Celestina Penabad Garcia

  • Full name: Celestina Penabad
  • Lifespan: 02.08.1907 – 13.09.2018
  • Age: 111 years, 42 days
  • Birthplace: Muras, Lugo, Galicia, Spain
  • Last residence: Roupar, Lugo, Galicia, Spain
  • Application date: 08.01.2018
  • Validation date:  10.12.2022
  • Validation source: Miguel Quesada/Emilio Ibanez


Celestina Penabad Garcia was born on 2 August 1907 in Muras, Lugo, Galicia, Spain. She later married Antonio Pardo in Muras and had two daughters, Teresa and Olga Pardo Penabad. At some point in her life, she moved to Xermade, Lugo. She actively read the newspaper during her centenarian years.

On her 109th birthday, Celestina had a small celebration with a variety of foods and drinks. She did not talk very much, and her hearing was poor, but she was still mentally sharp. She still enjoyed going to the hairdressers and spending time with her great-grandchildren at the age of 110.

Celestina Penabad Garcia died in Roupar, Lugo, Galicia, Spain, at the age of 111 years, 42 days.


Celestina Penabad Garcia age was verified by Miguel Quesada together with Emilio Ibanez and validated by the GRG on December 10th 2022.

Celestina on her 110th bit