Francoise Grisanti

  • Lifespan: Oct. 28, 1902 – Feb. 2, 2014
  • Age: 111 years, 97 days
  • Birthplace: Quercetto, Casabianca, Haute-Corse, Corsica, France
  • Last residence: Quercetto, Casabianca, Haute-Corse, Corsica, France
  • Validation date: June 22, 2015
  • Validation source: Dr. Luc Le Lay/Cyril Depoudent

Francoise Grisanti was born as Francoise Pietri in Quercetto, Casabianca, Haute-Corse, Corsica, France on October 28, 1902. Following the death of 111-year-old Marguerite Conrad on January 26, 2014, Grisanti became the last surviving person in France born in 1902. Francoise Grisanti died in Quercetto, Casabianca, Haute-Corse, Corsica, France on February 2, 2014, at the age of 111 years, 97 days. At the time of her death, she was the oldest (known) woman who ever lived in Corsica. Her age was later surpassed by Marie Ferracci. At the time of her death, she was the fourth-oldest living person in France, after Marie Liguinen, Olympe Amaury, and Eudoxie Baboul.
Francoise Grisanti’s age was verified by GRG-France Correspondents Dr. Luc Le Lay and Cyril Depoudent, and validated by the Gerontology Research Group as of June 22, 2015.

Francoise Grisanti as a young woman.