In 1882

Photo Gallery for Supercentenarians born in the year 1882, as of March 26, 2019.

Olive Alleshouse, 112

Aged 104:
Olive Alleshouse, 104

February 13, 2016; Olive Alleshouse was born in Liberty Center, Iowa, United States on June 7, 1882 and died in Illinois, United States on May 13, 1995 at the age of 112 years, 340 days.

Born as Olive James, she married Martin Alleshouse in 1906 and had no children. After spending her working life as a teacher and librarian, she was widowed in 1936. In 1956, she retired to a nursing home in Peoria, Illinois.

Maggie Barnes, 115

With her husband:
Maggie Barnes, with her husband

Aged 115:
Maggie Barnes, 115
The first photo is coutesy of

February 13, 2016; Maggie Barnes was verified as born in North Carolina on March 6, 1882 and died in and died in Kenly, North Carolina, United States on January 19, 1998 at the verified age of 115 years, 319 days. Barnes claimed to be born in March 1880, and this was supported by her 1899 marriage record. However, the 1900 US Census listed her as born in March 1881 and her family Bible listed her as born March 6, 1882. As the family Bible entry was the earliest document available (written in 1882), we went with this. At the time of her death, Barnes was, conservatively, one of the ten oldest verified persons in history, at age 115 years, 319 days, although she might have been a year older. Nearly 20 years after her death, she remains the oldest person ever from North Carolina.

Born as Maggie Hinnant, she married William Barnes in 1899. Maggie gave birth to fifteen children, eight of which lived to adulthood. In addition, they had two foster children. They lived in Wilson County for five years before moving to Kenly in 1904. Her husband originally worked as a cook for the hotel that housed the men working for the first lumber mill in Kenly. He later went to work for Wilkinson Mill in Kenly and Maggie did domestic work. In middle age, they moved to the country and farmed on the Grady and Kirby farms, raising tobacco, cotton, and corn.

Barnes and her husband were very active members of the local Baptist Church. William served as a deacon and Sunday School Superintendent while Maggie was a Church Mother and a Sunday School Teacher. She taught at Sunday School for fifty-two years.

At her death, she was survived by two nonagenarian children and two septuagenarian children… just four of the 15 to which she gave birth.

Andree Fehr-de Boulay, 111

Picture of Andree Fehr-de Boulay:
Andree Fehr-de Boulay

July 29, 2014; Andree Fehr-de Boulay was born on February 7, 1882, in Nancy, a city in Meurthe-et-Moselle Department, France. After she married in France, she resided in Switzerland (municipality of Niederlenz in the canton of Aargau). She died on May 19, 1993 in the nearby municipality of Villmergen in the same canton of Aargau at the age of 111 years, 101 days.

Laura Carrier, 110

Laura Carrier
Photo sourced from Dubois Courier Express.

October 13, 2016; Laura Carrier was born in Pennsylvania, United States on January 14, 1882 and died in the same state on March 9, 1992 at the age of 110 years, 55 days.

Almeda Eshelman, 111

Aged 111:
Almeda Eshelman, 111

January 17, 2016; Almeda Eshelman was born in Ohio, United States on July 21, 1882 and died in Hartville, Ohio, United States on December 10, 1993 at the age of 111 years, 142 days.

Bessie Heller, 110

Bessie Heller

April 18, 2016; Bessie Heller was born in lllinois, United States on July 30, 1882 and died in the same state on October 30, 1992 at the age of 110 years, 92 days.

Mertie Hicks, 110

On her 100th birthday:
Mertie Hicks, 100
Photo sourced from Alabama Journal.

March 26, 2019; Mertie Hicks was born in Alabama, United States on October 13, 1882 and died in the same state on October 19, 1992 at the age of 110 years, 6 days.

Margaret Johnson, 111

Margaret Johnson

February 12, 2016; Margaret Johnson was born in Indiana, United States on January 10, 1882 and died in the same state on October 28, 1993 at the age of 111 years, 291 days.

Carrie Lazenby, 114

On a training bike at the age of 105:
Carrie Lazenby, 105
Photo sourced from Jet magazine.

March 5, 2017; Carrie Lazenby was born in Atlanta, Georgia, United States on February 9, 1882 and died in Riverdale, Illinois, United States on September 14, 1996 at the age of 114 years, 218 days. At the time of her death, she was the oldest person ever born in Georgia, although this record was broken by Gertrude Baines in 2008. She remains the oldest person ever to die in Illinois.

Born as Carrie Jenkins, she married Burrell Lazenby in 1900 and had one son. The family moved to Illinois around 1920. Her son died in 1924 and she was widowed in 1943.

