In 1881

Photo Gallery for Supercentenarians born in the year 1881, as of August 18, 2019.

Martha Bailes, 110

Aged 100:
Martha Bailes, 100

Aged 109:
Martha Bailes, 109

Martha Bailes was born in South Carolina, United States on November 1, 1881 and died in Florida, United States on April 1, 1992 at the age of 110 years, 152 days.

Eva Bearce, 110

Aged 103:
Eva Bearce, 103

Aged 107:
Eva Bearce, 107

January 3, 2016; Eva Bearce was born in Maine, United States on March 14, 1881 and died in the same state on October 12, 1991 at the age of 110 years, 212 days.

Mabel Bennett, 110

Aged 108:
Mabel Bennett, 108

July 26, 2017; Mabel Bennett was born in Indiana, United States on September 6, 1881 and died in the same state on August 25, 1992 at the age of 110 years, 354 days.

Mary Bidwell, 114

Aged 1:
Mary Electa Bidwell, 1

Aged 24:
Mary Electa Bidwell, 24

Undated photos:
Mary Electa Bidwell

Mary Electa Bidwell

Aged 114:
Mary Electa Bidwell, 114
Photos courtesy of Hartford Courant.

May 15, 2015; Mary Electa Bidwell was born in Connecticut, United States on May 9, 1881. She was a descendant of John Bidwell, one of the founders of Hartford, Connecticut. Bidwell worked as a teacher in a one-room school house for 6 years before her marriage in 1906. Her classroom experiences included having to light the fire in the stove to warm the room for a class that ranged from first to eighth graders.

Bidwell lived independently in North Haven, Connecticut until the age of 110, when she moved into Arden House, a nursing home in Hamden, Connecticut. In her final years, Bidwell was quite deaf but had sparkling eyes. At the age of 114, her grandson, William Bidwell, said “She’s still very articulate and feels strongly about certain things, so she’s still sort of the teacher for us.” Mary Bidwell died on April 25, 1996 at the age of 114 years, 352 days. She was the last surviving person documented as born in 1881 and remains the oldest person ever from Connecticut.

Effie Burress, 110

With her husband, aged 83:
Effie Burress, 83

Aged 96:
Effie Burress, 96

Aged 100:
Effie Burress, 100

Aged 105:
Effie Burress, 105

Aged 108:
Effie Burress, 108
Photos courtesy of Asheville Citizen-Times.

January 21, 2016; Effie Burress was born in North Carolina, United States on April 12, 1881 and died in the same state on December 19, 1991 at the age of 110 years, 251 days.

Nellie Carlson, 110

On the left, sitting down:
Nellie Carlson

April 18, 2016; Nellie Carlson was born in Iowa, United States on November 12, 1881 and died in the same state on August 16, 1992 at the age of 110 years, 278 days.

Gertrude Croker, 113

Aged 109:
Gertrude Croker, 109

On her 110th birthday:
Gertrude Croker, 110
Photos courtesy of the The Burlington Free Press.

March 4, 2017; Gertrude Croker was born in Iowa, United States on July 12, 1881 and died in Vermont, United States on November 26, 1994 at the age of 113 years, 137 days.

Nelle Eby, 111

Nelle Eby

Nelle Eby
Photo sourced from a wikitree and her Find a Grave page.

May 16, 2019; Nelle Eby was born in Missouri, United States on May 17, 1881 and died in Kansas, United States on January 13, 1993 at the age of 111 years, 241 days.

Maddalena Figone-Firenze, 111

Maddalena Figone-Firenze

May 15, 2015; Maddalena Figone-Firenze was born in Varese Ligure, Liguria, Italy on March 1, 1881 and died in the same place on March 6, 1992 at the age of 111 years, 5 days. At the time of her death, she was the oldest living person in Italy.

Irene Frank, 114

Irene Frank

March 3, 2017; Irene Frank was born in Meridian, Texas, United States on October 1, 1881 and died in Decatur, Texas, United States on February 28, 1996 at the age of 114 years, 150 days. She spent the majority of her life in Texas, but did also live in Missouri for some years.

Carrie Harrison, 110

Aged 110:
Carrie Harrison, 110

January 17, 2016; Carrie Harrison was born in Maple Ridge, Michigan, United States on May 9, 1881 and died in Flathead, Montana, United States on December 23, 1991 at the age of 110 years, 228 days.

George Ives, 111

Aged 109:
George Ives, 109

Aged 110:
George Ives, 110

In England, aged 111:
George Ives, 111
The photo at age 109 was sourced from Canadian Press newspaper.

May 15, 2015; George Ives was born in Brighton, Sussex, England, United Kingdom on November 17, 1881 and died in British Columbia, Canada on April 12, 1993 at the age of 111 years, 146 days. A British army veteran, Ives went on to become last surviving veteran of the Boer War. At the time of his death, Ives was the oldest ever veteran of the British Armed Forces, although this record was broken by Henry Allingham in 2007.

