Angelica Tiscornia (1912-present) validation

The GRG announces today the age validation of Maria Angelica Ramona Tiscornia, known as Angelica Tiscornia. She was born August 22nd 1912 to Pedro Celestino Tiscornia and Aurora Julia Patriarca in Gualeguaychú, Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos, Argentina. She reportedly had six siblings, all of which she outlived. She also had a daughter, Marta, whom she also outlived. On January 5th 1938, aged 25, Angelica married Arnoldo Mario Beheran in the Catedral de San José, Gualeguaychú. She also outlived him, after which she did not remarry. Reportedly her only surviving relative is a nephew who is around 81 years old. Angelica currently lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, at age 111.

Her age was verified by myself and Dejan Vujic. This was accepted by the GRG as validated today – February 28th 2024.