queen Mother.

After a fall at the age of 106, she moved to Annfield House nursing home in Stirling. In June 2001, at the age of 109, Lucy d’Abreu became the oldest person in Scotland following the death of Agnes Kinnear. She was visited by the British Royal Family on her 110th birthday, in May 2002. On April 28, 2004, within one month of her 112th birthday, d’Abreu became the oldest person in the United Kingdom, following the death of Gladys Hawley. She died peacefully on December 9, 2005, at the age of 113 years, 197 days. At the time of her death she was the 10th oldest verified person in the world. Friends said that until the last she enjoyed food, books and conversation. She attributed her long life to the grace of God and a “customary sun-downer of brandy and dry ginger ale”.

Anna Tecco-Di Felice, 111

Anna Tecco-Di Felice
Photo sourced from

December 3, 2015; Anna Tecco-Di Felice was born in Abruzzo, Italy on March 10, 1892 and died in Pennsylvania, United States on September 30, 2003 at the age of 111 years, 204 days.

Ruby Drakeford, 112

October 21, 2003; Mr. Allan Markham, sent us this photo of his Aunt
Mrs. Ruby M. Drakeford at 110
Mrs. Ruby M. Drakeford, who is 111 years old and was born on January 25, 1892. She was born and lives in Durham, North Carolina. The oldest of six children of James William Markham and Ianna Rebecca Leigh Markham, she graduated from Durham High School in 1908 and attended Trinity College (now Duke University) graduating in 1912. She taught school for one year in Mt. Olive, NC before returning to Durham, where she taught 5th-grade at Edgemont Elementary School until her retirement in 1958. In May 1933, she was married to William W. Drakeford who died in November 1957. Ruby’s hobbies included playing bridge, reading, decoupage (decorating a surface with paper cutouts in a collage), and working crossword puzzles. She was writing letters to her sister above as late as 1996. She still enjoys visits from her sister-in-law, nieces, nephews, cousins, former students and her friends from the First Baptist Church, who arrange for her birthday celebration each year at the nursing home where she has lived since May 1991.

In the left of the photo above is Ruby’s sister, Katherine Markham Johnson of Fuquay Varina, NC. At the time, Mrs. Johnson was 93 years old, but she died unexpectedly on December 24, 2002. She was Ruby’s only living sibling.

December 29, 2004; We have learned that Mrs. Ruby Drakeford died today at age 112 years, 339 days.

Toyo Endo, 112

Toyo Endo

May 28, 2015; Toyo Endo was born in Japan on February 13, 1892 and passed away in Shizuoka, Japan on January 3, 2005 at the age of 112 years, 325 days.

Anders Engberg, 111

July 14, 2002; Mr. Arne Mialand of Lillesand, Norway and Robert Young of Atlanta, GA have sent us these photos of
Mr. Anders Engberg :Mr. :Mr.
Mr. Anders Engberg , born on July 1, 1892, who was the first man in Sweden to reach the age of 110 years since record-keeping began in 1860. Thus, he is the oldest Swedish man on record (discounting emigrants to the USA). The second picture on the right shows him being interviewed on the occasion of his 110th birthday by a reporter from Radio Holland.
Anders as a boy c. 1905
The above black-and-white photo taken sometime between [1900 – 1910] shows Anders as a young man along with his siblings standing in back of their parents: Severin and Josefina. Anders is the taller boy. His brother is Gustaf. Sisters are Anna, Jenny, Emma, Alvina, and Selma from left to right. Their country house in back of them burned down in 1952. Also, Anders has a son named Evald.

November 6, 2003; Anders Engberg died today at age 111 years, 128 days. For those who can read Swedish, please click on his Obituary.

Swede, Oldest Man in Northern Europe, Dies Aged 111

Copyright 2003 by Agence France-Presse (via ClariNet)
November 8, 2003; Stockholm, SWEDEN ( AFP) —- The oldest man in Northern Europe, Swede Anders Engberg, has died at the age of 111 years, 129 days, the regional daily Hallands Nyheter reported Saturday on its website. Engberg died on Thursday night in a residential home for the elderly in Solhaga, in southwest SWEDEN, where he had lived since leaving his family home when he was 104. Despite feeling tired for some months, he nevertheless gave interviews to the media to mark his 111th birthday, surrounded by family and friends. Although his eyesight was failing, he was able to follow what was going on in the world by listening to the radio. Born into a family of eight, he earned his living as a farmer. His wife Gerda died in a traffic accident in 1966, and two of his four sons have died of cancer. He is survived by two Sons, eight Grandchildren, and nine Great Grandchildren.