Maryetta Metcalf, 110

Maryetta Metcalf

May 15, 2015; Maryetta Metcalf was born in Nebraska, United States on August 16, 1882 and died in California, United States on November 11, 1992 at the age of 110 years, 87 days.

Christian Mortensen, 115

The oldest living man in the world was believed to be Mr. Christian Mortensen of San Rafael, California, at age 115. Although he claimed to have been born in Denmark on August 16, 1882, to our knowledge, this assertion was never recognized by the Guinness authorities in London, pending verification of appropriate documents.

Mr. Christian Mortensen
Christian Mortensen
Christian Mortensen

Aged 113:
Christian Mortensen, 113

Christian Mortensen, 113

Aged 114:
Christian Mortensen, 114

See John R. Wilmoth’s website of the Center for the Economics and Demography of Aging at UC Berkeley (2232 Piedmont Avenue; Berkeley, CA 94720-2120; 510-642-9688; E-mail: for more details.сс Prof. Wilmoth writes that we should consult his paper “The Oldest Man Ever? A Case Study of Exceptional Longevity,” The Gerontologist, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 783-788 (1996). This paper discusses his verification of Mr. Mortensen’s age, and his reasons for believing that the cases of Messrs. Izumi and Jubert are probably mistaken.с He also mentions the case of Mr. Evans, which seems authentic, even if the verification process was less extensive than that for Mr. Mortensen.

Thomas Peter Thorvald Kristian Ferdinand Mortensen was born in Skarup, near Skanderborg, Denmark, on August 16, 1882, and died in San Rafael, California, United States on April 25, 1998 at the age of 115 years, 252 days. On January 20, 1994, he became the oldest verified living man in the world, upon the death of Josep Armengol Jover; and went on to become the first man to hold this title for more than 4 years since Mathew Beard in 1985. On March 27, 1997, he was to surpass Beard and become the oldest verified man ever. Mortensen held the male longevity world record for 15 years before it was broken by Japanese man Jiroemon Kimura on December 28, 2012. In addition to being the oldest person ever born in Denmark, Mortensen is the oldest person ever from the Nordic countries, the oldest male emigrant ever, the third oldest European person ever and the oldest man ever to die in North America.

In 1898, aged 16, Mortensen took his first job as a tailor’s apprentice in Skanderborg, and subsequently took work as a farm labourer. In 1903, aged 21, Mortensen emigrated to the United States. He travelled for some time before settling in Chicago where some of his relatives lived. Mortensen’s working life included time as a milkman, a restaurateur, and a factory worker. He married in 1913, but the marriage ended after less than 10 years with no children. In 1950, Mortensen retired near Galveston Bay, Texas. In 1978, at the age of 96, Mortensen rode his bicycle to the Aldersly Retirement Community in San Rafael, California, and told the staff that he was there to stay. He would remain at this retirement home until his death in 1998.

Mortensen preferred a vegetarian diet and boiled all his water. He also enjoyed an occasional Danish cigar and insisted that smoking in moderation was not unhealthy. In his final years, Mortensen was legally blind and could no longer walk on his own, but spent much of his time in his wheelchair listening to the radio. During his time as the World’s Oldest Man, Mortensen was mentally aware, his memory of events that had occurred 80 or 90 years earlier was described as “astounding”, and he could carry on an intelligent conversation almost until the end. On his 115th birthday, he summed up the secrets of his longevity as “friends, a good cigar, drinking lots of good water, no alcohol, staying positive and lots of singing.”

Professor John Wilmoth of the University of California got to know Mortensen in the last three years of his life and remembered “his love of cigars, his steady and practical approach to life, his strong singing voice even in his final years, his bitter memories of a wife whose name he had almost forgotten, and above all, his sense of humor. He knew he was the oldest man in the world, and he was proud of that fact.”

Matsu Nakazato, 111

Matsu Nakazato

April 7, 2018; Matsu Nakazato was born in Japan on February 3, 1882 and died in Okinawa, Japan on August 3, 1993 at the age of 111 years, 181 days.

Evelyn Norris, 110

Girl at the back:
Evelyn Norris, the girl at the back

In about 1900:
Evelyn Norris, 18

Undated photo:
Evelyn Norris

Aged 100:
Evelyn Norris, 100

Aged 106:
Evelyn Norris, 106

Aged 110:
Evelyn Norris, 110
The last three photos are courtesy of The Daily Journal newspaper.

January 26, 2016; Evelyn Norris was born in England, United Kingdom on October 8, 1882 and died in Johnson County, Indiana, United States on February 8, 1993 at the age of 110 years, 123 days.