After finishing school, Ives worked at his father’s workshop in Bristol until 1899. In December 1899, he heard that the British Army had been defeated at Colenso, Magersfontein, South Africa, and the patriotic young man was eager to enlist. Ives joined the Imperial Yeomanry and worked hard for the next three years to help ensure the successful outcome for his country in 1902.

In 1903, Ives emigrated to Canada with his father and purchased 160 acres of land for just ten dollars. In 1910, he married Kay Nelson, with whom he was to have six children. His wife disliked the hard life of the prairies, so in 1919 the family moved to White Rock, British Columbia. Ives bought and managed a farm there until his ‘retirement’ in 1941. His retirement was really just an excuse to change jobs, so Ives secured another job in a shipyard building wooden scows. In 1956, after 15 years in the shipyard, Ives actually retired. He lived in the same house from 1919 to 1984, and then moved into a retirement home aged 102.

At the age of 109, Ives was described as being in “remarkably good shape”, although he had recently been forced to cut down on his three walks a day. In November 1992, aged 111, Ives flew back to England to attend the Albert Hall service on Remembrance day 1992 where he met the Queen and her mother, Baroness Margaret Thatcher, and Prime Minister John Major. He is one of just three people confirmed to have flown in a plane as a supercentenarian in the 20th century, along with Charlotte Hughes and Jessica Swift. His father lived to the age of 102 and his mother to the age of 98.

Abbie Crawford Milton, 110

As a young woman:
Abbie Milton

Aged 42, with her husband and children:
Abbie Milton, 42

Aged 66:
Abbie Milton, 66

Aged 110:
Abbie Milton, 110

Abbie Milton was born in Georgia, United States on February 6, 1881 and died in Florida, United States on May 2, 1991 at the age of 110 years, 85 days.

Pia Paioncini-Conti, 110

Pia Paioncini-Conti

May 15, 2015; Pia Paioncini-Conti was born in Piobbico, Marche, Italy on June 14, 1881 and died in the same place on November 12, 1991 at the age of 110 years, 151 days.

Mary Penamon, 112

On her 107th birthday:
Mary Penamon, 107
Photo sourced from

April 3, 2019; Mary Penamon was born in Mississippi, United States on October 18, 1881 and died in Tennessee, United States on February 18, 1994 at the age of 112 years, 123 days.

Henry Pfeiffer, 111

Undated photo:
Henry Pfeiffer

Aged 100:
Henry Pfeiffer, 100

Henry Pfeiffer, 100

Aged 110:
Henry Pfeiffer, 110
Photos courtesy of The Posey Courier and Evansville Courier and Press.

October 25, 2017; Henry Pfeiffer was born in Indiana, United States on March 22, 1881 and died in the same state on May 23, 1992 at the age of 111 years, 62 days. He married Mateldia and had six children, two of whom predeceased him. Pfeiffer raised livestock and crops and run a sawmill. An uncle reached the age of 103.

Florence Potts, 110

Florence Potts
Photo sourced from The Times-Herald newspaper.

March 3, 2017; Florence Potts was born in Michigan, United States on November 8, 1881 and died on March 2, 1992 at the age of 110 years, 115 days.

Nina Rust, 111

With her husband:
Nina Rust, with her husband

With her children:
Nina Rust, with her children

Aged 90:
Nina Rust, 90
Nina Rust, 90

Aged 98:
Nina Rust, 98

Aged 99:
Nina Rust, 99

Nina Rust, 99

Aged 107:
Nina Rust, 107

Aged 109:
Nina Rust, 109

In her final years:
Nina Rust

May 15, 2015; Nina Rust was born in Haynesville, Holt, Nebraska, United States on June 18, 1881 and died in Roseburg, Douglas, Oregon, United States on January 6, 1993 at the age of 111 years, 202 days.

Born as Nina Billick, she married Samuel Rust in 1902 and had twelve children. Her husband died in 1943. Rust, who enjoyed a very active life into extreme old age, celebrated her 99th birthday with a ride on an elephant, had her first airplane ride at 100, had a book published at age 103 and celebrated her 107th birthday by riding a motorcycle.

Bessie Viar, 110

Bessie Viar
This photo was sourced from her Find a Grave page.

Bessie Viar was born in Virginia, United States on March 22, 1881 and died in the same state on February 16, 1992 at the age of 110 years, 331 days.

James Zackry, 111

On his 111th birthday:
James Zackry, 111

July 25, 2017; James Zackry was born in Mississippi, United States on August 15, 1881 and died in the same state on March 14, 1993 at the age of 111 years, 211 days.