Mabel Frary, 111

Mabel Frary

May 28, 2015; Mabel Frary was born in Caistor, England, United Kingdom on September 16, 1892 and passed away in Grimsby, England, United Kingdom on March 13, 2004 at the age of 111 years, 179 days.

Sumi Fujiki, 111

Aged 109:
Sumi Fujiki, 109

October 23, 2016; Sumi Fujiki was born in Japan on September 10, 1892 and died in Hyogo, Japan on August 27, 2004 at the age of 111 years, 352 days.

Lilla De Geronimi Zinara, 111

August 6, 2003; Mr. Giovanni Alunni, our correspondent from Italy, has sent us this photo by way of Ms. Deiva Marina of….
Sra. Lilla De Geronimi Zinara
Sra. Lilla De Geronimi Zinara 110 years old, who was born in Deiva Marina (Province of La Spezia) on December 2, 1892. She now lives in Deiva Marina with her daughter.

We have now learned that Sra. De Geronimi Zinara died on August 14, 2004, at age 111 years, 256 days.

August 14, 2004; La Spezia, ITALY ( AGI On-Line) — “‘Liguria’s Grandmother’ Passed Away, Aged Almost 112” Lila De Geronimi, Liguaria’s oldest person, passed away this morning at Devia Marina (La Spezia). Actually, she was still bright, telling her relatives and friends she was born on December 2, 1892, and that she lived with her 84 year-old daughter. Her husband died in World War II, and her Partisan son died in Pinerolo, at age 19. Even regional Governor Sandro Biasotti paid homage to her on her last birthday.
Click for more details.

Mabel Gilson, 110

Mabel Gilson
This photo was sourced from the Nashua Telegraph.

December 13, 2015; Mabel Gilson was born in New Hampshire, United States on June 28, 1892 and died in the same state on November 18, 2002 at the age of 110 years, 143 days.

Dolores Gou Andreu, 110

As a young woman:
Dolores Gou Andreu, as a young woman

On her 110th birthday:
Dolores Gou Andreu, 110

Dolores Gou Andreu, 110

January 2, 2017; Dolores Gou Andreu was born in Catalonia, Spain on March 27, 1892 and died in the same autonomy on November 20, 2002 at the age of 110 years, 238 days.

Sara van Grondelle-Blom, 110

Sara van Grondelle-Blom

May 28, 2015; Sara van Grondelle-Blom was born in Utrecht, the Netherlands on December 6, 1892 and passed away in the same place on May 4, 2003 at the age of 110 years, 149 days. She remains the oldest person ever born in Utrecht.

Olav Hovatn, 110

March 6, 2003; Mr. Arne Mialand of Lillesand, Norway sent us this photo of
Mr. Olav Hovatn at age 110
Mr. Olav [Terjesen] Hovatn, born October 23, 1892, taken on the occasion of his 110th birthday. He lives at a nursing home near Arendal, Norway. Olav reportedly goes to bed around 9:00 PM. He is reported to be astonished that his cousin Nils Neslaud, age 102, still lives on his own farm. Last December, Olav sent a Christmas card to Mr. Engberg in Sweden (see photos of Anders Engberg above). I don’t know if they can read each other’s languages, however, so some translation from Norwegian to Swedish may have been needed!
[ Editor’s Note: Mr. N. B. Macdonald informs us that translation between Norwegian and Swedish is not really necessary; since with a little exposure to the ‘other’ language, they are mutually understandable. “When these two men were born, the two countries still shared one King (Swedish). Norway will celebrate its independence (100th-year Anniversary) in a couple of years.”]
Olav is reported to have an exceptionally good memory and told everyone how he felt on New Year’s Day January 1, 1900 and vividly remembers the Boer War (c. 1902). He was a farmer in his earlier life, but cannot advise us what he did in particular that caused him to live past 110.