Etta North, 110

Etta North

July 23, 2017; Etta North was born in Missouri, United States on September 25, 1882 and died in Ohio, United States on February 5, 1993 at the age of 110 years, 133 days.

Nora O’Barr, 110

Nora O'Barr

Aged 100:
Nora O'Barr, 100
These photos were sourced from her Find a Grave page and Baxter Bulletin.

Nora O’Barr was born in United States on October 25, 1882 and died in Missouri, United States on May 19, 1993 at the age of 110 years, 206 days.

Mary Rhodes, 115

Aged 110:
Mary Ann Rhodes, 110

Shortly before her 113th birthday:
Mary Ann Rhodes, 113

Aged 115:
Mary Ann Rhodes, 115
All photos courtesy of Whig-Standard newspaper.

March 9, 2012; Mrs. Mary Ann Rhodes was born in South Lake, just north of Gananoque, Ontario, Canada on August 12, 1882. She passed away on March 3, 1998 at age 115 years, 203 days. At the time of her death, she was the third oldest person in the world. She remains the second oldest person ever from Canada.

In 1900, at the age of 18, she took a course in home economics at the Agricultural College in Guelph. In 1912, she married a successful farmer, Victor Rhodes, of Seeleys Bay. Their only child, Murray, was born in 1916. Victor Rhodes passed away in 1954. Mary Rhodes was a life-long member of the United Church and was the church organist for many years. In 1968, she moved away from Seeleys Bay. She was interested the British poetry of Lord Byron, Robert Burns and William Wordsworth. Her son, Dr Murray Rhodes, remembered his mothers commitment to the Methodist Church, her involvement in the rural community of the time and her devotion to her family. But most of all, he remembers her remarkable health, noting she almost never fell ill.

In 1986, aged 104, Mrs. Rhodes took up residence at the Providence Manor nursing home in Kingston, Ontario. By the age of 105, she had been blind for many years. In 1991, aged 109, Rhodes was chosen to present some flowers to Diana, the Princess of Wales. By the time she reached 113, Rhodes was confined to a wheelchair, but still able to feed herself. At age 115, her hearing was a little worn, but she was still well aware of everything going on around her.

According to nursing home staff, Rhodes was “A joy to be around. She would talk about having to wash her clothes by hand and living without electricity. All the things that we now take for granted. It was a much different life back then, but she said she had to work very hard and I believe it. She has had a very busy and rewarding life.” Rhodes said that the secret of her longevity was good health and the fact that she took good care of herself throughout the years.

Mary Snow, 110

Aged 107:
Mary Snow, 107

July 30, 2017; Mary Snow was born in Kentucky, United States on March 9, 1882 and died on January 12, 1993 at the age of 110 years, 309 days.

Peter Solum, 111

Peter Solum, 100

Peter Solum was born in Minnesota, United States on May 3, 1882 and died in the same state on June 5, 1993 at the age of 111 years, 33 days. At the time of his death, Solum was the oldest man ever from Minnesota. His Minnesota longevity record was broken by Walter Breuning in 2007.

Ludovica Van Sprengel, 111

September 24, 2002; Mr. Bart Versieck of Belgium has just sent us this picture of
Maria Ludovica Van Sprengel
Maria Ludovica Van Sprengel (also known as Sister Alberta), who was born on January 30, 1882. She was the oldest living Belgian (Flemish) person ever until her death on April 22, 1993 at age 111 years, 82 days. Meanwhile, her Belgian record was broken by Mrs. Joanna “Woinke” Turcksin-Deroover, who was born on June 3, 1890 and died on December 6, 2002 at the age of 112 years, 186 days.”

Anna Williams, 111

Aged 110:
Anna Williams, 110
Photo sourced from The Southeast Missourian.

October 9, 2016; Anna Williams was born in Illinois, United States on November 20, 1882 and died in the same state on December 29, 1993 at the age of 111 years, 39 days.

Johanna Zandstra-Giezen, 111

Johanna Zandstra-Giezen standing in the back row, second woman on the right (staring directly at the camera). Lying in bed is her mother, Maria Heijer, who died at the age of 101:
Johanna Zandstra-Giezen, with her mother

On her 110th birthday:
Johanna Zandstra-Giezen, 110th birthday

The first picture was provided by Sytze Giezen and the second was sourced from the Historisch Archief Community:

May 11, 2015; Johanna Zandstra-Giezen was born in Leeuwarden, Netherlands on September 7, 1882 and died in The Hague, Netherlands on September 16, 1993 at the age of 111 years, 9 days. At the time of her death, she was the oldest verified person in the Netherlands.