April 28, 2003; Mr. Dag Hoesleth has just informed us that Mr. Hovatn died on April 26, 2003 at 110 years 185 days.

Marcella Humphrey, 112

Marcella Humphrey

May 28, 2015; Marcella Humphrey was born in Wisconsin, United States on October 25, 1892 and passed away in Michigan, United States on November 21, 2004 at the age of 112 years, 27 days.

Frankie Jones, 111

Frankie Jones

April 27, 2016; Frankie Jones was born in Colorado, United States on November 16, 1892 and died in the same state on January 31, 2004 at the age of 111 years, 76 days.

Ann Lindholm, 110

Ann Lindholm

May 28, 2015; Ann Lindholm was born in Minnesota, United States on January 30, 1892 and passed away in the same state on April 19, 2002 at the age of 110 years, 79 days.

Camille Loiseau, 114

June 29, 2005; In the interest of maintaining a good balance among nations, we note that France is currently 3rd worldwide (behind the US and Japan) in the number of Supercentenarians, having more than 75 validated cases or Supercentenaires, as they are known in French. Therefore, Mr. Robert Young has just sent us this photo of
Madam Camille Loiseau, 113
Camille Loiseau, France’s oldest person since at least March 27, 2005 (after the passing of Anne Primout, 114). Madam Loiseau was born February 13, 1892 and is 113 years old, living in Paris.

Camille Loiseau, France’s oldest person and 5th-oldest in the world, passed away August 12, 2006 at age 114 years, 180 days.

Salvina Martinelli, 111

July 3, 2003; Mr. Giovanni Alunni, the newest member of our Committee covering ITALY, has just sent us this photo of
Sra. Salvina Martinelli, age 110
Sra. Salvina (Zaira) Martinelli on the occasion of her 110th birthday. She was born on August 2, 1892 in Bagnolo di Po (Rovigo) and now lives in Figarolo, ITALY. She married her husband Giuseppe Avanzi in 1920; he died in 1978. She had seven children, two of whom are still living. On her 110th birthday, she received a letter of congratulations from the President of the Italian Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi.

September 18, 2003; We are sad to report that Mrs. Salvina Martinelli died today at the age of 111 years, 47 days.

Giulia Mordini, 110

Giulia Mordini

Giulia Mordini
These photos were sourced from Ancestry.

December 28, 2018; Giulia Mordini was born in Emilia-Romagna, Italy on August 17, 1892 and died in Illinois, United States on November 5, 2002 at the age of 110 years, 80 days.

Maria Muraro, 112

August 11, 2003; Mr. Giovanni Alunni, our correspondent in Italy, has just sent us these three photos of
Mrs. Narua Nyraro Mrs. Maria Muraro Mrs. Maria Muraro
Mrs. Maria Muraro born in Italy on March 29, 1892 and now age 111 years, died January 2, 2005 at age 112.

Lloyd Myers, 110

Lloyd Myers

May 28, 2015; Lloyd Myers was born in Indiana, United States on March 20, 1892 and passed away in the same state on February 1, 2003 at the age of 110 years, 318 days.

Jessamine Nicholls, 110

March 26, 2002; Mr. Robert Young of Atlanta, Georgia sent us this photo of

Mrs. Jessamine (Jessie) (Thompson) Nicholls, born on January 25, 1892. She was the Oldest Person in the UK until she died on October 30, 2002 at age 110 years, 278 days. The photographer who took her picture was Mr. Richard Grange associated with
Ms. Tori Parr
Argus Pictures, Commercial & Syndication
Argus House
Brighton, BN1 8AR; UK
Telephone: 011-01273-544-614
FAX: 011-01273-544-594
To click through to the Argus Pictures website in Brighton, England, click on the photo above.

Mary Norris, 110

Mary Norris

May 28, 2015; Mary Norris was born in Nebraska, United States on February 29, 1892 and passed away in the same state on September 12, 2002 at the age of 110 years, 195 days.

Emma Prosser, 110

Emma Prosser
This photo was sourced from Democrat and Chronicle newspaper.

June 29, 2017; Emma Prosser was born in New York, United States on October 11, 1892 and died in the same state on April 1, 2003 at the age of 110 years, 172 days.

Linus Reinhart, 110

August 1, 2002; Following an E-mail from his relatives, Mr. Robert Young has just obtained a link to the website of
Reinhart Family

Linus Reinhart

Mr. Linus Andrew Reinhart born: July 28, 1892 in Kirby, Ohio, and has just turned 110 years old. Click on the 2nd photo for his website. In the family photo on the left, Linus, at age 18, is actually the third from the left.

Editor’s Note: We are sad to report that Mr. Reinhart died on June 14, 2003 at the age of 110 years, 321 days.

Clothilde Rey, 110

As a baby in 1893:
Clothilde Rey, 0

As a young woman in 1911:
Clothilde Rey, 18

As an older woman:
Clothilde Rey
The first three photos were sourced from

Clothilde Rey was born in Prussia (Rhine Province), Germany on November 21, 1892 and died in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany on July 9, 2003 at the age 110 years, 230 days.

Agnes Rich, 111

July 14, 2002; Mr. Robert Young has sent us this photo from the The Augusta Chronicle of
Mrs. Agnes Rich, age 110
Mrs. Agnes Mary (Brix) Rich U.S. (NE) was born January 20, 1892 and died on December 31, 2003 at age 111 years, 345 days.

Margaret Russell, 112

June 3, 2003; Stephen Coles took these photos of
Mrs. Madge Russell, age 110 Mrs. Madge Russell with
Mrs. Margaret (Madge) C. Russell, age 110. Madge was born on October 31, 1892 (Halloween) in Guthrey, Oklahoma. She has lived in the Los Angeles Area for over 55 years and at the Solheim Lutheran Home since 1989. Her documentation is sparse, however, so it will take us some time to validate her based on data from her only living relative, a Niece. Mrs. Norma Heaton, Executive Director of the Solheim Lutheran Home in the photo above was very helpful, since Madge is blind and nearly deaf, as well as bound to a wheel chair. Madge has a strong personality, nevertheless, and she did appreciate having me as a visitor. She made me spell my name three times, until she got it right.

May 29, 2005; We have just learned that Madge Russell passed away today at the age of 112 years, 210 days.

Susie Shaffer, 110

With her husband on their 50th wedding anniversary, aged 71:
Susie Shaffer, 71
This photo was sourced from

June 10, 2019; Susie Shaffer was born in Ohio, United States on April 29, 1892 and died in the same state on October 2, 2002 at the age of 110 years, 156 days.

Haru Shimazu, 112

Haru Shimazu

May 28, 2015; Haru Shimazu was born in Japan on July 7, 1892 and passed away in Kanagawa, Japan on December 14, 2004 at the age of 112 years, 160 days.

Julia Sinedia-Cazour, 113

An undated photo:

Julia Sinedia-Cazour

Aged 109:

Julia Sinedia-Cazour, 109

May 28, 2015; Julia Sinedia-Cazour was born in Reunion (an overseas department of France) on July 12, 1892 and passed away in the same department on October 6, 2005 at the age of 113 years, 86 days. At the time of her death, Sinedia-Cazour was the oldest verified African person ever and the second oldest living French person, after Camille Loiseau. Her African longevity record was broken by Maria Diaz in 2011 but she remains the oldest person ever born in Reunion.

Sinedia-Cazour married Pierre Sinediain 1915 and had two children. Marked by a strong religious conviction, Marie-Julia Sinédia was a very devout woman who regularly walked to mass until the age of 98. She was also a courageous political activist and militant for the Reunion Communist Party. Her professional career covered an array of jobs including periods working in the fields, as a maid for aristocratic landowners, as a dressmaker and as a seamstress at the Saint Louis Hospital. Marie-Julia Sinédia also was an activist and militant for the Communist Party of Reunion.

At the age of 112, Sinedia-Cazour still remained lucid, retained an excellent memory and kept abreast of the news. Her longevity might be partially attributed to a personal optimism: “This is someone who has given a lot of love in her life and who always positive,” said one of the nurses at her nursing home. “She has very strong family values. She is modest, devout, shows wisdom and solidarity with other residents of the nursing home.” Sinedia-Cazour outlived both her children.

Anna Stephan, 111

As a young woman:
Anna Stephan, as a young woman

In 1923, sitting on a chair whilst accompanied by her brother and oldest daughter:
Anna Stephan, 31

As an older woman:
Anna Stephan, as an older woman

Aged 111:
Mrs. Anna Stephan, age 111 Mrs. Anna Stephan
The first three photos were sourced from and the final two photos were provided by Robert Young.

March 17, 2017; Anna Stephan was born in Altenteich, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary (now Czech Republic) on March 25, 1892 and died in Bavaria, Germany on August 3, 2003 at the age of 111 years, 131 days.

She had 11 siblings when her father died in 1898. Her first marriage was in 1913, but her husband died while fighting in World War I. In order to earn money for herself and her two young daughters, she did the chores for wealthy families. In 1930, she married for the second time and gave birth to two more daughters. After World War II, the family had to flee the Sudetenland and found a new home in Neumarkt in the German state of Bavaria. For decades, she lived with her daughter Franziska, until she finally moved into the nursing home ‘Martin-Schalling-Haus’ at age 107. Anna Stephan became the oldest living person in Germany on November 19, 2002, when Magdalene Regener died at age 111.

Johanne Svensson, 111

Johanne Svensson

May 28, 2015; Johanne Svensson was born in Midtjylland, Denmark on January 24, 1892 and passed away in Skane County, Sweden on May 29, 2003 at the age of 111 years, 125 days. She remains the oldest woman ever born in Denmark and one of the top 5 oldest people ever to die in Sweden.

Mary Swan, 112

August 12, 2004; Mr. Robert Young of Atlanta, Georgia has sent us these photographs of Mary Ellen Swan.
MSwan, age 110 Mary Ellen Swan, age 112
Despite her being in “great shape” (she could walk, dance, and carry on a conversation at her 112th birthday party), she passed away suddenly at age 112 years, 47 days. She was born in the UK on June 24, 1892 and died in Ontario, CANADA. Canada’s oldest person at this time, Sister Anne Samson died on November 29, 2004 at age 113 years, 276 days.

Gladys Swetland, 113

May 8, 2003; Mr. Scott Frezza and Mr. Bart Versieck, by way of Mr. Mark W. Swetland, have just sent us these photos of
Mrs. Gladys Swetland, age 111 Mrs. Gladys Swetland Mrs. Gladys Swetland
Mrs. Gladys Swetland, age 111. She was born on April 18, 1892 in Potter County, Pennsylvania. The first photo was taken last Thanksgiving. Her documentation for inclusion in our Table E is nearly complete. She was accepted by the GRG more than a year ago. And she’s 112 now, going on 113.

December 16, 2005; We have just received word from Mr. Miner Swetland of Taylorsville, UT, that his Great Aunt Gladys of Coudersport, PA passed away on Wednesday, December 14, 2005 at the Charles Cole Memorial Hospital at age 113. He explains that “She was a tough old bird.” Her Obituary can be found at Click on Obituaries, then Swetland. If you get this too late, do the same thing and fill in the date. Then click “Enter.”

Emma Tillman, 114

Oldest Living American: Member of Hartford Church, Former Servant Of Late Actress

December 13, 2006 (Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church) — Emma Fanchon Faust Tillman, 114, a member of Metropolitan A.M.E. Zion Church in Hartford, this week officially became the oldest living American and the third oldest living person in the world, according to church officials. At the time of her inclusion earlier this year in The 2007 Guinness Book of World Records, she was the third oldest living American and the sixth oldest living person in the world. Tillman, born November 22, 1892, became the oldest living American following the death of Elizabeth Bolden of Tennessee on December 11th.

Currently residing in East Hartford, Tillman has been a member of the church for 91 years. Occasionally, she still attends worship services at Metropolitan. John B. Stewart of Hartford, the first African-American Fire Chief in New England, is her Grandnephew.

We regard her as the mother of the church, indeed the A.M.E. Zion Church. Having attained this milestone, Mrs. Faust is the oldest member of our denomination. We can all benefit from the lessons of her exemplary life, her longevity, and her contributions to Connecticut and our community life,” said The Rev. Terry L. Jones, Sr., Senior Pastor of Metropolitan.

Tillman joined the church in 1915. She served as President of the Chancel Choir for 15 years and church Secretary for 13 years. Born to sharecroppers on a plantation in Sedalia, NC, she moved to Connecticut with her family in 1900. In her earlier years, she worked as a servant for the late actress Ms. Katharine Hepburn.

Tillman is featured in the church’s 2005-2006 Pictorial Journal. She is described as a sharp witted, energetic woman who never minced words. When asked about the secret of her longevity, Tillman replied, “If you enjoy doing the things you do and do the things you enjoy, that’s a good life!

January 1, 2006; We have just received this photo of
Emma Tillman, 113
Mrs. Emma Tillman born November 22, 1892 in North Carolina and currently, at age 113 years, lives in Hartford, CT.

Emma Tillman, 114
Mrs. Emma Faust Tillman rests as her daughter, Marjorie Tillman, helps prop her head back, at the Riverside Health and Rehabilitation Center in East Hartford, CT on Wednesday, January 24, 2007. Tillman, 114 years old, has now become the world’s oldest person after Emiliano Mercado del Toro, died last Wednesday at his home on the Northern Coast of Puerto Rico. He was 115. ( AP Photo by Jessica Hill).

January 28, 2007; We are sad to report that Mrs. Tillman passed away this evening around 10:00 PM…
Emma Tillman at ~20
Emma Faust Tillman celebrates her 114th birthday November 22, 2006 with her daughter, Marjorie. Click on the photo for her Obituary by the East Hartford Gazette . The second photo shows Emma in her early 20’s.


1. Jennifer Medina, “In Connecticut, Life of Distinction and World-Famous Length Comes to a Close at 114,” The New York Times, p. A20 (January 30, 2007).
2. AP, “Emma Faust Tillman, 114; World’s Oldest Known Person,” The Los Angeles Times, p. B11 (January 30, 2007).

Anne-Marie (Adam) Vandermensch, 110

Anne-Marie (Adam) Vandermensch

May 28, 2015; Anne-Marie (Adam) Vandermensch was born in Namur, Belgium on December 14, 1892 and passed away in Brussels, Belgium on October 8, 2003 at the age of 110 years, 298 days. At the time of her death, she was the oldest living person in Belgium. She remains the oldest person ever born in Namur.

Yoki Yonehara, 112

Aged 110:
Yoki Yonehara, 110
This photo was sourced from Japanese Oldest People forum.

January 7, 2018; Yoki Yonehara was born in Japan on March 2, 1892 and died in Shimane, Japan on January 4, 2005 at the age of 112 years, 308 days.

Lina Zimmer, 111

October 22, 2003; Mr. Thomas Breining the GRG Correspondent in Germany has just sent us this photo of
Mrs. Lina Zimmer
Mrs. Lina Zimmer, who was born on November 20, 1892 and is now 110 years old. She remembers seeing the German Kaiser, Wilhelm II, more than 85 years ago, and her mind appears to be quite sharp. She has been living in a Senior Citizen Home in Stuttgart for the past 14 years and is regularly visited by her 85-year-old daughter, Ruth. She married her husband Richard in 1915, and they had their diamond-wedding anniversary in 1975.

September 5, 2004; We have just learned that Lina Zimmer died peacefully in her sleep on Saturday, August 28, 2004 at age 111 years, 282 days. Her nursing home communicated with the DPA ( Deutsche Press Agentur). A rough translation from German to English is as follows: “Once she reached 100, Lina Zimmer always celebrated her birthdays gladly. Moreover, she enjoyed her 111th especially. Gentleman: “She convinced everyone that her only Daughter, who already was 87, still needed her.” And, during her last days, her daughter was there for her. Bavarian: “She often visited her. But her strength declined in the last two weeks. So, we were sure of the fact that her life would end soon.” Lina’s life, which crossed over three different centuries, extended as far as Saturday at 11:30 PM. At the end, she died peacefully in her sleep.”